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Randomness  by Elanor Silmariën 8 Review(s)
Arwen of LorienReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/27/2006
Hehe! Cool! Frodo gets lessons! *Maybe he can play the piano for the folks in latter days?! I should like to see that. Of course someone would need to send him a piano, for I don't think hobbits had those around at the time. lol*
Shannon's cool! Perhaps she can teach Gondor's lady some piano too? *smiles hopefully* lol again!
how was your Christmas? Mine was great! I heard you and Gold shopped for hours at Target and Borders, and got lots of stuff!! Coolness!!
C U on New Years, *or maybe the night before, as I might come to help redecorate the Old Forest!
God bless ~Arwen

Author Reply: Lol! Imagine hauling a piano across Middle Earth! That would be a sight! *grins* I may just have to write a fic about Shannon teaching Arwen, hmm? What say you, Lady? I had a wonderful christmas. We need to get together at the Old Forest again when me and Goldberry are feeling better. (and attempt to redecorate again. *grins*) I'm glad you like my piano stories!
God bless,

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/25/2006
I'm glad he has some joy - God bless Aragorn and Shannon! I love listening to my niece play - she is too talented for words. I think she would have a kindred spirit here. I would love to hear what he is playing - I wonder if there's a way of doing that. I can imagine it in my head at least, so beautiful - the music and him! :) And Sam secretly listening - cute. More, more!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I can imagine him playing something soft and mysterious... like Into the West, or something from Phantom of the Opera (the happier songs, at least). Or Beethoven. I'm so glad you are liking these! Your niece sounds like a very talented girl! Now I want to hear her play too! I don't get to listen to anyone, cause I'm the only one in my house who takes the time to play the piano. My brother plays guitar, but only worship music for church. Thanks for reviewing!
God bless and Merry Christmas!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/24/2006
As you already read music and can cope with several notes at one time on the piano you should find the recorder quite easy. I wish I could send you my spare down the ether line! I learned the recorder in Primary school and went on to play clarinet in Secondary school. I seem to collect instruments and can get a tune out of most wind intruments - but not well enough to cope with anyone listening to me practise! *blushes and wonders whether this sounds boastful.*

Unfortunately my piano playing is strictly alone and through headphones. I don't have space for a piano so I make do with a keyboard. I had lessons for a long time but only got to grade one!

However, when I have time twiddling on the recorder, clarinet, piano, flute, sax or guitar is very soothing. It is just that most of my spare, and not so spare time is spent reading great fiction like yours.

Happy Christmas!

Author Reply: You played clarinet too? I played for about two years in fifth grade, I think. I really liked it, but I was only renting the instrument, so I couldn't keep it after I stopped band class. I think I shall go buy a new recorder with my christmas money... Wow, that's quite a group of instruments! I would love to play that many, but I've only got pianos and guitars in my house, and I sound absolutely horrible on the guitar. My brother's not bad, though. Wind instrumets are such fun to play, though. I got the Complete recordings of FOTR from the library and they have the whole song the hobbits played at The Party, and most of it is a recorder, so I'm hoping as soon as I get one that I can see if I can figure out how to play that song... *hugs hobbity music*
Merry Christmas, and God bless!

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/23/2006
I'm glad to see that you took up Queen Galadriel's suggestion and continued this piece! Music is just the thing to soothe Frodo's troubled and weary soul at the moment. What he may not be able to express verbally, perhaps he can one day express through the piano. I really love that you have Frodo rediscovering some happiness ... and kudos to Aragorn too for setting it all up. :)

A dissonant sound came from the piano, and Sam and Aragorn cringed. They heard Frodo mutter something in elvish, and then start the song over again

LOL! How well I remember those days from trumpet practice. One wrong note and I felt like I had to start from the beginning again too! Unfortunately I didn't have Elvish to mutter in, LOL!


p.s. How did your own recital go?

Author Reply: I'm glad you like this! I was glad Galadriel suggested I write more, cause I'm really enjoying it! Yes, music is a perfect way to express what words can't. Oh, I know! I hate messing up! Now I'm tempted to pull out my Dad's old trumpet... I never could play it, though. It sounded horrid. How long did you play? Sounds like a fun instrument! My recital went very well, actually! I usually get so nervous I stumble through a piece I had nailed perfectly, but this time I liked my pieces so much I got them almost perfectly, even though I was shaking for about 20 minutes afterwards and all my friends laughed at me. *blushes*
God bless and Merry Christmas!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/23/2006
Oh, thank you, mellon nin! I love it! Frodo seems to be having a much easier time than I remember having (oh, bad, bad memories there), and I'm very glad of it! Shannon is very nice. But my very favourite part is the little scene at the end with Aragorn and Sam--two who love Frodo very dearly indeed, listening as he takes pleasure in a very thoughtful gift. :) I want to play the piano now; too bad it's midnight here. :)

I have a gift for you and Harrowcat in progress that I know you'll both love; I hope to get it up soon. At least before the Shire Yule (the last two days of December, I believe it is). I'm so behind on Yule/Christmas stuff!
God bless,
Galadriel :)

Author Reply: You're welcome, dear! Glad you like it! I'm glad you like Shannon, too. She reminded me much of my old teacher when I was writing her. *grins* I was playing piano a minute ago, but my family is playing a game and told me to stop cause I was distracting them. *blushes* Oh well. Oh, I'm so glad you like it! My muse just sort of left for a few weeks, then showed up yesterday and gave me something I don't even think I'm going to post cause it's kind of lame, and then left again, and I have only this and half a story for Harrowcat. I can't wait to see what you've written! I love your stories so much!
God bless and Merry Christmas!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/23/2006
My stepfather had trained to be a concert pianist, and focused mostly on Chopin and Beethoven. I remember when he was playing and his fingers would hit the wrong keys, we all came to cringe along with him.

Interesting and joyful story.

Author Reply: Wow, he must have been really good! My grandmother was a concert pianist. Yeah, when you hit the wrong keys, it's pretty bad. Not as bad as a violin, but still... Thanks for reviewing!
God bless,

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/23/2006
Oh! I am sorry that your muse for my story has gone on vacation. I promise she didn't turn up here - We've been fog bound for three days anyway! Not to worry, no deadlines on promise stories and I am sure it will be all the better for the waiting like most treats.

Anyway this chapter is a treat in itself. I am glad that Frodo is proving better on the piano than I ever did although I am quite good on recorder too. Love the bit with Sam and Aragorn listening.

Happy Yule Elanor.

Author Reply: *tear* She left me a few days ago, and hasn't returned. Oh well. I'll just have to have a talk with her, and then finish up your story. I was having such fun writing it! I'm glad you liked this chapter! You play piano and recorder? Fun! I play piano, and I'm thinking about playing recorder, but I can't find my mom's old recorder anywhere. I'll have to get a new one or soemthing. Happy Yule and Merry Christmas!!!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/23/2006
Perhaps you could learn a song that Pippin can sing to, and the two of you can play it for me sometime.

What a lovely idea! I'd like to hear that, myself.

Frodo cursing in Elvish makes me giggle. Wonder where he learned that? :D

Author Reply: I wish we could hear that... lol! I wonder... Glad you liked!
God bless,

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