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Imrahil's Daughter  by Madeleine 5 Review(s)
whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/28/2008
It's nice to see Eomer's fumbling on his way to true love. Loved his little oration here though, he could be quite the orator. Loved how Elfhelm would add "king" almost as an afterthought whenever he had to talk to Eomer after he has said or done something not so kingly. I almost swooned with how you ended this chapter.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/18/2005
Einen netten Charakter hast Du Éomers Reittier da gegeben! Klingt gar nicht so unwahrscheinlich, daß er teilweise Warg ist. Zumindest benimmt er sich offenbar mehr wie ein Wachhund als wie ein Reitpferd – so bissig sind Pferde ja normalerweise nur, wenn sie in schlechten Händen sind bzw. waren! Aber er paßt irgendwie zu seinem Rauhbein von Reiter ;-)

Éomer selber hält sich auch nicht gerade mit Takt und derlei Firlefanz auf. Seine Art und Weise, den verstümmelten Rohirrim beizubringen, daß sie zwar körperlich nicht mehr viel machen können, ihre Erfahrung aber weiter gebraucht wird, muß für die Männer schon ein gewisser Schock gewesen sein. Aber es hat gewirkt, ganz offensichtlich, selbst wenn er die Medizin so quasi mit dem Holzhammer verabreicht hat!

Was nun unser Liebespärchen betrifft, ich fange an, mich zu fragen, ob die sich je *normal* unterhalten können *gg* Immer diese kleinen Spitzen und Seitenhiebe! Und es macht beim zweiten Lesen noch genauso viel Spaß wie beim ersten.

Author Reply: Éomer's vierbeiniger Freund had ein Vorbild im wahren Leben. Er gehört meiner Schwester - die ihn für eine perfektes Pferd hält - und jemand muss vergessen haben ihm mitzuteilen, dass er KEIN schwarzer Panther ist. (Er ist ein Friese)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/17/2005
Loved the description of Firefoot as "not quite sensible." I think he and Eomer are well matched. Because Eomer is obviously not quite sensible either, or he wouldn't have finished by kissing her.

His speech to the wounded men was wonderful.

Author Reply: I thought a sensible horse simply wouldn't fit Éomer's character.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/17/2005
The picture in my mind of Lothiriel standing like a cross between a scarecrow and a diver dripping marigold oil is just lovely. And her reaction again totally throws Eomer.

I can't imagine that those veterans will be very surprised if Lothiriel ends up Queen of Rohan. She and Eomer are clearly equals in ways that probably neither is to anyone else. Made for each other! She can stand up to him better than anyone else, except probably Eowyn who has the advantage of having trained him since her birth. And then, of course, she turns him to mush.

But kissing! Eomer is pushing his luck here. And he knows it. And so does she!

Author Reply: They are equals in a sense that they are both quite confused by their feelings for each other.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/17/2005
These two are almost like children trying to get caught because they WANT the punishment (ie marriage) that would be forced on them! Of course, then they could bicker and blame each other for being forced to do something they had not decided on themselves!

Author Reply: And like children they don't really care about the consequences - at least not until they have to face them.

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