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The Tenant from Staddle  by Larner 10 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/21/2007
Oh, I'm *soooooo* behind! I obviously *still* need to learn lessons in time management (or maybe everything really is spinning out of control). :( Sorry for having to inch along and review one chapter at a time (I know they can be hard to remember and harder to find, especially if/when you get a ton of reviews), but can't help it now.

I must say Bartolo is hard to be patient with. He almost seems to have a split personality, as sweet as can be with his wife and family, but when it comes to Frodo he's almost nasty! I guess there is a kind of wry humour in the situation, but...I hope Bartolo can forgive Frodo for whatever imagined thing he holds against him. I don't get it, but then maybe I haven't paid enough attention, I've been (and still am) very distracted so that unless I actually *look at* words they go right in and out again. (I will read this again, from the beginning, when it's complete and things have settled down here.)

As private as Frodo is, his letter to Alvric was very open (which I was relieved to see). I can understand why he feels the need to make up for Bartolo's...Bracegirdle-ness. (Let's be kind, right? :D)

How long can that fact remain hidden? Well, not long...
God bless,

P.S. Hope the computer issues are better! They're such a joy (note sarcasm :)), yet what would we do without our technology? :)

Author Reply: Well, for a very late Christmas gift and an extraordinarily early birthday gift (as the great day isn't until April, after all), my daughter and son-in-law bought me a new, very slightly used HP laptop. We found it at a pawnshop near one of our military bases, and we suspect someone got one for graduation and then found he never used it, so gave it up. So I'm able once more to take my work with me. Then over the weekend the Kid came over and got EVERYBODY online, getting the cobbled-together drone server back up and running and going on from there. I'm tickled pink. We have two laptops and three desktops now able to access the Web, all at the same time, although if the Kid doesn't stop turning off my email client before it finishes downloading the mail and gets the mailbox at Hughes emptied properly I'll cream him!

Yes, Bartolo has a great deal to think on, and a good deal of resentment he's held toward Frodo for years to work through. And I also doubt Frodo's intentions to keep it quiet as to what he managed to do as quiet as he wishes to, and in the end in spite of his intentions his cousin by marriage will know far more than either wants about Frodo's business. Alvric will do his best to follow Frodo's wishes, but won't be able to keep from letting things slip past him anyway, of course.

Author Reply: By the way--sorry to hear things are stressful. Hope all calms down for you soon. But then it sometimes seems all I do is move from one stressful situation to another constantly as well, so know how it can go.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/19/2007
Hi! School kind of swallowed a lot of my reading time, but I'm back and catching up.

I love the way that Merry got Frodo to agree to riding home. Very straightforward, logical, no-nonsense, totally Merry -- but the effect is still the correct one. Frodo rides.

I also enjoyed seeing people really looking at the letters they received, and determining a little social status and personality from the paper, the wax, and the handwriting.

Author Reply: School does that, doesn't it, French Pony?

Yes, Merry knows his cousin Frodo, and will find a way to manipulating him to do what's right in spite of himself.

And I love evaluating letters and all.

Sorry for responding to this one so late, but it came while the server was down once more. I hate computers at times!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/21/2006
Sorry, I’m terribly late, but RL is very busy at the moment.

Not very nice of Frodo to be so secretive and not telling Merry the whole story, though he should know Merry would find out in the end. Poor Merry must nearly burst with curiosity. But well, he can probably guess a lot, as he had meet Boboli himself.

The way Saradoc is being paid his rents seems quite logical, considering the society in which the hobbits live. Even if it isn’t making the bookkeeping easier.

The letters to Alvric are so very like their senders. Bartolo was so short and blunt, and I suppose it was a good idea of Frodo to write himself to Alvric and advise him a bit about the problem and Bartolo in particular. Though I’m not entirely sure Alvric needs to know so many cousins *grin* And I am not sure Alvric can work with Bartolo without explaining the reasons for the ennoblement, no matter what Frodo wants, as Bartolo seems not able to understand the reason for the document he has to write. Truly, the meeting of the two lawyers promises to be interesting.

Author Reply: Sorry to be so late getting back to you, but RL is stressful here, too.

