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Lesser Ring  by Larner 6 Review(s)
grumpyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/4/2005
Great cont. of the story, So little Rustovrid has grow up to be an ambassador, and Aragorn is still singing the mouse and the frog song, I love the idea of him singing this song and weeding. Weeding is very good for the soul. looking forward to more

Author Reply: Glad you appreciate the singing of the frog and mouse song. It was inspired, of course, by the folksong of "The Frog He Would A-Wooing Ride", although I was unwilling to put one of our songs strictly into Middle Earth, so I changed it a bit. Am now finding myself trying to imagine the tune this song would be put to.

And he's already teaching children by example, both to do what is necessary and enlivening it by singing foolish songs to and with them.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/4/2005
Another unexpected reunion, at least for Rustovrid! He was obviously not aware Horubi'ninarin was the one which saved Sohrabi's life. But of course, they didn't talk about what truly happened and how the crocodile was able to catch Maruset. (By the way, I sometimes wonder how you are able to come up with so many exotic names! I would be at a loss if I should think of only one fitting name!)

This will be quite an unforgettable birthday for Sohrabi with so many noble guests! I loved it how Pippin at once agreed to accompany Aragorn and then so many others decided to go, too. It is always nice to have all of my favourites together, or at least most of them. Only a pity Merry and the other hobbits didn't go, too. But thinking about it, the Haradrim probably wouldn't have enough food to feed more than two hobbits ;-)

Author Reply: As for names--Sohrabi and Rustovrid's names originally came from an Iranian legend, the tale of Sohrab and Rustom; using their names in a more Egyptian setting might not be quite kosher, but then Rustovrid is from Far Harad and therefore of a more black-African culture, so his name is likely to be different anyway, while Sohrabi does have the name of Ra in his own name.

The Egyptians tended to have one or more names of gods worked into their names, so I have adapted this to an extent, creating honorific prefixes and "common" feminine and masculine name endings in some cases.

No, I doubt Rustov would have connected the King with the one he had met when he was a child; and as he was not told the name of the agent of Mordor who'd worn the lesser ring there was no means of connecting that to Maruset or the disappearance of Virubat to Horubi'ninarin, either.

You will find in today's chapter that the King was evidently worried about bringing just two Hobbits to the Farozi's court! (Grinning!)

aragorn_readerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/4/2005
A post-restoration trip to Harad!

*weeps with joy*


Author Reply: Well, it's the story of TWO visits to Harad, after all. Glad you are pleased.

utfrog98Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/3/2005
I was so hoping that Ruvemir, etc. would make an appearance and here they are. Loving the story.

Author Reply: Well, of course! So glad you appreciate the second trip involves far more than just Aragorn. Thanks for the feedback!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/3/2005
**Oh joy!!!** Pippin's going! Pippin's going too!!! *jumps up and down in excitement*

I could wish Merry along, but your scenario makes sense. Merry's sense of responsibility would make him wish to do both, but he knows that their families actually need him more than Pip does. But I'm so glad Isembard's going--it will be good for Pippin to have at least one other hobbit along, and Bard will have a fresh POV about everything!!!

Oh, I'm so *glad* hobbits are going! I know you hinted at it, but still--can you tell I'm happy at this development? *grins fool head off*

Author Reply: Yes, I can definitely tell this turn of events has you pleased. Now, if I can just write fast enough to keep even with my usual publishing schedule. Am catching up rapidly, I fear.

finafyrReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/3/2005
You know my dear Larner.. I have thought it before.. and I will say it even though I may have said it before.. your writing is the highlight of my century.. and I look foreword to each and every word that flows from your keyboard.. I love the way that you have written these characters.. they are sooooo much Tolkien with your distinctive flair.. I wish that I could get them all in book form.. you are one of the writers that I wish could just make a book. you are in my opinion.. (for whatever that is worth) worthy to be in print with these stories.. there is something wonderful about your characterizations.. please keep up the good work..and thank you .. from the bottom of my heart..

Author Reply: I am truly honored, Finafyr. That you wish these could indeed be published....

I've felt that about some, particularly some of Baylor's works, a few more by Lindelea and Ariel and Tom Fairbairn (also known as Chip of Dale), and most recently by Primsong and Pipkin. Do read "Nothing of Note" by Primsong, as I think you will find it exceptional.

To be numbered with these is a great honor. Thank you indeed!

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