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Okay, NOW Panic!  by Boz4PM 4 Review(s)
DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/13/2006
Another great chapter Boz! And yea for Penny getting up into the talan! And I love how she hid behind Lindir 'with a firm grip on his elbow'. ::giggles:: The poor girl! :) Loving this more and more with each passing day/chapter!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 12/27/2005
Lindir has a wicked sense of humour, indeed. Sort of like a relative of dh's who visited Wales, not knowing the language, and asked the postman (I think it was the postman) how to say "Good morning." He told her a phrase, she repeated it over several times, and then brightly went about insulting everyone she met, until some kind soul pulled her aside and asked her, didn't she know what she was saying????!!!

And on sober reflection, I have noticed you've not yet mentioned Lindir's marital state.

Author Reply: *lol* at your DH's relative. Poor woman!

As for Lindir's marital state - yes, this is actually an error on my part in some ways. I probably should have mentioned it way back in Don't Panic but it's far too late now. I am hoping to get some sort of explanation in in upcoming chapters, since I do have an idea about whether he is or isn't, and if so where she is. Same for Erestor, Glorfindel and the others. However, in some ways, it's only if it's of relevence/comes up by way of plot or in a scene that it will be explored - otherwise I shall leave it as JRRT did and say nothing. But I do know in my head what's what with who. :-)

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 12/27/2005
But that was hardly the point.

What a thing to behold, the old stories being told by those who were there... and very nice that Penny has gained some fluency in the language by this point, enough to follow thought-by-thought if not word-for-word, as it sounds.

And Fangorn. I'm glad you did not leave Fangorn out.

Author Reply: I'm glad you did not leave Fangorn out. Well, I did not really have a choice once I had looked at the maps and realised what the straightest route would be. Interestingly, though, when they meet up with Treebeard at the end of ROTK it's clear it's been Ages since he and Celeborn and Galadriel saw each other.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 12/27/2005
What an interesting chapter! I had never really much thought of the wariness between Fangorn and Lorien. How odd--I wonder why?

Erestor was already declaring that he knew for a fact that the last time Rhimlath had used Westron was with the Fellowship, and he had it on good authority they had not understood a word he said.

"Maura was convinced you were speaking some sort of strange Silvan patois."

Really, now! Stuff like that should come with a beverage warning! Poor Penny, being used by Lindir for his joke, and put in the middle of Erestor and Rhimlath, LOL! Their bickering reminds me of a flamewar on the 'net. With Lindir as a "troll" in the modern sense of the word.

I also loved the ellyth teasing Arwen about Aragorn. Some things never *do* change, do they?

And the bardic competition between the ancients, that was a hoot, too!

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