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Lesser Ring  by Larner 7 Review(s)
Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/8/2005
Wonderful descriptions of the visitors from the Haradrim POV - especially the ones of Faramir and Eowyn. Sigh. What a gorgeous couple. Of course, Aragorn and Arwen aren't bad looking either. Sigh.

Author Reply: Oh, Faramir and Eowyn must have made a gorgeous couple even when dressed for supervising the dropping of a new foal! As for Aragorn and Arwen--that goes without saying! Heh!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/6/2005
Oh, sorry, I had meant, father of Melian and *Eldarion* *blushes* I'm getting old ...

KittyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/6/2005
He looked to both boys, who’d managed to maintain their neat appearance for quite some time now. I am impressed. It is always the same, isn't it, no matter in which country you are, it is nearly impossible for little boys to stay clean for any length of time *grins*

That was quite an intriguing parade! Now after Ankhrabi has seen Aragorn he may be able to believe he is father to Melian and Elboron. I must admit, it was one of the parts in the last chapter I was giggling a lot about!

And Sa'Amonri was another one who recognized Aragorn? Poor man, it must've been quite a shock, the more because he had no idea this would come. But I enjoyed Aragorns remark to Ruvemir - I must admit, all these little recognisions of Captain Thorongil in "The Kings Commission" were as much fun for me as they were for Ruvemir!

This visit will give the Haradrim something to think. Lords who carry their own baggage, a king who set aside the protocoll to tend to someone who is unwell ... and I think the conversation at the end of the chapter did tell Ankhrabi a lot about the visitors and about Aragorn's care for all these which are dear to him.

Author Reply: I had to giggle at your correction, for I'd gotten three names incorrect in this last chapter and caught them literally at the last moment--was so frustrated!

It's always interesting to think of those who might recognize someone from so long ago, and how they will react. And I think Ruvemir is enjoying it thoroughly, myself

And the upcoming rulers of Harad now will have the chance to learn how things are done elsewhere.

Glad you are enjoying it still.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/5/2005
What chapter so full of the differences between the races of Middle Earth. Also a chance for all to learn more about each other. I loved how the boys were a wee more concerned about prospective playmates from the Northlands than they were about King Elessar. Not that they weren't also curious about our favourite Ranger Healer King, but little boys w/the chance to play w/boys from another culture and learn new games...That would rank a bit higher in their interest of this visit. If I know little boys right that is. :oD

A lovely chapter and, as always, looking forward to the next one. :o)

Author Reply: Well, in this case as the boys from the North are all pretty much under the age of three, I don't think they'll hold a lot of interest for the nine-year-old Haradri twins. Here Owain, who is now about fifteen, and even Melian as well as Rustovrid's two younger daughters are more likely to be seen as interesting. I suspect that even though she's only about five Melian will probably be taller than five-year-olds of their culture, and is probably more mature in many ways partly from being Aragorn and Arwen's daughter, partly from being of Elven ancestry, and partly from just being a girl. It's likely the boys won't recognize just how much younger she is than they are. It's a bit harder, probably, for them to fully appreciate the Hobbits are adults, much as it was for Bergil when he first met Pippin.

But I am always glad to write about our favorite Ranger Healer King, you know.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/5/2005
Ah, Aragorn and his red satchel, must be a for-runner of the dotor's little black bag. Loved how Ankhrabi saw each of the his guests as they got off the ship.

Author Reply: I think the red of the satchel came from Ayla's medicine bag in the Clan of the Cave Bear series. The elaborate knot is actually a fixture from my own story I'm in the process of writing--just seems to have slipped sideways from Lui to Aragorn somehow.

These are all going to look pretty exotic from the point of view of Ankhrabi and his father's court, of course.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/5/2005
This is such a great chapter. I love the descriptions of each of them as they disembark, and the way they were introduced, as well as the reactions of those awaiting them on the dock.

The poor priest, to be so affected by suddenly realizing who the King of these foreigners happens to be. I got a chuckle out of Aragorn's little aside to Ruvemir, as if the little sculptor is keeping a collection, LOL!

I do hope Isumbard is not going to be too ill, but I know that if he is, he will recieve plenty of TLC from his cousin and from his King.

I found the melancholy little discussion at the end very touching. Yes, I could see Pippin grieving for Bilbo, and sad for Frodo's being left alone in Aman.

Author Reply: Yes, it would be something to grieve for, knowing Bilbo has gone on and Frodo is now alone among mortals in the Undying Lands.

We know from The King's Commission that Ruvemir has found entertainment in the recognition Aragorn has known from those who knew him before. Yes, I suspect he is collecting the stories somewhat, don't you?

As for Isumbard, you are right--he'll be well cared for.

aragorn_readerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/5/2005
Yay, I was *panting* for their arrival. It's summer here and in the midst of a blasted heat wave, so the Haradric setting seems v. appropriate. No doubt will be warming to antipodean readers as well.

And another one fainting at the appearance of the king to add to Ruvemir's count!!

Loved that comment in the last ch., wondering if the king could be the actual father of Melian and Eldarion at his advanced age.

Hee, great fun!

Author Reply: The idea that the Dunedain are of a different lineage and have different aging rules applied will be one for those in Harad to absorb, I think. Wait until they realize how old Arwen is!

Summer here, too, and although, we being where we are, the temperatures aren't getting much above 78, it is still hot enough for those of us accustomed to our temperate climate. Don't think I'd like it in Harad, as I have difficulty when I visit Los Vegas or Bakersfield--never mind anywhere humid.

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