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Interrupted Journeys: Part 4 Journeys of Discovery  by elliska 4 Review(s)
perellethReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/25/2007
I really loved the confrontation between the two brothers. All along I was expecting that one of them would allow temper to lead him too far but htey both kept themselves in check pretty well,d espite the mounting tension. Araduronn's arguments and brave defence of his home are udenrstandable, but Thrnaduil behaved as a true ruler, rather than an elder brother irked by the younger one. I really loved how that scene came out.

As for the rest, boy oh boy, I fear Galithil is going to have trouble taking seat for the next months...unless he is caught in one of his brother's traps. All along this story I ahve had the feeling that tragedy is lurking???? Looking forward for more. As long as it takes.

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/22/2007
A cliffhanger! I cannot wait to

Author Reply: :-) I hope you are surprised by and enjoy how it turns out. Thank you so much for continuing to read and for reviewing!

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/21/2007
Ut oh! I smell trouble. I'm glad that Galithil wasn't caught eavesdropping, but I suspect that will be little consolation in the end. Of course, there is always the possibility that when he's finally found, Aradunnon will be too relieved to be angry-or maybe nana will go to bat for her baby. Oh Legolas. He's so busy trying to watch what everyone else is doing that he doesn't watch what HE is doing. I suspect Thranduil won't be all that understanding at his excuse either. I loved Galithil telling Maidhien not to call the king by name. It just isn't done! See? He is proper underneath all that rough exterior.

This was another exciting chapter, Elliska. I'm looking forward to the next!

Author Reply: You are right that trouble is definitely coming. And you're right about Legolas--so busy watching that Galithil doesn't get into a fight that he'll get in trouble himself, as you will see. And you are also so right that Galithil is a 'proper' child underneath--he'll just be proper on his own terms like his father and grandfather. :-)

Thank you so much for the review!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/20/2007
The argument between Thranduil and his brother was very nicely done. I could see the king's power but also Aradrunnon's complete belief he was doing the right thing.

I'd forgotten all about the traps for the novices. I assume things are about to get much tenser.

Author Reply: Poor Aradunnon and Thranduil both. They are both right and there is no good solution, which makes it really hard. But the argument was fascinating to Galithil. And, yes, the next chapter starts out tense (I hope). :-) And leads to something Legolas will not soon forget.

Thank you so much for the review, daw!

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