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The Blessing  by Pearl Took 8 Review(s)
cathleenReviewed Chapter: 28 on 4/8/2008
Well, again you already know how much I *love* this chapter, but let me tell you again - I LOVE this chapter!! You weaved in the Took Sight and the Faerie blood along with the Ent draughts so well. I really liked the visions Pip had, and the foreshadowing that all is not well in the Shire. I also think it is highly appropriate for Gandalf and Elrond to limit what the others are told by leaving the decision up to Pippin. The Sight is such a personal thing, and also, Pippin needs to have the liberty of making decisions for himself. Like Dreamflower mentioned, I do hope we see what is going through Pip's mind when he learns the whole story!

Lovely chapter, as always, girls!

Author Reply: Thank you so much Cathleen :-) The whole matter of the Faerie just won't leave stories I'm working on alone. I'm glad folks seem to enjoy it though.

Pip does need to make decisions for himself if he's to continue to grow and be strong.

We'll do our best to have him be all introspective ;-)

We're both glad you loved it!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 28 on 4/6/2008
Wow -- Pippin's after-affects from the Ent Draught was an excellent pointer to the Took Sight. I can hardly wait to see how more enhanced his gift becomes as time passes on.

Well done again!

Author Reply: Thank you, m'dear Pippinfan!

Well, we shall see, but unless the muses have other ideas, I don't think it will have much more effect. It will show up again, I think, but not much and not often.

Glad you enjoyed and hopefully the next installment will be up sometime next week :-)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 28 on 4/4/2008
I agree--the reasoning used is very considered and logical; and they are undoubtedly wise to leave it to Pippin to explain to the others that at least part of what he's undergoing is due to his faerie heritage. We do love the abiding love of our faerie wife toward her Took descendants, after all!

Author Reply: Hi Larner :-)

Glad we're doing well and that you enjoy having the faerie blood brought into the mix.

Thank you so much for reading :-)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 28 on 4/3/2008
Very interesting, indeed!

So, the falling sickness in combination with the Ent draught opened some "channels" in Pippin's brain to let him have visions?

It's likely that he won't remember anything, but on the other hand even Elrond does not know all the effects of the Ent draught. I'm looking forward to reading of the conversation between Pippin and Elrond.

Frodo decided to go to Rivendell despite Pippin's words. I understand him, of course. No-one can be sure if what Pippin saw will really happen. But I wonder if they could have changed the future, had they gone back home immediately.

Last, but not least: I very much liked your description of Sunshine's observations. Like a fit, but somehow different!

Thank you, Pearl and Golden!

(P.S.: Since today is my birthday, I consider this as a present :) Thanks, again!)

Author Reply: Hi Andrea!

Them going back to the Shire early would be interesting, but alas, a different story from this one ;-)

I'm glad you liked Sunshine's dilemma.

Golden says: "Herzlichen Glückwunsch!"
Pearl says: "Happy Birthday!"

Glad we could give you a gift :-)

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 28 on 4/2/2008
This was a very interesting chapter. I'm really excited to see you weaving the Took Sight into this story.

It was clever of Gandalf and Elrond to blame it on the Ent draught to the other hobbits. I hope you plan to write the conversation between Pippin and elrond. I really want to hear what the elf has to say and how Pippin accepts it--or doesn't.:)

You know I get so excited when I see an update to this. (Does the happy dance)

Great job one again, Pearl and Golden.

Author Reply: Thank you so very much Garnet :-)

That conversation will be in the story.

I'm glad you're excited about the Faerie Blood. A part of me wants to never write it again, but it keeps working it's way into stories I'm writing. It helps to know that there are readers who enjoy its appearances :-)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 28 on 4/2/2008
How fascinating. I love that conversation between Gandalf and Elrond, with Elrond relying on Gandalf for 'hobbit lore' and them sharing their wisdom.

Author Reply: Thank you m'dear shirebound :-)

I think that is part of being truly wise, knowing when to defer to someone else's superior knowledge ;-)

pippinsgirlReviewed Chapter: 28 on 4/2/2008
My poor toes they hurt so much from you keeping me on them so long!! lol, but I do honstly LOVE the story. Merry kinda worries me though, because he (IMO) still isn't too sure about how to handle Pippin's falling sickness.

Author Reply: I'm sorry for your poor toesies, but we're very glad that you love the story. that's good insight into Merry, we'll have to see what happens with the lad.

Thank you so much pippinsgirl :-)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 28 on 4/2/2008
So this is how it worked out!

I like the idea that Pippin is now going to have some foresight--which may stand them all in good stead shortly! I hope you show Pippin's reactions when Elrond tells him it has to do with his Tookish heritage.

I also liked Elrond's consultation with Gandalf. It reminds me of Gandalf's assertion to Frodo that when it came to the hobbits' past, he knew more than the hobbits did.

Will Pippin share that knowledge with his Aunt Esmeralda, recalling her presence with him on the Quest, I wonder?

Author Reply: I'm so glad you liked it dreamflower! :-)

He will have some times of foresight, but we don't know how much yet. There is a scene coming, though not immediately, of Pip and Elrond's chat.

I'm glad you liked the talk between Elrond and Gandalf as well. We also don't know what or with whom Pippin will share this bit of information.

Thank you so much for sticking with us :-)

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