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Interrupted Journeys: Part 4 Journeys of Discovery  by elliska 7 Review(s)
ArgleenaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 5/19/2016
Thank you for taking the time to write these stories. I know it is years later that I am reading them, but I can see that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into writing these stories. They are interesting and engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed them!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/25/2007
Galithil is a hoot! Poor kid, so full of energy that he cannot remain a moment without getting into trouble! And I love kingly, commanding THrnaduil, and how he puts his commander in place! Aradunnonīs distrust of TUlus is only undesrtandable, but I think that THranudil is right there...I fear I see disaster looming.

And I loved the way LEgolas tries to get out of the tangled mze in wich he is presently, and how Hallion helps him find the right way of telling witout betraying.... YOu have such a way with showing kidīs conflicts and views!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 5/1/2007
The person who causes me most distress is Tulus! For one thing, he never really deserved to be cast into the outer darkness the way he was, and having left him to stew, he's now tangled up in a particularly nasty mess of spider webbing. Just as Thranduil begins to see his strengths, his tricksy son is there to make sure that his old dad goes down with him. Because Glilavon is an idiot. And an obvious idiot at that. I'm only surprised that his friend and supporter - Galathil's big brother - doesn't see it. Hopefully he will before the bog gets too deep.

Double D seem to have picked up on a nasty little point from Thranduil's show of fatherly concern. I wish I could hope he had inserted that as a trap, but suspect it was inadvertent. That's the trouble with talking to people - they learn far more than they should!

Legolas is wise beyond his years to speak to Hallion. And he may well have said enough for the elf to figure out the rest, even if he chooses to remain silent. Which he probably will - he's too young to be really sure of the difference between speaking out and telling tales. Although he was close to seeing that sometimes it's worse to remain silent and let matters fester.

Author Reply: I am so sorry to be so behind in answering reviews!

Tulus is definitely a tragic figure in this story--you are right on all counts about him in what you said. And the trap closed around him in this chapter, though we will be a while in seeing exactly how.

Dolgailon sees Glilavan's weaknesses and even suspects him of being not entirely honest. But he still wants to deny it to himself. He will regret that.

And you are right that D&D have learned something not so good. Unfortunately, you are right again that it was inadvertent.

And Legolas has done a very good thing with Hallion, but not all the results of it will be immediately comfortable for him. Difficult decisions, as Hallion said, poor thing. Legolas is learning things that will make him strong enough to do more difficult things when it counts. That is poor comfort now though.

Thank you so much for your reviews, Bodkin!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2007
Like tapioca pudding, the plot thickens. . .

Legolas is one smart cookie. Not many small children would think of going to look up records of court proceedings in an archive to answer their questions. Not many small children would think that the archive could be of any use whatsoever. Give the kid a cookie!

But I loved the scene where Legolas confided in Hallion. That was so wonderfully kid-like.

Author Reply: Mmmm pudding!

Seriously, sorry for being so behind in answering reviews.

Legolas deserves a cookie, doesn't he? Poor thing. It's tough to know someone you love is getting into trouble but not know how to help them without 'telling' which is just such a mortal sin to kids. Hallion is a good safe person to talk to. I'm glad you liked that scene. I had fun writing it because I like Hallion a lot. He will have more opportunities to help Legolas as he gets older. :-)

Thanks so much for the review, FP!

FrejaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2007
I really should be writing on my thesis, but I have decided that a break is in order to write a review saying, again, how much I enjoy this story. I have signed up as a member of SoA so that I might get story-alerts, when updates arrive. What a great thing! And you are going to update on Dawn of a New Age! I will talk another (hopefully well-deserved)break later to read that story again in anticipation of a new chapter..

How fortunate for Legolas to have someone as Hallion in the family, who isn't the father of any of his cousins, and so is a little "safer" to talk to about such things as rule-breaking! And I agree with Daw the Minstrel that the whole extended family is very well thought out. (Can you say that? If not, then I probably just translated it directly from Danish, :-))It's good to have fun-loving uncles, confidants who aren't your parents and great friends among your cousins.

In spite of all this, I really think you are a mean author! Leaving us to guess what exactly Thranduil decided about Tulus.. Mean, I say!! I'm so curious now to see what will happen.


Author Reply: I am so sorry to be so long in replying to this. I would have sworn I had already replied to reviews and I only just now realized that I had not.

You are right. Legolas is lucky to have Hallion and that will be proven repeatedly as he gets older. Hallion is a good, safe family member, since he is none of the other children's fathers. I very much enjoy the extended family dynamics.

In spite of all this, I really think you are a mean author! Leaving us to guess what exactly Thranduil decided about Tulus.. Mean, I say!!

Hehehe! :-) Thranduil's decision is very central to Legolas's childhood, but you will not find out what is was or why it is so important for a good while, though you will be seeing the results of that decision as we go along. Poor Tulus.

I sympathize with you regarding taking breaks from writing your thesis. That is difficult work! Work has kept me from updating as regularly as I liked, but I will have that promised chapter of Dawn up in a few hours.

Thank you so much for the reviews! I very much appreciate them!

Elven Warrior PrincessReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/23/2007
And so the plot thickens! This is just getting more and more interesting by each chapter. I wonder what Dolwon and Dannenion are up to, I hope I get to find out soon. I'm actually hoping that Galithil and Glilavan get caught out and be punished for what they are doing. This has been a great chapter and I'm looking forward to more :D and see some Thranduil action.

Author Reply: Good to hear from you! I thought I had answered these reviews and just realized I didn't when I logged on. Sorry! I'm glad you are continuing to enjoy. You certainly will find out what Dolwon and Dannenion are up to. And Galithil must certainly be caught! ;-) And Thranduil action? Definitely. We loves Thranduil, we do, precious. ;-) Thanks so much for the review!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/22/2007
You do these nice domestic scenes very well, Elliska. And I like the way you've created this extended family. It must have been the norm in most places, though I for one tend to forget that when I write. It's just such a foreign world. As, by the way, is the way Aradunnon has to think of his brother as his king. He's had years to practice, but I assume it's hard to do.

Loved the detail of how Thranduil's decisions are all recorded and kept in the library. Man, that would be a boring job most of the time. Looks like the elflings are going to get some library research practice. Go them, even if it will be fruitless. Clever Thranduil to anticipate that.

Legolas is struggling with a difficult decision, and I really liked the way Hallion told him it wouldn't be the last one.

The ending sure sounds like trouble brewing.

I was really glad to see this tonight, Elliska. It's a good read.

Author Reply: Oh wow, I thought I had already anwered these and I just realized I didn't! So sorry!

Yeah, poor Aradunnon. He knows exactly how he is supposed to behave. He's just got the same hot temper that Thranduil can sometimes have, so he forgets sometimes. The dynamics in a family like this really fascinate me. :-)

This is a toughy for Legolas, but Hallion is right and it won't be the last one, will it. I'm glad you commented on that.

And I am also amused that you commented on how boring the record keeping job would be. Too right. A nice job for misbehaving adolescent elflings, I think. I doubt Legolas and Galithil will completely agree with me though, as you will eventually see. ;-)

Thanks so much for the review, daw!

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