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Where the Love-light Gleams  by Lindelea 6 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/22/2006


Just *wheeere* did Nibs stick his pitchfork?


Author Reply: LOL, more to be revealed in the next chapter!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/22/2006
Thanks for the cliffie warning! I was shuddering just as soon as that hay-fork started going anywhere near that hay pile!!! But I hope that Nibs has just uncovered the unfortunate Ferdi and not spiked him!

Author Reply: Well, if all goes well and I can get up before the rest of the family, the next chapter will reveal all on the morrow.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/22/2006
Hopefully he wasn't too badly punctured by the hayfork. Poor Ferdi! Alas, poor Ferdi--passed out in the hay stack! And now assaulted by a poor wretch who's not yet up to the work and probably now has a heart condition to match! Heh!

Author Reply: Poor Nibs. Perhaps he ought to go back to the farm. Certainly he has a bossy older brother who'll inherit the land and tell him what to do with the rest of his life, but it'll definitely be saner!

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/22/2006
Hope poor Nibs didn't accidently stab Ferdi with his hay fork. Hope also the hay has done him no harm. At least he's found now. Wonder if he's slept off his drunk.

Sorry to be so slow to review. Looking forward to more.


Author Reply: I think it takes some hours to sleep off such a drunk. Even though it has taken some hours for the journeying, he's been continuing to drink the whole time. I seem to remember from a class somewhere that it takes an hour for every drink you have (and a drink consists of, what, four ounces of wine or one ounce of liquor?) to "wear off".

So he could conceivably be under the influence for the rest of the day. Poor fellow.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/22/2006
Poor Nibs - not only stuck with all the chores, but the victim of work-place bullying. (Well, teasing really, but in these politically correct days ....)

At least his wariness of Starfire is understood.

But! Murther! I've a feeling pitchforks, haystacks and sleeping hobbits could have something to do with this. But that not all is what it seems!

BeruthielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/22/2006
Um, Spotted Dog? I thought it was the Spotted Duck.

Apologies for not reviewing sooner. My memory seems to be on vacation these days.

Quite a delightful story. More Ferdi-angst! Yay!

Author Reply: Goodness, you're right!

I missed it, and so did my editor-friend, and also in a chapter of another story, published several months ago, so she owes me a latte! Hoorah!

(Altho I always buy her a latte, too, so she's not left out.)


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