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The Tenant from Staddle  by Larner 6 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 21 on 6/29/2007
He fought--he fought by--by being a Hobbit

Indeed. Very insightful. Though a hobbit or hobbitlike was the first to fall after Isildur and flat on his face instantly, it was also a hobbit that endured more and longer than anyone and when the Ring was most 'awake' and virulently evil. The various resistances the beings who come into contact with at various times are quite intriguing.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Yes--one fell, one wasn't too badly tempted, one withstood it until taken by overwhelming force when he was at his weakest, and one only had the chance to be briefly tempted. But Frodo fought as was needed at the time. And you're certainly right about the contrasting reactions and resistances being intriguing!


KittyReviewed Chapter: 21 on 6/29/2007
The bit about the old roll was interesting. Frodo would be delighted to see it, I’m sure. Maybe they could copy it, with the help of Gilfileg.

And Persi managed to tell his sister enough for her to guess, without actually betraying anything! Horray! Now they know both! Don’t even truly know why I want them to know everything, but I do.

“Dad must be fit to be tied--knowing a gardener’s a lord of the King’s lands! Bet he’s ever so upset.” *grin* Oh yes, here Pet is so right! Though it is fun to imagine what Barti thought.

Did you ever consider to send Barti and his family to Gondor, too? After they figured out so much, I’d think they would be interested in meeting the King and all the other people who loved their cousin so much. As the hobbits confirmed Frodo and Sam being made Lords later and Sam told his stories, I think there got word of their adventures out anyway and Barti wasn’t forced to keep silent about everything (with the expection of Frodo’s personal business, of course). If Alvric returns to Minas Tirith, maybe he could invite them for a visit? (Oh yes, I know, I know, I should stop throwing plot bunnies at you! *hides*)

Author Reply: Well, I wrote that scroll into "Stirring Rings," so had to see what it might come to here.

Petunia only needed the challenge in order to put the last pieces together, I suspect; and I find I, too, want others to realize what Frodo really did out there.

As for sending Barti's family to Gondor--hadn't thought of that as yet, but I can certainly see Pet and Persi and perhaps Lyssa going some day.

And more plot bunnies are appearing all over the place again! Aargh!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 21 on 6/28/2007
The children are delightful,your love of children shows in your stories.

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad you like them. I do like these children, I find. And thanks so much for the feedback.

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 21 on 6/28/2007
Petunia is a very clever lass and needed just a nudge to figure things out. She also knows her father very well to realise he would be 'fit to be tied' at the idea of Sam Gamgee as a Lord! No wonder she's amused.

I can't wait to find out what that scroll says.

Author Reply: It didn't take much of one to help her make the final connections, and you're certainly right about her appreciation of her dad's attitude to Sam being involved.

The Scroll, of course, also has ties to Stirring Rings, so a lot of it won't be too much of a surprise to most readers who've followed both.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 21 on 6/28/2007
And so that penny continues to roll..... clever lass!

Ooh that scroll is really arousing the curiosity, and not only mine I would guess. And the type of tube is yet another link between our favourite brothers'
I am glad that the Rangers will be able to translate it. I would be wonderful for Frodo to see it but I am guessing that he will have to leave before he has a chance.

Great chapter as always Larner.

Author Reply: Yes, she had all the pieces, and only needed the orientation to figure out which side was up, I suspect.

This would probably be the earliest extant version of a family book and history, I suspect. And that, once made aware of the scroll by Gandalf the Elves of Rivendell might have given Bilbiolo or his descendants a carrier for it similar to the mithril tube in which Aragorn found the original Shire charter just seemed a possibility.

No, Frodo's not likely to read the scroll, but I rather think Fosco and Forsythia will find it interesting.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 21 on 6/27/2007
I'm so glad that Petunia was able to put it together as well. Persivo was very careful in what he did tell her, but it was still enough for a sharp lass like her.

I'm curious too, as to what that scroll of the Baggers says...

Author Reply: My 200th review for this story! (In case you were interested.)

Yes, Persivo didn't have to tell his sister, for she's definitely smart enough to figure it out for herself. Just not quite a nudge, and she got it.

And I, too, am growing increasingly curious about the Scroll of the Baggers! Heh!

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