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First & Last Series  by Elemmírë 2 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/16/2006
I love anything that shows Frodo happy, untouched and like Bilbo and so many wish it could have remained that way, that he could have married and had children and be innocent and carefree forever, but it is but a dream. How much worse off would Middle-earth be if Frodo hadn't taken all it would have suffered into himself?
Iluvatar bless him.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Well said, Antane! It's stories like these that show what Frodo's sacrifice was all about ... he was an everyday hobbit who suffered tremendously from an early age, but overcame tragedy to grow into a very fine hobbit indeed and with such strength for one so little. And though Frodo may have inherited all his uncle's wealth, looked a little different from your average hobbit, had an Elvish air, etc. he _was_ just an average hobbit in many ways. He loved his people and home enough to want to keep it safe and so he undertook his journey in order to safeguard all he held most dear. He didn't do it for protection of a wife or child, but for _all_ hobbits, which is part of what makes him so special and 'the finest hobbit the Shire has ever seen.' Middle-earth would have been a much worse place if not for hobbits in general and Frodo in particular.

I'm very glad you enjoyed this, Antane, and thank you always for your kind words. :D


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/14/2006
And making the tales to be told too! Lovely stories Elemmire. A fine successor to the Baggins' you are making.

Author Reply: Thank you as always, Harrowcat ... for both reading and taking the time to leave a review. I'm glad you're enjoying what I've written so far! :D

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