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Black Eyes  by Lialathuveril 5 Review(s)
whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/24/2008
Eomer's injury was priceless! Who could have thought that a mere girl can do that to the formidable Lion of Rohan? His reply to her was such a work of genius too: "You happened to me." That's about the equivalent of "You complete me" in my humble fangirl romance meter. It's nice to know that the pink gown "nearly bowled him over".

And the location! I wish I had thought of it--a marooned-in-an-island romantic comedy set in Middle Earth!

The way Lothiriel "confessed" her malintent was also very, very smart writing, the characters are such experts in winding up each other and their common interest of war books was much appreciated as well.

I also think the double entendres (or is it just my ever-in-the-gutter mind?) "you are well equipped" indeed.

Author Reply: Lol. I didn't notice that double entendre before. Must have been my subconscious! And she really slipped under his guard here ;-)


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/9/2006
Well - I'm not surprised Lothiriel can't swim. Aunt Ivriniel wouldn't have thought it at all proper. Taking your clothes off? Outside? No, can't have princesses doing that.

Good thing they've had a bit of mutual life-saving. Although I hope Lothiriel wasn't thinking of using the black eye in quite the way I thought she might. That would be very sneaky - and an outright lie.

Eomer's disgust - and anger - were quite understandable really. But what might make an impression on her is the realisation that her campaign has actually made her stand out and be far more noticeable. Although not as noticeable as scaling a cliff, dragging the King of Rohan to safety and then doing her best to drown.

A few more hours on the island? That could be interesting. Looking forward to seeing how the scheme develops.

Author Reply: Hello Bodkin,
as I see it, Lothiriel thought that she would not have to say anything at all, just let people draw the logical conclusions. We might actually get to see Imrahil's reaction later on, it might be fun.

Like you pointed out, she has made herself pretty noticeable, but she did get the right results in the end. The question is whether being noticeable or not would have mattered anyway - more on that in the next chapter.

Oh, and I think Aunt Ivriniel disapproves of taking one's clothes off anywhere...


vampfan30Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/8/2006
To answer the question about me giving a black eye --during the dating period, no. Now that we are married ,I can definitely consider it on occasion! ^__^

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/7/2006
So *that's* where the title comes from! Lothiriel gave Eomer a black eye and at least she felt guilty about it later.That's something at least.

It's good that they're talking to each other civily now and even sharing a laugh.I don't think Lothiriel has given up the fight yet but all her planning seems to have backfired.The hours ahead should be very interesting.

Yay, Anca survived.Good doggy!

Update soon.


Author Reply: Hello Ali,
see, I told you the dog was going to be okay. I was kinder to Anca than I was to Eomer - I wonder what that says about myself?

Lothiriel's planning hasn't quite worked out as she thought, yet the result is what she wanted, isn't it. In the next chapter we'll get a bit more of Eomer's motivation.

More next week!

vampfan30Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/7/2006
hey! this character kinda reminds me of me. I did some of the same things dating-- tried to throw off certain people ( uhm, didn't work - married the guy 8 years ago yesterday) So, I can see where this could go .....^__^

Author Reply: Hello Vampfan,
sounds like a bit of a trial by fire to me! Nothing like a black eye to liven up a relationship I suppose - did you try that one too?

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