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Lesser Ring  by Larner 10 Review(s)
RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/11/2005
I felt so bad for the man that didn't know how to live free. It would be difficult though for people who have never known any other life. Absolutely LOVED the image of the kitten crawling up Aragorn's arm and then sitting on his shoulder and him walking off with it. It's just a great visual picture. I knew that Aragorn was going to be in that guild as soon as Faralion took the words to the song! :) I was wondering what other guilds he is in - I assume the healing one, but what else?

Nice job!

Author Reply: He's in the Guild of Healers and the one for Herbalists and Gardeners--plus his position as Commander in Chief of the forces of Gondor and Arnor isn't just ceremonial--he truly knows what he and his armies are doing and leads them himself.

Glad you appreciate the image of him with the kitten on his shoulder--I, too, love it, and have had that happen a time or two with one of my own.

Thanks so much for the feedback. I appreciate it so much.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/9/2005
What a lovely chapter. The white kitten has chosen the king to be her person.
Ruvemir and Faralion have caught Ellesor out, and he is now a bard and singer. I love the idea of a singing king. So sad to see Ankhraabi and his family leave, but I think his father missed them.

Author Reply: Yes, sometimes cats choose their people indeed, and it's always interesting when they do. And now the Lord King Elessar is also the Lord Bard Elessar as well. Got caught at last--now to find out if they ever catch Awen as well! And the royal family of Harad is now back together again in their own land, their horizons much broadened.

I suspect the next time there is a state visit to Harad, Nefiramonrani will have pillows as well as head rests available, don't you? ;-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/6/2005
Good to see Benai and Nicoli home - and it shouldn't take them too long to polish off the slavers, not with all the backing they now have!

And I can see how Ma’amonset feels - although the behaviour of his master's daughter's husband must surely have shaken his trust in the integrity of some nobles - but he is comfortable in his own box and serving Ankhrabi will actually be better for him than having to strike out on his own. And Ankhrabi has become less comfortable with slavery. He'd have a pretty massive job to try to get rid of it, though - and probably a revolution on his hands, so I imagine he'll end up tinkering with the institution rather than abolishing it.

They trapped Aragorn! He's now an official Bard. He'll have to sing at his own feasts! (Now, are they going to be wily enough to catch Arwen?)

An’Sohrabi must be glad to have his son and grandson back whole and healthy.

Author Reply: Yes, official bard indeed! He already sings at his own feasts, but now it will be a duty rather than just a joy!

And one who was happy as a slave to an honorable family now must learn the same happiness as a paid servant to another who is honorable. I doubt Ankhrabi will continue to keep slaves himself, and that he will insist that from now on slaves must have been born into that institution to be sold within the realm; but trying to destroy it completely will indeed most likely start a revolution so I doubt he'll do a lot beyond that rather than to set a new standard by being served only by paid servants he comes to know and honor as he has seen Aragorn and Arwen doing.

And with a number of those from the North who are accustomed to fighting border wars and developing broad strategies to deal with intruders to aid them, the Southern Dunedain now have the chance to set themselves free from worry about the G'bani and similar predatory tribes. Plus they now have others who can teach them more about how the other Dunedain have developed and a realm with a great and honorable Lord into which to integrate themselves--they are no longer alone.

So glad you are enjoying this!

KittxReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/6/2005
Oh, the plea of the former slave was so touching - to live as a slave again, if only he has a worthy master! The poor man seemed so at a loss how to live in freedom! I am glad Ankhrabi agreed to take him in as paid servant! He has obviously changed his opinion about slavery very much. Am I wrong if I suspect he will set free his own slaves at home?

Benai proved quite sensible in his plans for himself and Nera. Rustovrid and Ghansaret will doubtless be pleased to know he wants to settle the problem G'bani first before marrying Nera, so their daughter isn't in danger.

Aragorn and the little white kitten - that was sweet! And I was amused about his explanation about the Master of Protocol. After Denethor most of the servants (and nobles) must be a bit surprised how different Aragorn is! And I can't imagine Denethor giving gifts to Ankhrabi's servants. That was nice.

I *knew* it they'd use this song to bring Aragorn in the guild! They have poor Aragorn tricked very well, I have to admit!

