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Second Mum  by Larner 15 Review(s)
CalienReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/16/2017
Well, I'm here! Chapter 1 is very interesting... Little Frodo is so cute! And your female characters are fantastic. Menegilda and Primula are very stubborn, and Esme is sweet.
Frodo's heart has a problem? Oh, I'm worry! Poor child :-(
It's difficult for me to leave a review, because my english isn't very good... but I like the beginning of this story. I will read soon the second chapter!

Author Reply: I admit I borrowed the heart murmur from Lindelea's writing, as it was one of her stories that sparked me to write and post stories of my own.

I patterned my ladies on some of the women I've known in my own life. And I find Frodo is one of my favorite characters to write about.

Thank you ever so much!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/26/2007
I could just see Frodo and all of the red ink!
I also liked that you mentioned his eyes at birth. This is lovely!

Author Reply: Well, of COURSE Frodo would find the RED ink and paddle in it. What else would you think he might do? And I suspect even at birth his eyes would be remarkable.

So glad you're reading now.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/19/2007
Argh, I can’t start another story of yours when I’ve still got 70-odd chapters of Sacrifice left to go! But I’m a sucker for Esmeralda and Frodo, having always felt they had a special bond…so couldn’t help taking a peek! The little “snapshots” of Frodo’s childhood make an interesting effect.

Trust Baby Frodo even to cry attractively!

And now Esme truly is his second mum: “Never again should you suffer.” Sigh…every mother’s futile vow…

Author Reply: Oh, you'll make it through, Inkling--I have trust in you!

This is my Mothers Day gift to many I've come to love who've been mothers and second mothers, as I was for so long.

Frodo's cry is patterned on my grandson's cry for the first few days of his life. I swear, I was wondering who had brought a small cat into the hospital room the first time he made it. And of course Frodo would have such a special cry.

Yes, every mother desires that for her child; and none of us can deliver on that promise.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/6/2007
Such a good thing that Frodo had Esmeralda to offer a continuation of love - and with whom he already had a strong bond.

Author Reply: Continuity is usually a good thing, and for the most part Frodo and Esmeralda are mutually supportive, of course.

And I do think Frodo would already have developed a good relationship with his older cousin.

Thanks so much for the comments, Bodkin.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/5/2007
Now I see why you’ve forbidden to throw plot bunnies your way. Your house seems to be overrun with nuzgul already ;-)

Can’t help but feel smug that Frodo even as a little one managed to discomfit Lobelia and enjoyed the way Bilbo told her off *evil grin*
Anyway, after reading again how nasty Lobelia was, now I hope for some more pranks Frodo pulled on her after he moved to Bag End. She’d deserve every single one he could think of.

Good to know Frodo loved Esme so much even before he lost his parents – it made it easier to accept her as foster-mother. And I am very amused Frodo sent others off in the wrong direction to buy Sara and Esme some privacy. Truly intelligent lad.

These lost babies are so sad. I can imagine so well how hard it was for Primula and Esme – just got to see it firsthand. A friend of me lost her baby early last year in the ninth week of pregnancy, conceived again in the fall, and the baby – due at the end of May – was born dead in the middle of February due to a chromosomes abnormity. She’s devastated, of course, poor girl *sigh*

Hm ... I see Bilbo truly showed more sense than Menegilda from the first, even understanding what it would do to Frodo to restrain his activities as much as they did later. I’m truly glad he took Frodo to Bag End later.

Author Reply: Yes, these plot bunnies gone nuzgul are getting to be quite the nuisance! Heh!

In this case the situation wasn't deliberate, and I do believe that Bilbo could usually manage to give as well as he got with Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.

Yes, I think there would already be a good relationship between Esme and Frodo before his parents' deaths, and I can just imagine Frodo doing his own bit of matchmaking between Esme and Sara. Merry must have learned it somewhere, I think! Heh!

A close friend was so desirous to have children she put herself through nine miscarriages before her gynecologist declared enough and she had to undergo an emergency hysterectomy. She went on to adopt four children and foster many others, most of whom had been abused and neglected by birth-parents who were for the most part seriously mentally and emotionally disturbed. I've rather patterned Primula on her.

And of course Bilbo has a better sense of what Frodo's capable of than Gilda. After all, he's been out in the outer world and has traveled through Rivendell, where he met a young mother who'd suffered her OWN miscarriages....

And my prayers are with your friend. Having taken classes in the etiology of disabilities, I'm absolutely astounded there aren't MORE stories such as hers. It is so difficult to deal with. I lost one fetus, and that was devastating enough.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/3/2007
Frodo must have been a lovely baby.

Author Reply: Oh, I do suspect he was indeed a beautiful baby, and that Bilbo became besotted with him from his birth.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/3/2007
I was most impressed that Frodo offered to clean out his mother's chamberpot - that's love. It just sounded like a neat thing for him to say and offer, his nobility already showing. I've written much of my life also - I love seeing this part of him that is so close to me. Can't draw beyond stick figures and happy faces myself and not even all of the latter turn out well. But I paint with words - I am grateful for God's gift in that! Intriguing mention of a half-hobbit creature seen near the water. Poor Frodo's disbelief that his mother could be dead despite the fact of being able to swim.

