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Glistening  by Ellie 26 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/12/2007
Yes, indeed a different glistening for each generation.

Lovely, Ellie. Thanks for the series.

Author Reply: I had so much fun writing this and looking for this one common thread which didn't occur anywhere else in Tolkien's world. I also had fun writing about characters I'd never really explored much before.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/12/2007
The dread legacy of Sauron's perfidy done through the orcs on his mother.

Alas, son of Elrond; you have a long time to grieve ere you find another mistress.

Author Reply: He does have a long time indeed. I love the last line of your review. It really says it all.

Thanks for taking the time to read and review!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/12/2007
A different responsibility he takes upon himself, and now there is the watching and warding to perform, to see life yet remains in spite of what the Enemy has done or may think to do in the future.

Author Reply: Elrond's choice after the war really did change things considerably. After more than 4,000 years there was now no more king for the Noldor. I thini it is interesting that Elrond let go of a major facet of the past in order to preserve the way things had been for elves.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/12/2007
Hope has come again, but it is a difficult hope for him; but from his children will other Hopes be born, until all comes full circle with Aragorn and Arwen.

The grief is well told.

Author Reply: Thank you on the well-told grief.

Earendil really did sacrifice everything to save the world as he knew it. Aragorn and Arwen are a pretty cool reward for all of that hard work.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/12/2007
Ah, they see enough of her future to know she is named aright. Flying Elwing with her great gift, bearing the last Silmaril to her beloved husband to light the way to the aid their people need.

Author Reply: It was nice getting to write a happy moment in the lives of Elwing's parents. They had such a brief time really.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/12/2007
A second of the greatest loves known within Middle Earth. And the gift is given indeed between them.

Author Reply: I had never seen a story about this moment in their lives and a glistening Beren probably was a rather nice sight to behold.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/12/2007
Ah--forget mere travel of his folk toward Aman--he has found his Light here within Middle Earth itself! Heh!


Author Reply: I think it is interesting that so many of this line had similar experiences with being intoxicated at first sight by the love of their lives: Elwe, Beren, and Aragorn. I think Nimloth was probably nigh to swooning for Dior the Beautiful, too.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

AlquawendeReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/11/2007
I liked this. It gave me more insight into Elwe's family through both the ages and generations. You gave Nimloth silver hair? I had always pictured her with dark hair, but since Celeborn has silver hair, it could just be genetic. Bye and thanks again!

Author Reply: Elwe has such an interesting and gifted family though some generations were oh so brief - even as mortals would count them. On the hair, I was thinking of all of Elmo's line as being silver-haired like Olwe's.

thanks for reading and reviewing!

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/13/2006
Ah, two more impressive segments. I especially like Elladan's "pleasures of the flesh" being reinterpreted to killing and Elohir's "whole and well again" as dealing death. A low point in both twins' psyches. Chilling.

Author Reply: It was chilling trying to write this and figure out just how deeply disturbed these two would have to be in order to even begin thinking along these lines. When you think about it, by the time they had Estel enter their lives they had healed considerably.

Thank you so very much for reading and reviewing!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/5/2006
I ache for the Elladan who is wed to his sword and bow. He needed this period of frozen obsession - it shielded him, in a way, and gave him time apart. And it could have destroyed him, I think, had he not had Elrohir beside him. They could still care for each other, even when times were at their worst - so that, when the ice melted, they were still themselves. And able to become the supporters that Aragorn needed.

And I like to think that he did eventually find that elleth - once he was reunited with his healed and whole mother.

Author Reply: I pity Elladan, too. He was lucky that he pulled out of this obsession in time to be a brother to Aragorn. I have to wonder how many hundreds of years this thirst for orc battle lasted, though.

In my mind, Elladan married a nice elleth and fathered lots of little babies, too.

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