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The Lieutenant and the Huntsmistress by Le Rouret | 7 Review(s) |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/20/2007 |
Delightful! I'm thrilled to see the Andunie is uncertain. Himbalath must be beside himself. She couldn't have been much more enthusiastic if she'd tried - and now he can be fairly certain that, if he's quiet and encouraging, she will gradually come close enough to gentle. I'm not sure about plum and lace, though. Giving it a poodle cut doesn't make a wolf into a lapdog. And the - er - action in the alcove below seems equally promising - and a little further forward. Meivel and Hiricullas are getting on very well! Legolas - the match-maker (and midwife) of Dol Galenehtar would be delighted. Author Reply: "Giving it a poodle cut doesn't make a wolf into a lapdog" - what a marvelous way of putting it! I don't think I could've said it any better. As Legolas said, Andunie is very stubborn ... fortunately I think Himbalath is, too. Thanks for the review! | |
trinki | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2007 |
*sighs* Ahh, love!!! Thanks, this was very nice. Makes me long for dances and dresses and moonlight... Hmm, wonder what Grandma is doing this weekend? *smiles wickedly* We really need to get you published! | |
Camp6311 | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/17/2007 |
This was terrific, I think Himbalath is well on his way to fulfulling Fastred's dream. I did have trouble imagining Andunie in purple though. Green and copper I can see clearly, but purple and lace? While I was reading this, that silly song from "The Little Mermaid", "Just Kiss the Girl", kept going through my mind, and he never did! Even after she suggested that he press her a little more. No wonder he's still single! I know the story summary said complete, but I hope it's not true, same with Heir of Meduseld. Mardil is still single, are Meivel and Hirilcullas really a couple or were they simply reacting to what they overheard, Cirien is hosting a tournament....... Author Reply: I swore I wouldn't write any more LotR fanfic ... and yet ... you're right; so many things need to be told! I've been told certain shades of purple are flattering on redheads. And can't you just imagine Hirilcullas stuffing poor Andunie into that lacy confection? She was probably laughing up her sleeve the entire time. | |
Daynawayna | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/17/2007 |
I am a stranger to your Green Knight universe, but the story description looked intriguing.... I enjoyed it. I've never seen elves characterized in this way before, so it took me a bit until I was sure they were in fact, elves. Of course it helped tremendously when you said, After a few moments during which neither Elf spoke... ::giggles:: I liked the exchanges between the 'lovers', and how Andunië is so unsure of herself and why someone could or would love "someone like her". And Himbaláth's reply to her ... "why not?" was just dreamy and perfect. Now I'm going to have to read your GK stories so I can better understand these two and the "spies" below them. :) Great story. Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it! It was fun to write, as are most of my GK stories. I hope you enjoy them, too! | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2007 |
Oh, this was absolutely breathtakingly romantic! I loved the contrast between Himbalath and Andunie's heartfelt exchange, and the lighter and more studied double entendres between Meival and Hirillculas. *sigh* Just lovely! Author Reply: Thank you! I was going to wait until Valentine's Day to post, but I simply couldn't stand the suspense. | |
eliza61 | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2007 |
Ah Le Rouret, What a tender story. Thank you. I've enjoyed the entire green knight universe and hope there will be more. Glad to see Himbalath & Andunie finally getting together. (although Andunie was taking altogether to much time, if you ask me. A good elf is hard to find!!)Mievel and Hirilcullas were a hoot, maybe another bethrothal humm? Author Reply: "A good elf is hard to find" - some might argue with you on that point, but I frankly think you're right; Himbalath is perfect for Andunie. It's not his fault she suffers from a combination of moodiness and poor self-esteem! I'm glad you liked the little story - and everyone seemed to enjoy my twisted ending! | |
Khyber | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2007 |
Oh my... I was laughing hard at the end! I enjoyed the GK&HoM a lot, and this was a great conclusion. I figured that H&A might just have to 'get hitched' to fulfill Fastred's vision. And M&H....? I didn't forsee it, but it fits. Mievel seems so different! But this was the perfect conclusion. What shall their Lord Legolas say to all his little ones coming inside, wet, somewhat dishevelled, but seemingly oblivious and very, very happy. I enjoyed this lots! Thank you very much. Khyber Author Reply: Oh, I imagine he'd just raise his eyebrows and smirk at them ... Wouldn't you? Glad you liked it! | |