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The Healer and the Warrior  by Madeleine 10 Review(s)
whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/28/2008
I've decided to read all your stories before doing the reviews because they are just so engrossing and I couldn't help myself. I've enjoyed them all very much--there were so many comedic moments and so well-written that I am a both glad that I've discovered them and a bit rueful that I did not discover them earlier. I just can't seem to get enough of Eomer and Lothy stories now and every new "scenario" is always very interesting to explore. If only this could be made into a movie! I enjoyed their first meeting here and appreciate how you provide subtle details or withhold them to great effect. Their personalities are well-drawn and I find myself hanging on to every word you write for them.

I'd probably end up writing an extra long review per chapter if I were to say what I liked most but it is the only way I could think of to show my appreciation for such an enjoyable work.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/26/2005
This is very engaging. Eomer and Lothiriel are very well characterized by their actions and speech. I love Eomer in this-- very masculine!

I also like the sense you give of knowing what his armor would be like and where it would buckle. Also, your setting is done cleanly and quickly. I'm so glad there's chapter 2 right there!

Author Reply: I live very close to an old castle and since I've been a child I love to stroll around its halls. They have plenty of wonderful original armours from the 13th to the 17th century. If I need some stimulus I just spend a rainy afternoon there.

LilyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/26/2005
I love the way you portray the two... do continue

Author Reply: I glad you like the way I chose to characterize those two.

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/26/2005
Well, I must say that I am thoroughly glad that I clicked on this story tonight. Even though your Eomer and Lothiriel haven't been officially named, I like them very much. So many fics portray Lothiriel as a sheltered princess that I was a bit startled by her pragmatic tone at first. However, I like your Lothiriel, and I am eager to see more of her.

Your Eomer, too, is perfect, what with his pride about being treated by a healer, his frank appraisal of Lothiriel, and his veiled sense of power. I was amused by the way he pulled his shirt off to make Lothiriel twitch, and his sarcastic response to her "big tub, hot water" speech. These two are going to have an interesting relationship.

Looking forward to more!


Author Reply: I think I can promise that those two continue to find each other quite interesting - or perhaps rather confusing.

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/25/2005
Ha, das fängt ja schon mal gut an, mehr bitte. So schnell wie möglich, bitte. Es kommt ein langes Wochenende mit schlechtem Wetter.
Zwei Sachen haben mich etwas gestört, ich hoffe, Du kannst mit kleinlichem Gemecker leben, 1.: "I can treat myself", "I can treat it myself" wäre besser, 2.: Rohir. Das ist grauslich. Keine Ahnung, was man als Singular für Rider of Rohan verwenden kann, außer Rider of Rohan natürlich, aber Rohir ist einfach grauslich, sorry, aber so ist es. Vielleicht fällt Nilmandra etwas ein, sie soll in so was sehr bewandert sein.
Bis demnächst, hoffentlich ...

Author Reply: Kritik wird immer gern angenommen. Du wirst nicht glauben, wie oft ich schon aufgrund von Anregungen der Lesern, Kleinigkeiten geändert habe.
Allerdings verlasse ich mich bei sprachlichen Feinheiten ganz auf meine muttersprachliche Beta.
Was den "Rohír" betrifft mag das je grauslich klingen und es ließe sich bestimmt ein anderer Ausdruck finden, das Problem ist nur: es ist der korrekte Singular. Rohirrim ist ein Begriff aus dem Sindarin und setzt sich zusammen aus
"roch" = Pferd, "hire" = Herr und "rim" = Volk. "Rohirrim" bedeutet also übersetzt "Volk der Pferdeherren". Sprechen wir von einem einzelnen Pferdeherren, bleiben wir auf "Rohir" sitzen, das "h" in der Mitte wie das deutsche oder das walisische "ch" ausgesprochen. Nachzulesen in "Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth." Nagel mich jetzt bitte nicht auf die Seite fest; es ist irgendwo in Teil 3.
Evtl. geht das 2. Kapitel Samstag Abend online.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/24/2005
I am glad to see this up, Madeleine! (and glad Bodkin could help so quickly!).

This first chapter completely drew me into the life of Lothiriel the healer, and I very much enjoyed her meeting with Eomer. Both characters were drawn so well in this opening. I love the idea that this high born woman of Gondor was serving in the Healing Houses, and I liked her reaction to this horse lord of Rohan. That it was the beginning of somethign was evident, but what was not entirely clear. I look forward to (re)reading more.

Author Reply: I'm glad you put me in touch with Bodkin. It worked out wonderfully and she was a great help.

Having done a little research I was surprise to find that many high born women in the Medieval Ages were actually "working". Our idea of the lazy aristocrats comes from later centuries.

JuliaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/24/2005
Maddy, I'm so pleased that you are posting this here! I have been following your E/L stories on that other site for quite awhile now and loving them, but I'm too much of a lazy-arse to log in over there in order to review. You write excellent E/L, without a doubt some of the best E/L fics I've ever read, and I've read a lot. Keep up the good work!

Author Reply: Looks like you have read my story arc so far already, therefore thank you that you took the time to comment on this very first chapter.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/24/2005
I'm delighted to see your story here,you deserve to have it more widely read and this is a nice site to be part of.

Author Reply: Thank you for the welcome. In a way a found this archive by following your stories around.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/24/2005
I do like the way these two characters respond to each other. They're busy picking up all sorts of clues as well as dealing with the obvious, too. The healer is from a wealthy background - somewhat naive, but experienced in her craft - with the confidence to command large, smelly warriors. She can't help but be interesting! Whereas the warrior is showing himself to be disconcertingly in control of himself - and clearly expects to be in control of his surroundings.

Well matched! But there is a lot of potential for confusion here - I'm pleased to say.

I look forward to more.

Author Reply: Once again, thank you for your quick help.

I think those two are very different, and someone very unlike yourself will always capture your interest much quicker - in one way or the other.

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/24/2005
I'll be following this one closely. I enjoy prickly characters, like both your warrior and your healer.

He really needed that bath, though. ;)

If not for your introductory paragraph, I would never have guessed that English is not your native language. I'm an editor by profession, and I often work with material written by people for whom English is a second language. Usually, the fact that they are not native speakers is very obvious. But not with you.

Author Reply: Thank you for your praise for my English but I must admit I had help from a native speaker.

And yes, that man was definitely in need of a bath. It never overcame me when I read the books, but watching the movies I always felt the urge to put him in a big tub with hot water.

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