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Paradox of the Fourth Age  by Alassante 3 Review(s)
DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/5/2007
It's been a looooooooong time since I reviewed, being busy with life and wanting to devote the proper time to this story and not just read snatches here and there while at work. So I finally decided to PRINT IT OUT (from the begining!) to read at work. It's even got its own folder and everything. :) I want you to know Alassante, that this is a magnificent piece of work, epic on every scale. I love how you write about life in Aman, and the struggles Laureanna goes thru to prepare for this amazing journey.

I am a bit curious though as to why she wouldn't contact Gandalf instead of Legolas? What are your thoughts in putting her with an elf instead of a Maia who would probably be more prone to believe her and with less "proof", as it were. I like that it's Legolas, don't get me wrong, I was just pondering. :)

I also have a question about Elrohir's vision of Laureanna on the balcony: It's her past but his future... how can he remember it...?? Time and Paradoxes confuse me! LOL I do enjoy that he's drawn to her still, but I was surprised by the quickness of it and how easily he fell. I personally would have enjoyed a slower realization of his bond with her, but I love how you've done this. You haven't picked an easy topic to write on and I am enthralled with it (hello, printed out double-sided in a notebook so I can read it whenever and take it with me!). :)

I'm on to Chapter's 9-12 now... and having a blast! :)

Author Reply: I had to go back and find this review because I meant to reply to it when I received it.

Gandalf wasn't chosen for a couple of reasons.
1. Legolas died in her history so any changes she made to his life would only be for the better and wouldn't affect others adversely as much. In other words - she couldn't 'hurt' his possible future.
2. In her history, Gandalf is captured by the Witch King and Sauron. IF she failed again, the Valar didn't want him to know everything about her mission or the future or Sauron could have a potential advantage if he managed to somehow get the information from him. Sauron and Gandalf were both Maiar. But with The Ring, Sauron was much more powerful than Gandalf. Plus, if Gandalf's encounters with Saruman had changed by Laureanna's presence, Saruman might be aware of her existance as well which would be like telling Sauron directly.
3. Legolas stayed with Aragorn from Helm's Deep to Minas Tirith and Gandalf did not. If she had told Gandalf, he couldn't assure that he (Aragorn) didn't change his mind about walking the Paths of the Dead after Gandalf rode to Minas Tirith. If Laureanna had been left with the others after Gandalf took Pippin, she would have been more at risk of being left behind or suspicions from the others. Legolas has prevented her from warning Eowyn already. The two of them needed to work together to make sure that Aragorn took the right path and Laureanna didn't screw things up or get busted before he did. But since she has changed her history - Legolas can't prevent her from making mistakes going forward, he can only protect her as much as possible and advise her as well.

As for Elrohir seeing Laureanna on the balcony. One thing to always keep in mind when reading this story - Eru allows them to see what he wants them to see. The Valar and Eru want to set things straight and if possible, Laureanna will be able to have what she lost - Elrohir, her parents back together, etc. So perhaps Elrohir seeing her was just a glimpse from the powers above to intrigue him or perhaps it was caused by the Paradox ;) Like the dreams she has - are they visions from the Valar/Eru, being influenced by Sauron, or just in fact dreams caused by the stress she is under. You'll have to wait and see...

I'm glad you're enjoying the story so much! I'm honored. :D

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/14/2006
Ah--and so Legolas sees somewhat sideways in time, seeing what the two of them share together in the alternate time in his future. And, like all unsure of themselves, the two of them keep saying the wrong things and making asses of themselves.

The vision of the destruction of Eregion is chilling.

Author Reply: Celebrimbor is one of my favorite Silm characters so I wanted so badly to write him into the history of The Ring. :D If I could have found a way to throw Feanor in the history, I'd have done that too. LOL But unfortunately, he's just a name mentioned a few times. Although this is AU - I don't think I could get away with bringing him into the story without people thinking I had lost my mind. LOL

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/23/2005

This is lovely, as each chapter has been...Thanks for the nice read....I liked the scence with Glorifindel and Thranduil fighting and laureanna as a child thinking her father was best in everything...

Laureanna has strength she dosen't think she has...It seems Elrohir likes her and seems to feel familular around her though they get into fights... And Elladan seems to enjoy his brothers discomfort...

And poor Laureanna, to deal with Elrohir who is getting on her nerves, very amuzing...

And it seems Elrohir wants to keep her safe, but she needs to stay with them on the paths of the dead, hopefully Legolas can talk to Aragorn...

Please continue, can't wait to hear more...

Author Reply: My beta was thrilled to have Thranduil without a shirt in the beginning of this chapter. hehe

Elladan is enjoying Elrohir having such lack of control of his emotions. :0)

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