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New Year's Eve  by Thundera Tiger 8 Review(s)
RobinscatReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/28/2004
I just love this story. It is so much fun. I have read it to my husband and he loves it also. I hope when all is said and done, if any one is left standing, that they all kiss and make up. I would hate to have something permenent come between Legolas and the twins, or Legolas and Aragron, or Aragorn and Arwen, or Aragorn and Eomer........... Gee you have everyone against everyone. Can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you for your gift.

Author Reply: Glad you and your husband both enjoy this story! Don't worry. There won't be TOO many hard feelings after all is said and done, though there will be very few left standing. Or even left in Minas Tirith, for that matter. They might bear grudges long enough to plan for next year, but the advantage in having everybody set against everybody else is that you can't stay enemies with everyone. It's too impractical. ;) Thank you so much for the review, and I hope you continue to enjoy!

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/17/2004
Heehee! Very nice! Ah, what is Legolas up to now? I can't wait to read about Aragorn's anger once his discovers how his seal was put to use. I'm sure Imhran will put rather put out too. And the twins don't seem to have liked the fact that Legolas freed their horses. Once Eomer wakes up, he and Elfwine will also be rather upset at Legolas. Not to mention whatever Legolas will do next will probably anger Aragorn some more. Apparently, Legolas should watch out, for there will be many attempts on his life before the day is out. Good luck to him. I hope Elladan escapes with Eldarion. I wonder about this herb though. Is it an Elven drug? Speed? I'll stop mocking your genius-and I am sincere, this was very well written-and creativity. Great chapter. Keep writing!

Author Reply: Oh, mock away! I don't mind at all. Aragorn's anger is coming, but it will be a while before he realizes what's been happening in his absence. Suffice it to say, though, that it will be quite a while before any guard in Minas Tirith trusts Legolas ever again. Yes, there are lots of people gunning for Legolas. But never fear. Gimli, Elladan, and Elrohir are going to get their share of people coming after them, too. And we'll find out more about the leaves soon enough.

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/17/2004
Hehe, this chapter was wonderful, as always. And you have set up so many possible ways for disaster to strike ... Elrohir is about to drag Elfwine into a tavern, Elladan has an impatient and hungry Eldarion to deal with and a most likely very upset Elfhelm who is approaching. Legolas has just sent the King's guards off on a search for the missing twins and their nephew, and those guards expect to see a fake assassination attempt ... I also wonder what herbs are in the small bag Elladan found in Legolas' room.

As for Aragorn: I do so not envy that man. The King of Rohan has developed a crush on his wife, there are three elves on the loose in his city, and he doesn't yet have a clue that his own son is with them. Then there is his stewards wife, runnign around with a gelding iron. I only wonder why Aragorn doesn't get himself a good jug of that Elven wine (if there's still something left after Merry's drunken attempt to burn himself into the storage room), locks himself in a comfortable and ejoys the day. But his sense of responsibility seems to be in the way. Though I do wonder whether he will not be the one who laughs last in the end.

Author Reply: Well, by the end, Aragorn is going to wish he sat down in a corner and had some elven wine, too, except that by the end, there really won't be any that's safe for him to have. It isn't always good to be the king. ;) Still, your suspicions about Aragorn having the final laugh aren't far from the mark. In fact, one might say that he's already had it. The others just don't know about it yet, and neither will we until the very, very end.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/15/2004
This is so WICKED. I really want to know what Arwen is up to. Why is she provoking Lothiriel? And Legolas slicing his way through the tapestry - and then using the king's seal. (What has happened to Gimli by the way?)

Please update soon - I really want to know what becomes of Eldarion and Elfwine - and how those wicked twins get out of this. I don't know for whom I feel the most sympathy - Imrahil, possibly, or Eowyn. Trying to make sense of what is going on must be awful.

Author Reply: Gimli is...well, we'll see what he's up to in the next chapter. Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about our intrepid dwarf. He's still around. Elwine won't be in the next chapter (at least, not physically, though he will be mentioned by name), but Eldairon will. So we'll get to see more of Elladan and Eldarion, which I think is a fascinating combination because they just don't understand each other.

Imrahil and Eowyn are probably deserving of pity throughout this tale, though they'll both be players after a while. Well, not players. Significant sideline contributors would probably be the best way of describing their roles. But Imrahil especially is going to get caught in some of the backlash, so you can definitely pity him.

fadagaskiReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/15/2004
Oh the SCHEMING! It just kills me. They're all so sly. Am currently a huge fan of Faramir and Elfwine, because they're so innocent in it all. Eowyn is a close second. The twins are just ... awesome. And Legolas! *evil grin* It's a special treat to have two chapters from you within a fortnight. Thanks!

Author Reply: *snort* Well, Elfwine will stay relatively innocent, if only because after a while he won't be able to do anything else. Faramir, though...I'm sorry, I can't see Faramir as innocent at all, but that might be because I know what he ends up doing before the day is through.

And see? I *can* update somewhat quickly. Once in a very rare while. ;)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/15/2004
It's probably wicked of me, but I laughed at Legolas's panic in the tunnels. "He did not remember this crossroads. He did not remember it at all." That made me howl. He may be going too far in using Elessar's guards, although that's amusing too.

The twins seem to have their hands full with Eldarion.

Author Reply: I don't think it's wicked at all, because I laughed at it, too, while writing it. Poor elf. He can't seem to get any sympathy. To be fair, though, it was his fault for wandering off in the first place, and he'll admit that to himself, if not to anyone else. As for using the guards to further his own ends, well, it's actually mild to what will eventually get him kicked out of Minas Tirith (though that event really has no connection to the twins). And now it's only one twin who has his hands full with Eldarion, so I guess we'll have to see how well Elladan handles that.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/15/2004
BTW, is this set after 'Fear No Darkness'? Do all your stories follow on from each other? If so, I take it that Elrohir survived the orc battle.


Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/15/2004
As always with your stories, this is getting more and more complicated! Poor Eomer is (unintentionally) causing all sorts of problems; and Legolas and the twins are intentionally causing problems! What was in the wrap Elladan gave his brother? I assume they're intending to drug poor Elfwine to get rid of him.

I love Legolas's plan to set the twins up as potential assassins!


Author Reply: The assassin plot is a bit of a stretch, I realize, but I've already stretched the characters several different ways and I figured one more stretch wouldn't be TOO bad. I enjoy what happens because of it, at least. As for what Elladan gave Elrohir...well, you should find out what's in it in two chapters, because that's when we'll meet up with Elrohir and Elfwine again. Elladan *might* say something about it next chapter, but he's going to be having his hands full with other things, so it's unlikely.

Oh, and to answer your question about "Fear No Darkness," yes, this does take place ten years after that story. So you can safely assume that Elrohir survives FND (although "survives" is such a relative term). I stated somewhere else that both Elladan and Elrohir live, so don't worry about them TOO much.

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