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An Empty Saddle to Fill  by anoriath 2 Review(s)
FeliciaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/29/2006
I have finally returned to read more of your works! This was scary... and very beautifully written. The last paragraph sent shivers down my spine.

Now off to read more!


Author Reply:

Thanks for your kind words, Felicia! I'm glad you enjoyed it, shivers and all. ;o)


perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/9/2006
WHoa! This was so sad and gloomy and ominous!

I really love those quotes at the beginning. Life in the Riddermark few years prior to the return of the King to Gondor must have been quite desperate, and surely Theodred must have been a stalwart support for his two younger cousins.

It is heartrending to feel his impotence, even as a grown-up man and heir, before the subtle machinations of the worm, but yet he's bent on protecting his fair cousin even beyond death.. A sad but lovely tale of one who did not live to see better days. Nice job!

Author Reply:

Thanks, Perelleth!

Good! I'm glad to hear that welter of emotions comes across, the tension between fire-in-the-belly and hopelessness, restraint and berzerker that would make for politics in that period of Rohirric history comes across. Thanks for the compliments.


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