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Rest and Recreation by Raksha The Demon | 18 Review(s) |
Levade | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 5/18/2014 |
I know, this is quite old, but I wanted to go back and see what I've missed all this time! And this, this is a fun little jewel. The first Tolkien book character I ever loved was Glorfindel (and such a small role), not because he was so mighty but because he was strong enough to face the Nine, but gentle enough to give his horse to Frodo, who surely needed Asfaloth! To see him here with Boromir, in a fair match and a great one, is wonderful! So often stories lean too far towards Men or Elves, and Boromir deserves a bit more than just to be brushed off! Poor thing, he would be bored to death in Imladris, but I'm betting more than one of those ancient elves would be as well. ;) Not all of them were ready to settle down to harps and quills. My only regret in this story is not seeing Glorfindel's reaction to Boromir's death. I think it would sadden him greatly. He knows what it is to sacrifice, and I can't imagine him not seeing that in Boromir's death. On to more! I hope you don't mind me rummaging about in the archives. :) | |
Soledad | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/13/2008 |
Oh, but this was hilarious! Who better than Glorfindel to spend time with for poor, bored Boromir? Author Reply: Oops, I missed this review (emailbox got full again!) - I'm so pleased, since you're a Boromir aficionado, that you enjoyed the story. I had a great time writing it, and the thought of Boromir mixing it up with Glorfindel and the Balrog-Slayer befriending him was just too good to pass up writing about. Thanx for reading and commenting, Soledad! | |
Istarnië | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/22/2008 |
I am so glad I read this story, it has brought a real smile to my face. I love reading tales about Boromir and Faramir anyway, but you portray Boromir's restlessness with such depth of understanding. I suspected the pretty Elf was none other than the great Glorfindel, it was too good an irony to miss, but I enjoyed the way you have Boromir grow to respect and understand him before he knows who it is he is fighting. I came away from reading with a sense of satisfaction that both Man and Elf had learnt something good from their encounter. Author Reply: Thanx for reading and reviewing the story, Istarnie. I had a lot of fun writing the piece. I just had to pit Boromir against Glorfindel, for so many reasons; and I do think Man and Elf had a great time sparring and earned each other's respect. Boromir is above all a soldier, and would have to respect an ally who exhibits such outstanding ability and skill in a fair fight. | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/13/2007 |
Never, Never mess with an Elf! I really enjoyed this, although I must confess my first thought was that you were writing about Legolas and Boromir. Glorfindel is another of my favorites. Tari P.S. I'm having dinner with Branwyn tonight. We live about 20 minutes apart. Author Reply: No, the sparring was never going to be between Legolas and Boromir. Glorfindel was a part of Gondorian history, however minor a part, and Boromir, who surely would have studied the battles of Gondor's kings, would have known about him. That resonance wouldn't have occurred on Boromir's meeting with Legolas, though I'm sure Boromir came to respect Legolas as a warrior. Say hi to Branwyn for me! Author Reply: Oops, forgot to say Thanx for the review, Tari! | |
MithLuin | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/21/2007 |
Oh, this was great fun! I almost laughed out loud when I heard Boromir evaluate the blond elf as looking like a sheltered young thing, or even a girl (I thought it was Glorfindel). Glorfindel was the *perfect* choice of course, because we get to hear Boromir all excited to learn that his sparring companion was part of Gondor's military history - that was just so...Boromir. Boromir did strike me as the stranger-with-no-friends at the Council, so I am sure his first few days in Rivendell were awkward. I'm glad you've given us a picture of how they could have gotten much better in his long sojourn there. And I'm sure Glorfindel kept on his toes - it's a pretty dangerous world outside of that protected valley! Author Reply: Thanx for reading and reviewing, Mithluin. Poor Boromir wasn't used to Elves, and I think some of them might seem feminine if he didn't look too closely, what with their beautiful faces and whatnot, and of course, he'd be too courteous to stare at a 'lady'. I think he'd have been thrilled to not only meet Glorfindel, but to actually spar with him, and both their spirits were obviously lifted. I have the feeling that Glorfindel was the greatest warrior in Rivendell, and probably meant to be its last defense if necessary. | |
nrink | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/30/2006 |
Hi Raksha, An excellent little story which I really enjoyed! I especially liked the little plot twist at the end when you reveal that Boromir was fighting none other than the mighty Glorfindel! Also, you captured Boromir wonderfully - his unshakable faith in himself (even in strange surroundings)is so true to the book. This is a little gem of a story! nrink Author Reply: Thanx for reading and reviewing, nrink. I originally conceived the story as having Boromir celebrating his birthday in Imladris with the hobbits, but as I was writing it, I ran out of patience with sad/mopey Boromir and decided he needed to spar with a very battle-seasoned Elf who nonetheless looked like a pretty young Elf-boy to Boromir, and have both of them gain some respect for each other. Yes, Boromir always had a lot of confidence in his own abilities and purpose. Sometimes that's good, sometimes it can be a hindrance. Poor Boromir, stuck in Imladris with a bunch of hobbits and Elves who were into poetry and singing, he needed to have some fun. | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/29/2006 |
Excellent! Author Reply: Thanx much for reading and commenting, Agape - glad you liked the story. | |
Inkling | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/28/2006 |
Hey, Raksha! Glad you're posting here again. I enjoyed this as much now as when I first read it during MEFA nominations...such a fun look at inter-species male bonding! I like the idea of Glorfindel standing around unchallenged, because those who know him are intimidated. Boromir's ignorance proves a blessing for both of them! Author Reply: Even if I was an Elf, I'd find the millenia-old returned-from-the-dead Balrog Slayer intimidating! And yes, I'm sure that Glorfindel and Boromir enjoyed themselves hugely. If Boromir had known Glorfindel's identity, he would have been twice as eager to try a bout with the legendary Elven warrior - I don't think Boromir knew the meaning of intimidation. Thanx for reviewing, Inkling!!! | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/28/2006 |
Poor lonely Boromir! I'm glad he challenged Glorfindel before he knew who he was. The pair of them seem to have had a lot of fun! And he proved his determination and his ability to learn even when confronted by a legend. His remaining time at Rivendell will probably not seem quite so dreary. Author Reply: Thanx for reading and reviewing, Bodkin! Oh, yes, I'm sure that Glorfindel and Boromir had fun. Boys will be boys, showing off with weapons and strategy, even a millenia-old Elf and the proud Captain-General. I would imagine that Boromir had a few more practice bouts, with Glorfindel and perhaps others, to enliven the rest of his time at Rivendell. | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/28/2006 |
It is great to see your work here again .I love the idea of Boromir meeting his match with Glorfindel and am pleased you chose someone other than Legolas. Poor Boromir must have been a fish out of water.Faramir would have fitted in far better at Rivendell. Author Reply: Thanx for the comments, Linda! Yes, Boromir would have been something of a fish out of water in Imladris, but I think he would have also impressed a few Elves and others. Boromir did have dignity, strength and courage....Sniff for poor dear Boromir; and how happy Faramir would have been to see him again, and hear tales of his stay in Rivendell... | |