The farewell was a bit sad, but I trust you we will see them all from time to time again. And of course, Ankhrabi and his people as well as Benai and Nicoli will be happy to be back at home, even if they enjoyed their time in Gondor. Now I am curious to know how they get rid of the G'bani slavers!

Author Reply: Learning to appreciate freedom for one who has had a comfortable and possibly even pleasant slavery must feel impossible. I was inspired for this by Judah's steward in Ben Hur, who obviously felt every freedom and knew the love and respect of his master, a great deal of autonomy, and exercised his responsibilities well. How would such a one accept the offer of freedom from slavery?

Yes, I suspect Ankhrabi will free his own slaves even if it means completely changing the entire serving staff in the place, although I suspect the one condemned to eternal slavery will find himself the only slave left in the palace. Ankhrabi will probably also begin changing laws regarding slavery, probably first insisting that only those born to the institution might remain slaves, and perhaps putting into effects laws insisting on humane treatment of those who are enslaved.

Yes, Rustovrid and Ghansaret now have proof that their daughter's betrothed has her best interests and safety at heart, and more reason to welcome him as son-in-law.

Aragorn wasn't born in a society where there are servants--he's more likely to see them as equals who deserve the respect they earn for doing their jobs, and wishes to honor them even when they aren't his own servants. Yes, he's quite a different sort, and far more democratic in nature, than Denethor. I suspect that Faramir rejoices in each reform Aragorn puts into place, and in time the entire realm will feel the same.

And had to put kitten and hound in there, you know!

Don't know about following the folk of Camaloa, but may do so in the future; right now I have a heavily bandaged nuzgul and a plot bunny demanding a drink of wine engaging my attention.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/6/2005
Sigh...And this enchanting story comes to an end. Sorry I didn't review the other chapter, but as I'd spent the better part of the day yesterday at the ER, I just wasn't up to it last night. I loved how you've tied up all the loose ends and that Ankharbi told the slave who wanted to come back to Harad that he couldn't bring him back as a slave. Not after what he had seen in The White City. Good for him!!

I certainly hope this isn't the last we see of Benai. I mean, we are going to hear more from Camaloa, aren't we? *hint..hint...hint* ;o)

I will be reading this story over again at some point. Loved it Larner and looking forward to your next story.

Author Reply: Ooh, I hate having to spend time in the ER--and I do my share, usually with family members, friends, and clients, although it has been me a very few times, too. Sorry to hear about that.

There is one more chapter, and then the author's notes, so don't think it's all quite over yet. Hope you appreciate it, of course.

The next story I'm working on moves back several years, so no Benai or Camaloa right now, I fear. But I agree that Ankhrabi is probably going home to free a good number of slaves, even if he has to hire all new staff. He's now beginning to appreciate the horrors of slavery, and how it has destroyed not only families but entire villages at a time.

And do let me know how things go, okay?

lindahoylandReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/5/2005
Aragorn must be so sad to see his new friends go home,though they are needed in their own lands.

I loved the scene with the kitten.Never am i without some mark of kneading and climbing as I endure it like Aragorn does,and had to smile at the thought of the King as slave to a cat as much as I am !

I wished I could have heard the song.Aragorn is so gifted !

Author Reply: Yes, when the guests go home and the Princes of the realm must see to their lands and peoples and the friends are off doing what they have to do, to whom does the King turn for simple companionship or intellectual stimulation?

Having raised my share of kittens and puppies, I know about having the marks of babies all over me; and I think Aragorn would have loved having a cat claim him.

And I am certain that between them Faralion and Aragorn put on quite a performance!

Thanks so much for the feedback!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/5/2005
Such a lovely farewell for the Haradrim. And are we going to see the campaign against the G'bani?

I loved Farolian tricking Aragorn into the Guild of Bards; that was just lovely!

I'm sorry to see this winding down; I always look forward so eagerly to the updates.

Author Reply: No, I suspect we will have to imagine our own campaigns against the G'bani, and I suspect about everyone was happy to get home, in spite of thoroughly enjoying and appreciating what they experienced.

And I think Faralion is as sneaky in his way as is Ruvemir about getting folk properly inducted into his guild when he feels it is appropriate.

