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All Shall Love Me and Despair  by Space Weavil 3 Review(s)
Susan WReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/12/2006
Aaeeii! Please do not kill Boromir and Faramir! And you may even spare the noble Denethor if you please. Ohh! Poor Boromir, still far from home and already the invasion of his homeland has commenced full force. His thoughts will be totally with his father and brother. He will get no help from the elves that is sure. Celeborn told him in a rather cold-hearted and matter of fact way, that Gondor and Rohan would fall. Now that is arrogance when the elves think they know the future so well and how those two countries would fall. There is absolutely no way that Boromir would stay in the relative safety of Lorien whilst his land was attacked. Pphhtt! No thank you, Celeborn!

Sniffle! Poor Faramir! I love how you have portrayed him here. He, like his beloved brother, would fight to the last breath to protect his country and his people. One can see him struggle to get back to Minas Tirith to warn the city. Sniff! Yay, for Damrod coming along at the right moment and aiding his Captain.

And Denethor's part was wonderful! I loved the battle of wills between Denethor and Sauron, and hated seeing his despair at the end when shown a bloody Boromir tied to the frame and on display. sniff! I most loved Denethor's concern for his youngest son on finding him in the HOH. "If only Denethor could have been sure that he could now protect his son. ‘Do whatever you must,’ said the Steward. ‘But do not let him die.’ He withdrew to the door and stood there in the shadows, watching the healers with a dark expression. He wished he could drag a stool to the bedside and remain there until Faramir awoke, like any other father."
So very sad that duty as Steward always pulled him away from his sons. sniff!

Onward to the next chapter!

BMReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/13/2005
You have really captured my interest with this story! It is well written and I'm moving to the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next, especially since you already have Faramir involved ;)! And I can't wait to see what happens in Rohan! Will Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir go to Edoras? Will Gandalf meet up with them in Lothlorien? Will they all still be victorious at Helm's Deep? And will Minis Tirith manage to survive? Looking forward very much to more! Please update soon!

PS--I absolutely adored your "Fell Beast" stories, too. They were a hoot! You've got a great bit of talent going here, and thanks for sharing!

CarnenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2005
*is speechless again* Wow! What a chapter! I loved it, especially 'cause it focuses on the Hurin clan. You had me tense the whole time, almost shivering in expectation of the horrors sure to come. I can only hope that you'll have some mercy towards Gondor, at least towards Boromir, Faramir and Denethor if nobody else.
The first part was brilliant wonderfully showcasing the hopelessness of the situation. The calm acceptance of Celeborn was highly chilling and Boromir's insistence to help his people no matter what was touching. I just hope he won't be sent into his death, an even more hopeless death than before. I loved the comparison Boromir made; a small touch yet all the more poignant.
Poor Faramir. I dearly hope he won't loose the leg. You had me all a quiver wondering what will happen to him and whether he would make it back to Minas Tirith. Glad he did, if only to look at it one more time and be with his father.
The scene with Denethor in the Houses of Healing was simply heartbraking. It showed that he wasn't a brute as so many people think, merely overburdened with running the country, having little or no time to spend with his sons. It shows that he did love Faramir, even if he couldn't show it sometimes.
The Palantir scene was so chilling, I could almost hear Sauron's voice, leeching hope and giving spark to despair. I was glad to see that Denethor had sense in him yet in not believing the images. I really hope that the 'Boromir's body on display' thing won't happen. Really.
Now the only thing which has me wondering is what's happening with the others. Keep up the excellent work.
*is amazed still*,

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