God bless,
Antane :)

Author Reply: To not be allowed to help one we love dearly can be such a shaming experience. A friend's wife is facing cancer surgery, and she doesn't want him at the hospital due to his own physical condition, which is not particularly good. He understands, but also feels closed out.

I had a foster child who at age three was starting to draw letters and recognize them as we read together; he would probably have been reading before he entered school had he been allowed to remain with us instead of the state deciding his birth mother needed him--but that is a very painful subject still after so many years. Frodo's reading and writing is my tribute to Ben, wherever he might be; and the artistic ability is my tribute to my most artistically gifted older brother.

And it is hard to accept that someone who could swim as well as Primula probably did might have drowned in such a simple accident. She ought to have survived, I think.

Socrates399Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/3/2007
Is it implied by this story that Gollum could have had something to do with the upset boat?

Author Reply: Actually, it is. I've just spent several fruitless minutes trying to find the story I wish to reference, for I was certain I read it here; but I can't find it now. Anyway, shortly after I became enamored of fanfiction I read a posting, I thought on this site, in which the story was told of a secret visit by a water-loving creature who visited the Shire by night in search of word of his lost treasure, who came upon a boat on the river and saw to it being turned over.

It's my habit to weave ideas from stories written by others into my own. It's a reaction to Tolkien's own idea summarized in this quote from one of his letters that is featured at the Tolkien FanFiction site: "All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history."

We know that at that time Gollum was seeking the Ring; could he possibly have followed Bilbo's trail to the Shire before heading south and east toward Mordor? There's no way to be certain, of course.

I hope the idea doesn't upset you or confuse you. There's no proof one way or another, after all. Just felt I'd like to write the idea into this story.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/2/2007
The infant appeared puzzled, pursing his lips and turning his face in search of the milk he’d been enjoying but seconds before. ... A soft noise caught their attention; the bairn Cousin Primula held had screwed up his face, having decided not having his mother’s breast was
a mortal insult, and was working himself into a cry. When it came, however, it wasn’t the loud, shrill, insistent shriek common to most newborns, but
more of a soft, almost musical note that nevertheless communicated frustration.

Awww! This is so Frodo, even so young.

Yes, I can definitely see Frodo getting into the ink and making such a mess all over everywhere! *grins* And leave it to him to choose ink to do it with. I say Lobelia deserved what she got. :)

“Tell you what, Primrose, you
go on and tell Primula I have her son and intend to spoil him terribly, but will be there within the hour."

How auntlike! :) I think I'll do that--let my brothers and sister have the kids and just get the wonderful job of spoiling them rotten. :)

"And little Frodo was with you this time, was he? Usually I find just him and he tells me you just went off to the privy or to visit the Bunces or Carnelian or something.
Although I’ve noted that when I can’t find you I can’t seem to find Sara, either.”

She cast a quick glance at the child, and he secretly gave her an impudent wink before reverting to a perfectly innocent expression
when his mother looked down inquiringly into his eyes.

LOL! Oh, I love it, I love it! To think of Frodo protecting them with his own innocent charm--adorable!

“Oh, Frodo-mine,” she whispered, “I’ll do my best to see to it that nothing ever hurts you like that again, I promise dearling, upon all that’s
good and right in this world. Never again should you suffer.”

And as he lay there, he seemed to shine somewhat in the growing dark in the room. A special one to whom she’d be a second mother. Again she
stroked his brow, smiling at him.

It's a pity Esmeralda couldn't keep her promise. And yet I know from your other stories that she and Saradoc went about it the wrong way, and if it had been kept, the Shire--and Middle-earth--would have turned out very differently in the end.

This whole chapter is written with such tenderness. I like it very much and I can't wait to see what comes next!
God bless,

Author Reply: My younger grandson when born sounded just like a kitten, and even his cries weren't true infant wailing until he was at least a month old. I suppose infant Frodo was based on that kitten-like noise; and I doubt Frodo would ever be typical.

I was trying to find a way of bringing out that once he was aware of the lie of the land between Saradoc and Esmeralda Frodo would do his best to see the two of them happy, and this was what came out. Merry apparently received his apprenticeship at matchmaking from Frodo himself! Heh!

And if Esme overprotected Frodo, it was because of the lead of Menegilda, I think. It is too bad in some ways they did so; but in others perhaps it was best, for in the end Bilbo overrode them and saw Frodo at last properly prepared for the day he must leave the Shire for his own adventure, before leaving again for a far more gentle one.

But as Elanor Winterflowers in her current story points out, it's far too much the nature of parents to overprotect their young, often to the ill of all involved.

So glad you enjoyed this one, my Lady.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/2/2007
This is just brimming with love. :)

Author Reply: Am so glad you find it so, Shirebound. I agree.

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