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Via Dolorosa or The Way of Sorrows  by Antane 7 Review(s)
westwindschildReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/13/2007
"It sounded like a mix of the Shire and Elvish, just like you are."

This story has started so beautifully, I can't wait to finish it!
It's trite, I know, but Frodo and Sam are the heart and soul of LOTR. Frodo, so noble and self-sacrificing, and Sam, so devoted, such an everyday kind of person and at the same time so poetic, and so much a real person!

Your writing is lovely; I'm very much looking forward to reading the whole story!

Author Reply: Hannon le! Always nice to meet a new fan! :) It is not trite at all what you say about our dear ones. I am so glad you are enjoying and I hope you will find other of my tributes to their beautiful love story.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

AltheaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/24/2006
You have captured such a vivid atmosphere of love and loneliness and loss. The scenes between Frodo and Bilbo are so warm and loving and yet so sad. Sam's section is wonderful as well. I especially like the fact that Bilbo realizes how much Sam loves Frodo.

Author Reply: Hannon le! I am so sorry for not responding to your kind review earlier - it was with some horror that I realized I had not. Hope you are still enjoying the story.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/23/2006
Oh Antane you make me want to hold all three of them tight and never let them go!

Me? like angst? Now what ever gave you that idea? *g* Truth be told I only read the angsty bits for the comfort and caring that go with it.

I also only tend to read AU's from Authors that I know I like a great deal. Generally I prefer those that stick to Canon or fill in gaps.

Elanor SilmariënReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/22/2006
Yes, school has kept me very busy! I'm doing two very difficult classes that take up sooo much time! (but I get to read Beowulf, which, I know, was also in Tolkien's repitoir of books! *is happy*) Oh, dear, this is probably my favorite of your works so far! Hearing the story from both sides as it is, and seeing how all the events fit together. It's so beautiful!
God bless,

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/22/2006
And love needs to be expressed....

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/22/2006
Wow. Frodo *did* leave a lot out. Sorrows, indeed. Of course the love is wonderful, and I really appreciate the subtle details woven beneath the narrative that make this tale so alive. Tucking Frodo in and then both him and Bilbo ending up in Bilbo's bed are so obviously things done to bring back sweet memories and hold onto them, if you know what I mean, as well as being for the comfort of both. And even had Frodo not said they'd made dinner together so many times, it's obvious from the ease with which it was done. You capture the escence of preparing to say farewell and be left behind so beautifully and painfully well. I fought back tears all through this chapter.

And then there's this:

And suddenly I just wanted to hold you because you looked so sad and lost. I would have too, but I held back. My Gaffer had drilled into
me fine how I should regard you now that you were going to be master. You smiled at me a bit wearily and I smiled back and your smile grew a little. I
didn’t think it was my place to stay and the garden awaited. But how I wanted just to hold you...

Ah yes, we see Sam's loving heart and his head knowledge of class distinction arguing here. Wonderfully done! I don't like class distinctions, you know, but it's such a part of Sam that he's mindful of his "place" and what's "proper". :) Even up to the end, when he and Frodo both realised without ever really saying it upfront that they were more like brothers than master and servant, Frodo still remained Mr. Frodo to Sam. And odd as it seems, that very deference, and the fact that Sam sees himself as one meant to serve, helps to bring out the beauty of his incredible, humble, loving loyalty.

Well, I hadn't *intended* to write a miniature essay when I started! :) I'm still extremely excited for more! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Glad you are enjoying so much, ammelda!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/21/2006
Oh nice...a new piece from you, and the beginning looks quite intriguing!


Author Reply: I hope it remains so! I forgot to tell you in my last review of Light, how cute it was that Frodo was sleeping with Frodo-doll and Sam-doll and Bilbo-doll. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

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