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To Become A Queen  by Madeleine 8 Review(s)
whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/29/2008

SimplegirlfromLPReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/14/2006

I just love this story and this couple. I hope you will continue to tell their tales.KEEP WRITING, you've got a fan.


Author Reply: I'm pleased that you approve of my version of this couple. I plan to continue the series and have plenty of ideas, but they still need to be straightened out.

WendyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/9/2006
Love, love, LOVE! this series! Not only are the characters fascinating, but the writing is superb. I do hope that your interest in this storyline will continue past the courtship - I'd love to read about the "continuing adventures" of this couple!

Author Reply: Yes, I do intend to continue with this storyline. They may be in love with each other, but they don't know each other very well. Happy misunderstandings and different opinions will pave the path into their future.

Lady SarumanReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/9/2006
ah, yes, i understand that feeling lothiriel has--just kick her brother in the shins, HARD!!! but, i can understand her hesitation too, and her reluctance in doing so if she found out that eomer can come stealthily despite all that heavy and rather noise-inducing armor. however, i can tell that the emotion she feels whenever eomer is present is starting to make her feel weary. and it's a wonder why eomer never considers embarassing himself or his betrothed whenever he says suggestive things in front of an audience...especially if one of the audience members was his betrothed's own father. eeeeekkk...

for example, one of his rather humuliating things to say was:

“Mutilating flowers,” he repeated softly. “Those you use for your salves and oils, like sweet violets, roses . . . marigolds.”

well, i think he is rather describing himself. he is the mutilator, and lothiriel is the "flower." he's been trying to arouse her ever since she arrived in rohan.

AND AMROTHOS!!! this is totally getting untolerated. he pops up EVERYWHERE, and it's always whenever lothiriel and eomer are alone together. i can tell that amrothos's appearances are NOT coincidal. and merewyn! she is starting to get on my nerves. can't she tell that lothiriel is obviously discomfited when naked? obviously not. no offense, but i think that merewyn is rather thick...

well, you've done a great work and especially this time, because, if you haven't noticed already, you've written a very long chapter describing such a short period. let me tell you, not many writers can write like that. if you ask me, you are a born writer at heart. :)

Hershey's hugs/kisses,
-Lady Saruman ^_~

Author Reply: As I said before: do not worry about Lothíriel. She is not a helpless flower. Besides her capable tongue (she just needs a bit more experience when dealing with Éomer)she will prove to be quite resourceful when it comes to confronting fully grown men in the future.

And nothing in the vicinity of Amrothos has ever been a coincidence.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/9/2006
Have I said before how much I love the tension between Eomer and Lothiriel? Am I getting repetitive?

And Amrothos! It's just as well his sister loves him. Although - once the tension is relieved a bit - (and I do love the way that poor Lothiriel keeps realising that she is not up to all the innuendo) - Eomer might actually find that he gets on quite well with Amrothos. Amrothos is very intelligent and has a wicked sense of humour that might just appeal to Eomer once he isn't its focus. And Erchirion is charming and rather less of a tease - I loved the way his little sister dragged him away by the surcoat to hiss in his ear. I would love to see them both with Rohirric wives - they would be a great deal better suited than poor Elphir and Frosty.

Merewyn is great too - 'the nice one' and 'the grouchy one'. I loved Lothiriel's hope that she meant Erchirion and instant realisation that she was talking about Elphir. I'll bet Elfhelm is keeping a wary eye on the youngest prince of Dol Amroth. Even though I'm certain he wouldn't want to send his daughter so far from home!

Leading on to Eomer's offence at not being considered 'nice'. Hilarious. I'm sure he'd be reassured if she told him exactly how she does regard him!

I am torn between wanting you to post more and more of this story and a real hope that you never finish documenting this relationship.

Author Reply: Rohirric wives for Erchirion and Amrothos? Intriguing possibilities. Does that mean they let two more ladies from Rohan (besides Éowyn, of course)loose on Gondorian society, or does´poor Éomer has to find "jobs" for his brothers-in-law in Rohan?

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/8/2006
Aarrgghh!! It's a wonder Lothiriel does not drop-kick each and every one of her brothers off a high cliff. I am absolutely certain that her fiancee would help. And then she could find out if they bounce. I'm not sure about Elphir and Erchirion, but I would bet Amrothos bounces just *fine*!

On the other hand, perhaps a word or two in Elfhelm's ear, and Amrothos could find *himself* betrothed. I think he and Merewyn would make a cute couple...

Author Reply: Siblings are are real joy, aren't they? But Amrothos and Merewyn, a cute couple? Rather the couple from hell, I think.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/8/2006
So ganz allmählich habe ich das Gefühl, die Türen in Rohan müssen ungewöhnlich stabil sein – kann da eigentlich *irgendjemand* die normal zumachen? Anderenfalls müssen sich die Schreiner oder wer auch immer dafür zuständig ist, eine goldene Nase verdienen mit dem Reparieren!

Hm ... Merewyn und Amrothos würden auch blendend zusammenpassen bei der beiderseitigen Tendenz zu taktlosen Bemerkungen. Die zwei wären sicher der Schrecken ihrer Umgebung *gg*

Und *wieder* kreuzt Amrothos im unpassendsten Moment auf. Vielleicht sollte Lothíriel doch erwägen, ihm irgendwas von ihren Medikamenten ins Essen zu schmuggeln, um ihn für eine Weile außer Gefecht zu setzen, wenn er schon Éomers frommen Wunsch, sich in sein Schwert zu stürzen, nicht nachkommen will! Obwohl es eigentlich auch nicht sehr nett von ihr war, Éomer das alles an den Kopf zu werfen. Die zwei haben eine ziemlich ungesunde Wirkung aufeinander! Es wird wirklich Zeit, daß sie heiraten und vielleicht mal diese Fragen in Ruhe klären können, ohne daß irgendein Anstandswauwau von Bruder aufkreuzt!

Author Reply: Wir wohnen in einem 190 Jahre alten Fachwerkhaus. Je nach Wetterlage gehen die Türen gar nicht oder eher schwer zu. Ergo: die ganze Familie knallt aus Gewohnheit Türen - und nicht nur zuhause. (Ich habe sogar schon eine Abmahnung im Studentenwohnheim bekommen.)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/8/2006
I was reading along enjoying this, laughing at the comparison of Amrothos and Merewyn when Merewyn said Lothiriel was the most beautiful so far. It was the the 'so far' that got me! I laughed like crazy. What a hoot that girl is.

I can see why she finds angry Eomer easier to deal with than suggestive Eomer. She's just out of her league, as you say.

Author Reply: No wonder she finds the angry Éomer easier to deal with: if somebody barks at you, you just bark back. But flirting back successfully requires some experience in that matter.

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