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Just Desserts  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/17/2005
Clever, clever Hilly and Bergil (I had to stop and remind myself that Bergil's a grown-up here) taking the hangman with them, LOL! Kind of like taking the key with you...

I'm still interested in these varying attitudes towards the hanging. It's going to be really intriguing to watch Aragorn untangle *this* mess.

Author Reply: I know, I have to shake myself to get into the "grown-up Bergil" mode sometimes, especially after reading something like RSF's "Errand Lad".

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

So hopefully Haleth's attitude is explained to the reader's satisfaction, now.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/17/2005
Now, taking the hangman with them was a stroke of sheer genius! I love that! Find the King, Hilly and Bergil, find him and get him back there double quick!

Loving the story more and more.

Author Reply: Well, it just seemed like the logical solution. You wouldn't want the hangman sitting around with time on his hands... he might send word to the Steward, who didn't listen to Diamond's defence of Jack and Will when he was questioning her earlier in the day... (still trying to figure out where that info fits)

Thanks! And just read your review of "To Tell a Tale" and forwarded it on to Elendiari... you have a terrible cold? I'm sorry. Sending virtual hot-honey-and-lemon your way.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/17/2005
I'm feeling a big phew coming on here!

Bergil kidnapped the hangman (- it's a really good thing that he is right to trust Aragorn's honour and humanity, or he'd be visiting the hangman in quite another way before long!) And what better way to keep him from doing his job!

Falathar is quite right - there is a skill in being a hangman that others perhaps don't appreciate, unless they're being strangled by a badly applied noose. (Although I am soooooooo glad that Ferdi (MFH) survived.)

And the Men might not think that Pippin, Merry and Sam mean that last throwaway line - but that just goes to show how little they understand hobbits.

Go, Bergil, Hilly and Balanurthon. Find that king and get him back where his intelligence and authority are needed.

Author Reply: It really is a good thing that he has first-hand experience of Aragorn's wisdom and justice (with his father's case), compared to someone like, say, the old Steward Denethor. Oo, what a chilling thought, Bergil visiting hte hangman in another capacity, as criminal rather than rescuer! Definitely chilling. Glad I didn't think of it.

I'm glad Ferdi survived, too, even though it gave him quite a bad impression of Men for a long time after.

Poor Bergil. He accompanied the King a few years ago on a visit to this relative, but will he remember the way after so much time has passed?

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