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Reconciliation  by Larner 5 Review(s)
grumpyReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 5/13/2006
I do like Ruvemir's choice of a statue, that was sent to the hobbits. Frodo as the storyteller is perfect.

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad you appreciate it, Grumpy! I, too, felt it was most appropriate. So glad you took the time to read this.

KittyReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 5/2/2006
Ah, it’s about time the Shire has a monument of it’s own! And I think the way Ruvemir did it was very fitting – Frodo sitting on a barrel with a child in his lap, probably telling a story is so much how most of them will remember him.

Author Reply: Yes, Ruvemir has managed to supply a memorial for Frodo for the Shire itself; and this is indeed how so many will choose to remember him after all.

So glad you approve!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 4/30/2006
I love the way you link your stories.You create a lovely image of the statue with the children round it.
I hope you have sorted things out about your Net access.Here you get a free modem when you sign up for broadband. !

Author Reply: Thanks for the appreciation of how I try to make all the stories work together. It's not always easy; but it's something I appreciate in reading the works of others, I've found. I always loved the linking of so many of Rosemary Sutcliff's stories through the flawed emerald signet ring intaglioed with a dolphin, after all.

Where I live is nine miles from the nearest town. Each year they push broadband links further our way; they now reach to about three miles from me, I think; but when they will bridge the last three miles to allow those in my vicinity to do high-speed internet access by something other than satellite connection I have no idea. But the satellite provider I use doesn't give its patrons anything.

Well, now have two computers up and running; still have the desktop to get back online. It is SO nice to finally be able to communicate again!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 4/29/2006
Lots arrived so quickly! I'm so pleased that Will was able to see in Sam all the sensible, good-hearted practicality touched with inspiration that made him such a good candidate for the next mayor. And that the Master (and the Thain?) took on what Frodo had done and accepted Sam fully as the Master of Bag End and a power in the Shire.

The statue of the Storyteller is very appealing - and gives yet another way of ensuring that Frodo's memory remains green. He gave so much to the Shire, it seems only fair that the Shire should remember him, if only in legend.

Author Reply: I managed to skip chapter ten and had to slip it in after the fact, which was frustrating. Oh, well, such is life.

And I, too, am glad Will realized the potential he had here in Sam for a successor and decided to follow through on it.

And I'm so glad you appreciate the statue. A quiet way for those who honor Frodo to remember them, and for all others to remember that continuing the passing of traditions is important.

Thanks so very much for following this, Bodkin.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 4/28/2006
Oh what a perfect Epilogue, Larner! Finally, a statue of Frodo in the Shire, and one that he might not have objected to, as it showed him not as a hero, but as simply someone doing something he loved. I am guessing that the Elf and one of the Dwarves were Legolas and Gimli--I can't see them passing up a chance like that. And the statue of the storyteller cements a new tradition, and even if not everyone recognizes who he is, he will still be leaving a part of himself there in the Shire.

I also love that Dianthus' new little sister was named after Frodo's mother, and I hope one day when she is a bit older, her big sister will tell her why she has that name, and the whole tale of the Storyteller.

Such a lovely and gentle end to this story. I have enjoyed it very much thank you, and look forward to more from you soon!

Author Reply: Of course Legolas and Gimli were part of the party--you're right--they'd insist on such a mission. And I do hope Frodo himself would appreciate this statue. And it was fun to put Cyclamen into it as well. They may recognize Cyclamen, but how many will truly recognize Frodo, though? Well, the Shire needs its own memorial, as you say, even if it's only in honor as most see it of tradition.

I think that Aster would be proud to name her new daughter after Frodo's mother, who after all is a relative. And I'm certain that she will one day know the origin of her name and the full story behind the statue and her sister's favorite, prized book of tales.

So glad you appreciated this so, Dreamflower. Am going to have a difficult time catching up over the next few weeks, I fear. Three weeks off, basically! Aargh!

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