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Fear  by Ariel 7 Review(s)
Lily the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 19 on 12/6/2004
Awww... what a sweet ending for a chapter!

Did I mention that I love Drogo? I can surely understand why Primula fell for him.

ElentariReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/30/2004
wow ..what a wonderful, beautiful chapter!!!
I love the touching conversation Drogo and Primula had in the beginning..i loved how you characterize both with such intense and deep love for one another. Those lines describing their love was so wonderful ::squeee::

Dody-- perfect description of his's so wonderful to see how this experience with Frodo has made him less bitter, less angry, less jealous... and he had an image of his mother which was a very creative thing to include. I love how you characterize Dody's change throughout the story.... very believable and very touching. (I like Dody a lot more! =)

the third part of the chapter is interesting indeed... makes me be on the edge of my seat thinking of what Drogo would do to prevent Dody from being an apprentice to Clearwater... i anticipate the next chapter very much :D

and lastly...awwwww~!!!!! the last scene with Frodo warm and comfortable with his parents is soooooo preciousssssss. i couldn't stop smiling envisioning that scene of such peace for him to have gone through so much and now finally "he had them both back". :*) :*)

Beautiful...i love what you did with this story!!! one of my favorites ever indeed =) :thumbsup:

Author Reply:

Bad me! I didn't reply to this the moment I got it and so, naturally, RL interfered. My profuse apologies! I value all the folks who take the time to reply and want to make sure you are all thanked for doing so. I have to tell you, whenever I get tired of this story or think that it must not be as good as I want it to be, I just read through the wonderful comments people have written. Your lovely words are like sunshine and they pick me up immediately. Thank you so much for brightening MY day by sharing them.

cpsings4himReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/29/2004

I believe I left you a review of this on, but wanted to leave one here as well (because, sometimes as a READER of fanfiction, I will check to see how many [and what kind of] reviews a story has gotten when deciding if a story is worth my time to read)...and this one TOTALLY deserves many and wonderful reviews!

I have enjoyed this fic almost from it's beginning back at Frodo's Harem. To say I was hooked from the first chapter is a vast understatement! This story has it all! Exciting, intricate plot! Well voiced, believeable canonical characters as well as well drawn, interesting, likable ORIGINAL characters! And angst, angst, angst! What more could a reader want?

Amazing job! I'm only sorry the story is winding down and coming to an end. But...then we get to move on to the next wonderful tale from "The Angst Maven!".


Author Reply:

Well, thank you for upping my quota! ;) You were reading this back in the Harem? Way cool! This is the first (and only) story I ever wrote piecemeal - without having most of it done before the next chapter was written. The only one I did sort of like that before was 'Thicker than Blood' - though most of that was written (except the epilogue) before I even posted the first chapter. I am not sure I like the practice though. It makes it hard to change your mind about something you wanted to add later and I don't think the story comes out quite so contained as a fic written in its entirety and then posted. Still, if it has entertained you that long I must be doing something right! Thank you so very much for you review!

NiereReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/27/2004
Oh my gosh I don't even know what to say about this latest Chapter--"Epiphany." This entire story is simply a marvel, and I've enjoyed reading it so very much. Your word-smithing talents continue to delight, but one of my very favorite parts is "He would love her till the stars of Aman burned out and the song of the world faded into memory."

That's just gorgeous.

Author Reply:

If I have pleased you then I have achieved my goal. When my muse is happy, all is right with the world.

The best muse a writer ever had.


ElwenReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/27/2004
*sigh's contented sigh*

I think this story is the best of yours I've ever read. You have a wonderful depth to the characters. And this chapter was so gentle and loving and just . . . *sigh*

Author Reply:

OH, thank you, Elwen! I am always afraid it isn't as tight as my shorter fics, mainly because it has been written piecemeal, over a longer time frame and has more 'stuff' in it, so to hear you say you like it best, is very encouraging. Thank you!

SilverMoonLadyReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/26/2004
I can hardly be objective, but I do want to say, publicly and where it will(maybe) do some good, just how utterly brilliant I think this story is! A must read, as they say out there in the big world:)

Author Reply:

And I thank you very much for all your help with it! Truly you are as much of a 'must read'.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/26/2004
What an amazing conversation between Primula and Drogo! She'd been holding all that in for nine years?? Wow. And you know that the end of this chapter just made me melt into a warm, squishy puddle.

*still happily melting*

Author Reply:

Awww... well, I did want you to have a happy chapter, SB. You've had so much angst to put up with from me already. Hehehehe.

What Primula was holding onto, or rather, not allowing herself, was to feel something for her stillborn daughter. She bottled the sorrow up inside and it has been like a ticking bomb that was triggered by her almost losing Frodo. Because shutting down her emotions in response to grief was a familiar reaction, she tried to do the same thing to Frodo, but Frodo noticed and did something about it. Poor gal was afraid the grief would tear her apart, and it may well have if Drogo had not been there, though I fancy, she'd have found the strength inside herself if she'd been pressed to it.

Thank you for your unflagging support for this, SB. It has been wonderful to have.


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