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The Tenant from Staddle  by Larner 8 Review(s)
Szepilona10Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/22/2009
So, I guess sibling rivelry lasts forever. I wonder if my sisters and I will still have our stupid arguments in ten years.
When's Teregion going to start his training? Does he have any younger sisters? Or are his sisters all older? Does he have any brothers? Is he related to Aragorn closely?
Sorry, I've been extreamly inquisitive lately; reading and comparing books with their movie conterparts. The most recent book is Les Miserables. We watched the movie in French class and my teacher kept raving about how good the book was, so I decided to read it!
Anyway, I will close up this, my long review, for I must go to bed.
God Bless!


P.S. Have you ever read Les Miserables?

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/4/2007
The journey must have been quite an experience for the Hobbits. I enjoyed the part about Beregond.

Author Reply: Yes, they are beginning to understand even more.

And you know how deeply I honor Aragorn for his judgement of Beregond--he's definitely a proper king!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/10/2007
Yay! Denra and Alvric have seen what everyone else has known for a while!

That's quite an ominous-sounding last sentence. I hope it's not presaging disaster of some kind.

Author Reply: The net has been down all day, and I just have time to answer one comment before I have to go to work.

Yes, at last they have realized they were made for one another, and Denra has become adventurous enough to begin looking at the outer world, at least a bit.

No, no disaster that I know of, but then you never know. Heh!

Good to hear from you.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/8/2007
Would you be surprised to know that I am a bit envious? Being a librarian, I would *so* love to see these archives myself; it would be great! *sighs dreamily*

So some of the Lords of Arnor married lesser princesses from the South? Interesting, and rather reasonable, I think, and should have strengthened Aragorn’s claim to the throne. Though I can imagine Denethor’s face ...

To watch Denra and Alvric discover their love for each other was so sweet, and Halladan trying to plan the wedding before they had even decided to marry was so much fun. Seems to run in the family, thinking how Aragorn tried to marry off Hardorn *grin*

Wonderful chapter with so many lovely little details, my dear!

Author Reply: I, too, would love to slip into these archives and see what was left from the beginning of the Third Age.

I see the lords from Arthedain being a lot more concerned about maintaining blood ties to all the Dunedain than the other lines, and suspect they would send emmissaries to examine possible brides from the Southlands from time to time. As for Denethor--I, too imagine he would have been most upset to realize how closely he might have been related to Aragorn.

Ah, yes, now the betrothal is there and open, and Yes, Halladan and Aragorn both have a soft spot in their hearts for romances, I think; although Aragorn was as much trying to get Hardorn to make a commitment as to try just to marry him off, I'd think. He, too, had waited a LONG time before taking his chosen bride.

Thanks so for the comments, Kitty.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/8/2007
And aren't we lucky that Frodo was born to be a teller of tales? :) And Bilbo too.

It would indeed have been an honor to stand guard at that tent.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: For Frodo to have written the LOTR part of the Red Book, he had to be one also given to tales, just as had been Bilbo. As for the honor of guarding their enclosure, Oh, I so agree. How many must have envied this one having been chosen to do so, once he'd recovered enough to allow for it.

Thanks so, Antane.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/8/2007
Holby having elected to sleep curled up beside her. A dog of taste, and sensibly choosing the warmest spot!

You do give us nice long chapters to savour Larner. Unfortunately I must rush off to work! Glad to see the romance is blooming beautifully.

Author Reply: Well, of course Holby knows the best and most needed place to sleep! Heh!

Am sorry you had to rush off after the anticipation the tardiness this chapter left in its wake.

And it's good to see them opening to one another fully at last.

Love to the folks and Jet.

Theresa GreenfalconReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/7/2007
I'm happy you updated - I've been counting the days!

I love the level of detail you give to your stories and am thrilled that your two characters Denra and Alvric are engaged - I like the characters!

Thanks so much!

Author Reply: I'm sorry I took so long. The lesser plot bunnies are attacking in droves, and I'm finding that between changes at work and within the household I have less time to write, unfortunately.

I'm honored you love the detail, and I think most folk are glad to see Denra and Alvric finding they love one another.

And thank you as well.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/7/2007
Oh my! Now that chapter was an eye-opener, and no mistake! Especially for Denra and Alvaric! LOL! I loved the Steward jumping the gun, and trying to plan the wedding before the proposal had been made!

Author Reply: Yes, to quote Sam! And, yes, he's jumping the gun indeed. But I think the wedding will come off nicely, actually. Heh!

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