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The Blue Wizard Blues  by GamgeeFest 7 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/5/2007
You've really built up the suspense here! And the action sequences were really done well, especally Sauron's various fights with the guards--they seemed to be choreographed!

Poor Rick! At least he's convinced her to wait--not an easy task!

And poor Frodo and Sam. I loved Frodo's determination. Somehow, her willing acceptance frightens them more than if she had been terrified. How much horror must one live in before one accepts death as an escape? The answer is too familiar and raw for Frodo and he doubles his resolve: They are not going to die here. None of them are.

That was the very determination that enabled him to get to Mt. Doom in the first place, and as that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger, his determination is even greater!

Actually, I suppose I *ought* to feel sorry for the Blue Wizards. With Frodo that determined, they don't stand a chance!

Author Reply: hehehe Can you tell I've watched way too much Buffy, Angel and Xena? ;) The fight scenes were much easier to write than I feared they would be, but I'm glad they're over now. They're fun to watch and read, but to write - not so much. :D

Oh, Rick just got his heart crushed here, didn't he? Poor guy, carrying such a torch all this time only to have it doused with chilling cold ice water. But he's resilient; he'll bounce back. ;)

That stubborn Baggins streak is going to be crucial here. The Wizards really have no clue who they're dealing with. They think they've learned from Sauron's mistakes, but they don't understand that Sauron's biggest mistake was his cockiness. And a good thing too! :D

AltheaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/27/2007
This story never fails to intrigue. Just when you think you might have things figured out, something new and unexpected happens. Thanks for another great chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you Althea! The plot lines are getting more and more tangled with each new twist. Some are happy accidents and some have been in the works for quite a long time. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so much and having fun trying to figure it all out. :D

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/26/2007
What a nice pickle they've landed in, dear me. Yes, Frodo would be aware of the amount of horror endured and longing for death as an escape, but he's conquered (I hope) his own longing for that and is turning his experience to what could help others. Sauron continues to behave as I expect he would. As far as seeing his light and Frodo trusting him because of that, Satan can appear as an angel of light if he so chooses. I don't think the idea of Aragorn and Arwen being so easily duped either. But we shall see what we shall see. I'm sure you have more up your sleeve - and so does he - and so does Frodo!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Frodo and that poor little girl have much in common. Indeed, most of the servants and guards in the fortress are in the same exact position as that girl, just not quite as literally as she is at the moment.

Well, Sauron *could* have killed those men much more quickly than he spent in disarming them. That doesn't earn him a couple of points at least? ;) Satan, maybe, but Sauron isn't the ME equivalent of Satan. That would be Melkor, who was sent to the Void as he should have been, after tossing away his second chance. Will Sauron toss his away? We shall see very soon. :D

Something up my sleeves? *checks sleeves* Ah! That's where I put that! ;)

Thanks for reading! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/25/2007
Wow! What a fascinating background story for Semira you've created!
But poor Rick, though! His fate seems to be that of a mere witness to the coming events!

Sauron on the other hand has more problems than he might have expected! Attacked by his own creations - that I call irony!

And what about Frodo? It seemed to be ages until the story turned back to him. But I'm quite sure that was exactly your intention ;-) Well done, indeed!

One thing is for certain: Frodo has a plan, and he is rather confident about it! Sam seems to be not so sure...

Please update soon!

Author Reply: Semira's story wasn't revealed to me all at once, but I knew as soon as she stepped onto the page that she was going to play a much larger role than I had intended for her originally. She has much to hate Sauron for and very valid reasons to doubt his conversion to the good guy's team. The others will be even less willing to accept anything Rick might say.

Don't feel too bad for Rick. Everyone has their part to play and even if he thought his part was going to be something different doesn't mean he isn't exactly where he needs to be. Let's just hope his promise doesn't get everyone into more trouble!

By his own creations, that he trained, no less! Sauron is neck-deep on it and the sun just keeps sinking. Frodo does have a plan, but it's very reliant on the actions of the Wizards, and it will all be pointless if Sauron can't carry out his part.

Thanks so much for reading!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/25/2007
Wow! Okay, things just got a *lot* more complicated. This could be really bad if Sauron can't get those rings destroyed and fast! It looks like the Hobbits are going to their torment, and Rick has just said if they are harmed he won't stop the Haradrim from doing what they will with Sauron, yet Sauron has everything against him here! I can only hope thes half-orcs take less time than they look like taking or that the torturing isn't too horrible (ha) or that the Hobbits themselves will defend Sauron once they all get out of this. Please update again soon!
God bless,

Author Reply: Yep, Rick put his foot in it. If the hobbits have even a spot of blood or a hint of a bruise, he pretty much agreed to let the Haradrim have Sauron. However, he didn't promise that *Sauron* will allow himself to be taken. ;) Still, it is quite a condundrum, and you can bet it won't be resolved quickly. :D

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/25/2007
Aaargh! What a reception committee! And he must fight his own creations. At least, having had such a part in their creation, he knows best how to deal with them.

And knowing the faithful houses have been there in Harad is wonderful. I have the Farozi and his sons turning from Sauron's way as a result of having been exposed to Aragorn at a time when they were threatened directly by Sauron's own servants; but this is a marvelous alternative to my scenario.

Now--let's get that girl out of there down in the dungeons while Sauron gets his creatures taken care of and manages to get hold of those rings.

What he wrought that he must now undo!

Author Reply: Well, Sauron was sent back to undo as much of the evil he had done that he can. There are some things that he simply cannot rectify, but he's sooner or later going to have to face those creations of his that still remain in ME. He just wasn't counting on encountering the Variags quite so soon. ;) He will have a bit of an advantage since he did have a hand in creating and training them, but they have advantages also, ironically, that they were created and training by Sauron, among other things.

I can see evil!Sauron as being very much a Hilter type: seducing those of like mind to him and just running over everyone else, turing Harad and Khand into totalitarian states where those who would protest would be quickly disposed of by those in power. And while he might very well have been capable of seducing *everyone*, I find it more believable that there were some who were able to see past his lies to the truth, much the same as the Elves and Men of the Last Alliance. Otherwise, I don't think Tolkien would have put in that passage of Sam standing over the dead Southron's body and wondering if he wouldn't have just rather stayed home with his family.

Thanks for reading and for such a wonderful review! :)

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/25/2007
This just gets more and more impressive--the plotting is a maze of deceit overlayed with deceit, and the details of character, lifestyle and history in the East are wonderfully colourful and captivating. I still don't know who to believe, but I'm definitely along for the ride! This is seriously entertaining. :)

Author Reply: Well, it took so long to get here, it would be a shame to have it end too soon. ;) Everyone thinks they know what everyone else is plotting, and it does make for a rather tangled web. All will be revealed soon enough. ;) *cranks ride into hyperdrive*

Thanks for the lovely review!

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