Merry has an idea as to what's going on in his increasingly secretive cousin's life, but would like to know more to support him as he can, not, he knows, that Frodo welcomes all the assistance offered him.

I know that often rents were paid in kind; and certainly through the Depression years many a doctor received payment in eggs or chickens or a few hams. But it makes a mockery of recordkeeping at times, trying to keep up with it all.

As for Alvric, he's beginning to realize that Frodo is perhaps more secretive with his own than perhaps is right; and he now has a taste of the nature of the Hobbits he's going to have to deal with. Yes, he's going to have a bit of a time of it....

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/11/2006
I loved the vision of paying rents in poultry.

Author Reply: Rents in goods was common enough in England. Always loved "The Rose Rent" in the Brother Cadfael series. Glad you enjoyed seeing it here.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/10/2006
Bartolo was a nephew to Bilbo’s cousin Otho’s wife Lobelia, and thus first cousin to our lamentable cousin Lotho. Bartolo is, however, as strictly honest as Lotho was a scoundrel.

Well, the first part of this sentence will be very confusing for Alvric, I fear, since he is no hobbit. The second sentence is just great! Frodo is a wonderful letter writer.

In contrast to this, Bartolo's letter is like Frodo described him - straightforward to the point of bluntness , but very honest.

I'm looking forward to reading about the first meeting of the two lawyers! That will be very interesting.

And I'm wondering myself how long Frodo will be able to hide the fact that he is Lord of several realms. I understand his intentions, but sooner or later someone in the Shire will find out!

Author Reply: I suspect that a Hobbit's fascination with genealogy would be terribly difficult for most Men to understand, much less the complicated relationships that were second nature to Hobbits but far more confusing for their larger neighbors. So glad you enjoy the letter as Frodo has written it.

And Bartolo's letter indeed is intended to be true to his nature.

Am not certain when the next chapter will be posted, for one of my clients has become seriously ill, and we're having to do multiple shifts with her. At least I'm getting PLENTY of overtime this month--far more than I was supposed to get.

Some within the Shire eventually come to appreciate just what the ennoblement given Frodo and Sam actually mean; most, however, never get much of a clue, I fear.

Thanks so much for the feedback.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/9/2006
Love it that Merry is playing postman. It reminds me of Sam doing the same for the Party invitations at the beginning of the BBC recording.
Poor Pippin, finding it hard to be at home but beginning to realise that he has got a future to prepare for and is now responsible enough to want to do his duty to the King properly. Merry's dad is, at least giving him training even though he finds it confusing. Frodo is able to cut to the people behind the things and quantities.

Frodo is being as private as always! Nosy Merry, nosy but understandable. Love the manipulation to get Frodo to ride home. Nice comparison with Alvric being glad to be off his horse.

Like many of us Bartolo finds accepting thanks gracefully hard, especially from a Baggins.

I like Alvric's assessment of Bartolo's letter and his comparison of it with Frodo's. I am glad that Frodo sought to acquaint him with some of the characteristics of Shire families. Typical that he wants the produce dealt with without anyone being the wiser.

And your final question is brilliant!

Author Reply: I'd just begun replaying the BBC presentation the other night as I drive back and forth to work, and have made it to the eighth tape now--Gandalf is on his way to Minas Tirith with Pippin, Frodo and Sam have just decided to follow Gollum to the stairs and tunnel he won't name, and Aragorn and Company are headed for the Paths of the Dead while Merry has just offered his sword to Theoden. Yes, Merry intercepting the mail does resemble that initial postman thing with Sam, doesn't it?

Pippin knows he must be Thain one day and wants to prepare for it; and if his dad refuses to recognize his maturity, he'll take his training wherever he can get it. At least Uncle Saradoc and Cousin Merimac are willing to let him work alongside them and to teach what skills they can.

