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The Blue Wizard Blues  by GamgeeFest 5 Review(s)
RorrendaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2007
I'll have to admit, this is the most interesting I've read; story after story about Legolas and Aragorn getting injured and really you know what's going to happen because it's always the same.

Author Reply: Hullo Rorrenda! Thanks for stopping by and giving this fic a read! It certainly did keep me guessing for quite awhile as I was writing it, so hopefully it will keep the reader guessing also! :D I hope you enjoy the rest.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/13/2007
At last getting back to this, at least a chapter of it - this is very interesting that Frodo would be able to see Sauron's light and the similarities between it and his own - both torn and fragmented but mending. He was able to see Smeagol's soul clearly too. Should be an interesting journey...

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Frodo has been blessed with the ability to perceive a person's true self and it has always served him well, whether he realizes it or not. He will place his trust in that again.

Thanks for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/31/2007
The Light does not lie, and for that I am grateful. Now--to deal with this new adventure.

Author Reply: No it doesn't and it's a good thing that Frodo is able to see it. And so Frodo finds himself on another unexpected quest, with Sam at his side.

Thanks for reading!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/31/2007
Wow! I did not expect Frodo to react that calm! But maybe it was the tea ;-)

"What must I do?"

Well, he did ask that very question before. And like Gandalf did then I can only say: hobbits are amazing - especially Frodo!

Unlike Sam, Frodo did notice Sauron's light of being. And what he saw there reminded him of his own situation. One's light of being does not lie, that's true. So Frodo trusts and helps his former (arch-)enemy. But one fact remains: if not for Sauron, Frodo would never have been in this situation! (If you know, what I mean ;-))

I'm looking forward to reading more.

Author Reply: Frodo simply didn't have the energy to get worked up about this visit, and there's only so many times a person can pass out. ;) Plus, he has the added benefit of being able to read their auras, so he knows that Sauron is speaking the truth. Sam will take much more convincing.

The irony of the situation is not lost on any of them, but then, that is how one makes amends. Find those you wronged before and try to help them now. Let's just hope this works! :)

Thanks for reading!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/31/2007
Wow! It's not impossible! :-O Very, very clever! I think in such a situation I would have written myself into a corner. That tea was a very good thing, as was Sam's eavesdropping. And I should have remembered Frodo's compassion! Wonderful, wonderful! Now I'm really, *really* excited to see where this goes! :-D
God bless,

Author Reply: I was rescued from my corner by having a very enlightened hobbit to work with. Had it been anyone else, then Sauron would have been marched to the Bounds and booted out of the Shire. Thankfully, Frodo can see things that others can't, and he will always be compassionate and dignified before he is anything else.

And Sam will always be a terrible sneak! lol Good thing he overheard Rick's real name and was able to get the full story out of them - but not before Frodo was able to benefit from the tea. ;)

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