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Story Timeline  by Larner 4 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/16/2007
Now *this* is something I've *not* done! Dana has been telling me I need to do something of the sort, and family trees for my OCs, but I've got so many characters! I did attempt a Brandybuck tree once, but I haven't even tackled the others...

For paragraph breaks, I just hit enter twice. Line breaks, put < br > (without the spaces) after each line where you want a break. Then continue on the same line with the next. Once you hit "edit" it will put the break in. That's a trick I learned from Lindelea when I was trying to format poetry.

Author Reply: I don't know if I could do a proper family tree for my Hobbits, as it would take a pretty complicated genealogy program, I fear.

I ended up saving from my old Works program (I find writing in Word to be a pain as it wants to correct things I don't want corrected, even when I've turned off auto-correction for spelling) to text format and copying from that; but it loses all my tabs to make the columns come out right.

Thanks for the hint about using < br >--I'll try that at some time in the future if I try more poetry.

TheOneKEAReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2007
It would be nice to see a story about Benai of the Southern Dunedain - he certainly deserves to be present in his list. I feel that he has a lot of stories to tell, and I would like to see him back in the White City someday.

Author Reply: I hope to write a Camaloa story eventually, but have so many others to finish first!

So far I've only added in the Hobbits of the Shire, and it will be a time before I get to Men not of Gondor, Eriador, Rohan, or Harad to list them.

Am so glad some are looking at this.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/6/2007
Would it be of any help if I sent you my own list? It's only hobbits and rangers - who's married to whom and the son/daughter of whom, plus the "Bree-names" of the rangers I know.

Author Reply: Sure--thanks for the offer. I have MOST of the Hobbits listed, I think, and am working now on the formatting for that chapter before I hit the publish button.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2007
Oh, good idea! (You have T&T listed twice here.)
God bless,

Author Reply: I do? Will try to get that fixed tomorrow when I post the first list. Thanks for the heads up.

Author Reply: There--got it fixed already. Again, thanks.

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