Merry cares for Frodo and would help him however he can; and after seeing how Frodo needs to eat small meals again at frequent intervals and hearing Frodo didn't have as good a walking trip as he had looked for, he's not going to allow Frodo to overexert himself; and the fact that Sam was given a pony in Gondor but chose to ride Bill home from the inn in Bree always made me wonder what became of that pony; so I decided that Merry must have eventually had it fetched to Buckland along with their pack pony once they were certain of what was going on in the Shire. So, Berry really needs to go home now, so why not use her as an excuse for Frodo to ride? And glad you like the contrast between him and Alvric.

Knowing Bartolo as he does, I think Frodo would want to acquaint Alvric with him that they not immediately get off on the wrong foot. Dealing with those who are blunt can be difficult at times. And Frodo doesn't cease being private whenever possible.

And so glad you felt the final question appropriate.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/8/2006
I really enjoyed the letters here and seeing the difference between Bartolo and Frodo. The to the point Bartolo - which Frodo mentions in his letter, and the much more, dare I say it, long-winded Frodo. I'm sure that Alvric is still trying to figure out who Bolgers and Grubbs and all of the other hobbit families are that Frodo mentioned! :) It was good for him to see, though, how important family relationships are among hobbits. It was an enjoyable chapter and I'm looking forward to the meeting between Alvric and Bartolo. I do wish Frodo could meet him, but I know that's not possible.

Author Reply: Yes, blunt vs. analytical--quite the contrast. Alvric will find Hobbit fascination with relationships confusing, but in the end perhaps enlightening as well.

So glad you enjoyed the chapter.

Getting Frodo to meet with Alvric is indeed rather problematic...maybe.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/8/2006
It'll be interesting to see how Bartolo deals with Alvric. I can't see the Men managing to keep all Frodo's past from the Bracegirdle - particularly if Bartolo starts being rude about him.

Author Reply: Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon--it's been difficult with more responsibilities at work the last couple weeks. And the interaction between Alvric and Bartolo isn't going to be particularly simple. Bartolo has a lot to learn, but Alvric is supposed to keep his mouth shut--I wonder which will break first? Heh!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/7/2006
Oh my! How typical both those letters were of their writers! Poor Alvric must be feeling mightily bemused at the moment as to how he will manage to deal with both of their wishes.

And while it's probably that Alvric will keep his mouth shut about Frodo, if Bartolo meets any of the Rangers or other Lords of Arnor, it's highly unlikely any of them will allow him to get away with any disparaging remarks about Frodo without enlightening him as to why such is unacceptable!

I notice Bartolo is saying "we" will meet with Alvric--I'm guessing that means he will bring his son along?

And I loved the encounter with Merry and Frodo at the beginning. Merry's curiousity is clearly going to remain unsatisfied--sort of. Of course, he and Pippin *do* already know about the Hedges, but Frodo doesn't know that they know. And Merry is quite right in insisting that Frodo *ride* on his way back to Michel Delving!

An excellent chapter--I'd been looking forward to it!

Author Reply: Bartolo won't admit it, but his curiosity has been roused, and he'll find himself as persistent as any Took trying to understand. So glad you find the letters true to the nature of each Hobbit.

Well, I'd already indicated that Bartolo intends for Persivo to learn this new contract writing alongside his father.

Sorry the posting is taking so long--am working on a project I hope to add to the timeline list soon, so it's holding things up as I work through prior stories. But also have been having to work more hours as one elderly client's health has been poorly for the past couple weeks. It's been rather frustrating, but nice to see her coming through it all right.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/7/2006
Another interesting chapter - I enjoyed Merry bemoaning the various different ways in which rents are pair to his father, Frodo's letter to Alvric (in which he explains himself very well). And Denra's right, these things do tend to come out eventually.

Author Reply: When payments are made in goods and services it can truly confuse the recordkeeping; but such rents were common enough historically, even here in the States. How many times do we see prior to the fifties comments made that doctors were often paid in goods, a ham or poultry or eggs or some such thing? Loved when in the series Northern Exposure Ruth Ann found herself having to deal with the IRS and her bookkeeping when so many of her accounts were handled that way.

Frodo is articulate, and wants folk prepared for what could be embarrassing situations. And I agree with you about Denra's assessment. Although few in the end will truly understand what the ennoblement is all about. But I write about that public announcement in "Stricken from the Book" in "Moments in Time."

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