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Consequences of a Fall  by Dreamflower 10 Review(s)
Indigo BuntingReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/13/2006
Huzzah! I’ve got a little down time, so maybe I can get through a few more chapters. This was a nice little interlude. Merry’s story was a pleasant change of pace from the machinations of the Great Smials (and one of its less savory occupants). It’s good to see Frodo getting into some mischief instead of being melancholy. There are few characters out there that seem as doomed to glumness as he is, but he isn’t/wasn’t always that way.

I didn’t know about Tookish naming customs. Thanks for enlightening me! I had noticed that there were lots of flower names, and of course Pippin’s immediate family is full of P’s, but I had forgotten about how widespread the gem names were. Even though I’ve read the books more times than I’ve got fingers, I’ve never delved too deeply into the appendices. I’ve been through them, but I don’t study them unless I’m looking for some facts out of curiosity or for a story. I did read The Silmarillion once, and I’ll probably never do it again. It may be heresy among the faithful to say so but I thought it was boooooring. It’s the main characters of The Lord of the Rings that I love (the Fellowship, mostly, with some Faramir/Eomer/Eowyn thrown in for good measure), and The Silmarillion contains very little of any of them. Anyway, I’m rambling. Great story!

Author Reply: My Frodo, at least, during his growing up at Brandy Hall, had periods of severe depression in the springtime, near the anniversary of his parents' death, but the rest of the time, especially after Merry was born, he was a more or less normal child--a bit more serious and studious sometimes, but intelligent and with a streak of mischief. And after he was sixteen, and his spring depression got bad enough one year that he ran away to Bilbo, he began to spend that time of year in Bag End, where he had fewer reminders of the tragedy. I think that he had long periods of time in his life when he was mostly perfectly happy.

Oh, well, I spend a lot of time with the Tale of Years, the Family Trees and the Shire calendar, but I tend to neglect the rest of the Appendices rather badly. I've read the Silm twice, (compared to about two dozen times for The Hobbit, and over 50 times for LotR) and you are right that many parts of it *are* boring--especially to a hobbit fancier like me. But it has some interesting bits as well. You might like "Unfinished Tales", though, as it does have stuff in it about the Fellowship and so forth.

PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/18/2006
What a funny flashback story. lol i enjoyed that bit... aww poor Frodo! =)

Author Reply: Yes, poor Frodo! LOL! I had that story as a short little anecdote in "A New Reckoning", and so decided to tell the full story behind it here!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/30/2006
Haha!!! That was funny! Frodo was a mighty rascal in his youth!

I found it quite interesting that there is a Marroc in this story. I am reading Lily's "Schicksalsjahre" story, in which Frodo has also a cousin of this name. But *that* Marroc is some years older and constantly bullying him.

Now, that Merry told a story about Frodo, Frodo might tell one about Merry, hm?

(I still have no idea who the guest is!)

Author Reply: Well, he *was* "the Terror of Brandy Hall" at one time!

Marroc *is* a Brandybuck name--one of old Gormadoc's three sons, who had "many descendants"--it would seem logical that one of them might be named for him!

Oh, Frodo might!

Keep guessing!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/29/2006
I like the story to keep Pippin amused! And now Frodo has come along, I'm sure he can add to the entertainment. Probably highly necessary as Pippin is now restless and recovering.

Go, Euphorbia! It's pay-back time.

Author Reply: Yes, it's going to be harder to keep Pippin down as he begins to feel better!

Euphorbia is definitely getting her own back, after years of insults.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/27/2006
Hehehehe This is just so cute! I love dirty Frodo and dirty Merry. terrific :)

Author Reply: Thanks! *grin* I could just see little Merry flying into Frodo's arms, as Frodo sat there in the hearth, black from head to toe!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/26/2006
Oh, I LOVE the story on Frodo! And it does help Pippin knowing that Frodo had a similar situation to his own, and also due partly to his own fault and partly to situations over which he had no control. Poor Frodo--stuck in the chimney! Until Santa might come and push him down, hmm?

And glad Pippin's getting better quickly.

Author Reply: Yes, it did help a bit to know that Frodo was stuck in bed just like he was!

I don't know that the M-e version of Santa came down the chimney, but poor little Merry was certainly worried that Frodo would never come out!

Well, he's young and a hobbit.

But he's not *completely* out of the woods yet...

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/26/2006
I do love that tale about Frodo and the chimney! I like that you portray him as a typical hobbit-child full of mischief. I believe the Professor wrote the Gaffer calling Frodo a "regular warren", so the chimney incident fits perfectly.

LOL, I have to laugh at Hyacinth--will she ever learn?? What goes around, comes around.


Author Reply: Yes, Brandy Hall was a regular warren, and full of mischievous youngsters, of which Frodo was most definitely one!

Hyacinth? Learn? Well, maybe a little bit, eventually, but never very much...

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/26/2006
As soon as Frodo headed for the hearth, I knew what was going to happen. :) Very amusing. But it's going to take a *lot* of stories to keep Pippin from getting bored. At least he's feeling better. (And I have a theory on who the guest is.)

Author Reply: Yes, it was pretty obvious, wasn't it?

And Pippin's feeling better, which will create its own set of problems, won't it?

And we shall soon see if your theory is correct.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/26/2006
So *that's* how Frodo got stuck up the chimney! LOL! Aww, poor Frodo, that was most definitely *not* fun. I was wondering, though, when that story would be told in full; there are so many ways it could have happened.

And yes, it's simply *delightful* to be used as a jungle gymn by hyper kids, isn't it? LOL! I love how you make these stories seem so real!

And Frodo coming in at the end was perfect! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Well, now you know the "rest of the story". Sooner or later these little bits and pieces I hint at find their own stories--this is one of them.

I can remember being *so* irritated by that exact behavior when I would be trying to read a book on the school playground at recess. *sigh*

Well, he just had to come in and catch Merry telling stories on him, LOL!

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/26/2006
Ah...So it's comes to Pippin naturally then...LOL!! What a great story and poor Frodo. Sigh...As my Mom always says, you never know what will go through the head of a kid. :oD

And no, I haven't the foggiest idea what she could have meant. *looking innocently away* ;o)

Looking forward to the next chapter!!

Author Reply: *giggle* It must be the Took in them, *grin*.

Poor Frodo, indeed!

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