As for updates, I need to get working on the next nuzgul, which is covered in bandaids at the moment, looking pitiful. And I have a plot bunny in the pantry, trying to shove my one lonely bottle of wine off the shelf!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/5/2005
Can I pass my sympathies to Baggins Babe via your reviews Larner?
I am glad that they are getting home safely. And Ruvemir strikes again. It sounds like Ruvemir 1 Aragorn 0 this round! It is all the homely details that link into each other that continue to bring Middle Earth to life for us. I whole-heartedly agree with your other reviewers.

Author Reply: Have passed on your sympathy along with my own.

In this case, I think it was Faralion who struck, although he might have had some advice from Ruvemir we aren't certain off. But certainly Ruvemir is happy to see the King get the full recognition he deserves for his skills other than leading, fighting, healing, and knowing healing herbs. And it is the homely details that make these people real to us, that add to our appreciation and love for them.

And I, too, like to see the guests having a happy homecoming, and seeing the hope for the true Southern Dunedain begin to manifest itself.

And thanks to all for the appreciation. It means a lot to me!

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/5/2005
This has been a wonderful story and I'm sorry it is coming to an end. Apologies that I haven't reveiewed for a couple of chapters - RL got in the way. I sadly lost one of my cats (the model for Rufus) and that was the second in a fortnight.

I loved Aragorn's bonding with his kitten and the lovely description of the kittens eating. I've reared many litters and know the mess which results from their paddling in their food!

The story of the painting in the previous chapter was very sweet, and how strange and wonderful to imagine Frodo and Sam as they might have been if born to the race of Men.

I loved Benai's arrival and the fact that he too is the hope of his people.
Great and powerful writing as usual.

Author Reply: I am forwarding Harrowcat's sympathies and my own. My late husband's guide dog just died a week and a half ago, and after losing Rosie at the end of one of my previous stories it hurt a good deal. Laddie, however, was elderly and had been developing congestive heart failure, and is now across the Rainbow Bridge with his master.

I've reared litters of kittens and puppies both, and know the mess both seem to cause, particularly when they're first starting to eat from a dish and are certain if they get their paws in it somehow that makes it easier. But thought Aragorn would find his own kitten in the litter and the two of them would bond, particularly as Kitling has no intention of tying herself to any one person.

I've found myself wondering what my imaginary twin would have been like if she'd been real instead of imaginary; in the case of someone who learns he was intended to have a fraternal twin but lost it before birth, it must be even worse; and particularly if, as an adult, he still dreams of that twin as an adult as well. And Ruvemir must have had fun trying to bring Gil-galadrion and Anorahil to life without making them just elongated Hobbits.

And, yes, now Benai embodies the hope of his own folk, and has managed to bring appropriate aid to assisting them to realize their place in the Gondorian-Arnorian empire as well as ridding their people of pernicious enemies intent on exploiting them as a cash crop.

Thanks so much for the feedback, and am praying for you and your family with your loss. Our pets are as much part of our families as our spouses, parents, and children, I find.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 50 on 10/5/2005
A charming chapter - the bit with Aragorn bonding with the little white kitten was adorable. I'd have pegged Aragorn for slightly more of a dog person, but Minas Tirith isn't really a dog-friendly city, and probably one hound is probably difficult enough to maintain well in that environment.

The bit with the freed slave, who'd been a slave for his entire life, not feeling able to cope with his new freedom, rang sadly true.

I liked the chapter's end, with Benai and the others sailing into his home harbor and bringing hope...

Author Reply: Yes, I rather love the idea of Aragorn loving his white cats, ever since that detail suddenly appeared of young Estel being seen by Bilbo singing quietly in the gardens of Imladris with a white cat in his arms. Where that came from I had no idea--just suddenly that detail was there, and I had to explore it.

My cats are predominantly Siamese, myself.

As for the slave--when that is the only life he has known, and it was less slavery in his former home than family--he must feel totally lost to know his mistress's husband sees him only as chattel and nothing more.

And the idea of the Fisherman's Hope leading the hope for the Africanized Dunedain back home to start their battle against the slavers of G'bani seemed to be just right.

Thanks so much for the review!

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