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With Hope and Without Hope  by docmon 8 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/15/2008
Maybe Aragorn should pretend to join Sauraman and escape in Rohan?What a dreadful situation they are all in! I love Merry and Pippin's courage and determination.

Author Reply: Thanks for writing, Linda! Aragorn pretending, there's an idea! If only he had the presence of mind to think of it himself. Yeah, things aren't looking to great for them, but the hobbits may still pull through...

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/8/2008
I reread this chapter, just to try and figure out where in the world you're going with this, and I only managed to become more depressed with the scenario ;P In the end, I can just imagine what's going on in Valinor...

Vaire: Err, Manwe, you may want to see this. The tapestry re-wove itself.
Manwe: Which tapestry?
Vaire: The end of the Third Age; right at the end of February. The Fellowship, well...
Manwe: Let me see *studies tapestry* What in the world..? *flips through "The Lord of the Rings"* This is not supposed to happen! Where is Olorin?
Vaire: He's on vacation.
Manwe: Where?
Vaire: The Caribbean, or so I heard.
Manwe: *fumes* Next time I see Curumo and Olorin, they have some explaining to do.

And after that, Manwe sends Tulkas and Orome to put Saruman in his place and everyone lives happily ever after. The End.

... forgive me. It's three AM and I need to offset the complete hopelessness with silly thoughts :D I forgot to mention in my last review to update soon. Soo... update soon! :)


Author Reply: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ainu, that was too funny. You really made me laugh - out loud, for real. Good thing I was at home, cuz I'd be getting funny looks...
I never thought of that resolution: sic Tulkas and Orome on Saruman! There's a solution! [eg]
Gandalf could have timed his Caribbean vacation better, too. But does he ask? Noooo! Just skipped town without a word. I'll be sure to inform Manwe when he *does* return.

Thundera TigerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/27/2008
The thing I love best about this chapter is that you present what is possibly the most logical, persuasive, and compelling argument for Aragorn joining up with Saruman that I have ever seen. A few others have tried the alliance aspect with varying degrees of success, but you actually find it. You dig in and find the reason for how anything even remotely close to an alliance with Saruman might present itself as appealing to Aragorn. Because by the end of that section, from a purely logical standpoint, I'm forced to agree with many aspects of Saruman's reasoning. He's got a point. Several points, in fact. And he makes them well. And the fact that readers can not only see but are in some cases forced to agree with those points is a powerful statement on just what you've been able to do with this story.

On another note, I also love the end of Merry's section. On yet another note, I love the whole story, but I particularly love this part. It's so very Merry and so very hobbit-like to cling to that one spark of hope despite everything else. And to force Pippin to do so as well. In particular, the last line of this section is very telling, and is nicely expanded by Gimli's section, but the line Very powerful. Once again phenomenal work, Docmon!

Author Reply: You are too kind, Thundera! It would not be the story it is without you!
I've tried, with your help, to really reason out Saruman's thinking in a realistic way. From his point of view, what would he want to accomplish? What would he want from Aragorn? Then I looked closely at Aragorn's weaknesses, especially as Saruman would see them. I was then able to see what Saruman would exploit and then... well, then, maybe a little of the evil in me took over ;-).

One of my worries with Merry's section was that I overdid the drama a bit. I may be accused of a bit of torture from some readers if they feel I'm toying with their emotions a bit too much. But I don't mean to! Really! I promise!
Thanks for writing, Thundera!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/26/2008
And where is Gandalf when we needs him? We wonders, doesn't we, gollum?

Author Reply: Bah! [wizard grumbling] I've decided to sit this one out! You children are always calling Gandalf! Gandalf! Just when a wizard thinks he has found a quiet place to think and have a smoke, all he gets are demands for answers and HELP! Well, you're going to have to get yourselves out of this one, children! Hmph!

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/25/2008
Oh, my goodness! Author White Wolf is right now writing a little Legolas and Aragorn adventure which keeps yanking the characters AND the readers from one breath-holding, hair-raising peril to another. This story is very much like that one. Indeed, as was said at the Council of Elrond, this seems to be the hour of the Shirefolk. As one reviewer mentioned, right now we do not know what Gandalf is doing. Or Treebeard, for that matter. I am guessing that somehow Merry and Pippin will get out, and the meetings with those two will happen a bit differently than Tolkien, but they will happen. Writer insane? Diabolically cruel? Perhaps. Also brilliant! I can't wait for the next part!

Author Reply: LOL [insert diabolical laugh] Insane and diabolical? Wow, I better enjoy this one. [eg] Oh, yes, yes, people keep asking about Gandalf, and Treebeard. If only I knew who this Gandalf character was, I would have put him into my story... Treebeard? Oh, we'll see...
[insert more diabolical laughing]
You're bringing out the evil in me, demeter! LOL! But you'll just have to wait for the next installment to see what's up next for everyone. And I'll have to check out White Wolf's story too.
Thanks for all the compliments! And thanks for taking the time to review!

NalediReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/25/2008
Every chapter, I think things can't get any worse for our heroes, and yet with each new chapter things get even bleaker.

I hope Merry and Pippin can come up with a plan, and quickly. Poor Legolas and Gimli are not in good shape :(

Author Reply: Thanks, Naledi! Yes, things look grim, don't they? I sure hope someone comes up with a plan soon... Oh! That would be me, huh? >:-D But this is just so much fun, and all you great reviewers keep rewarding me...

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/25/2008
Another chapter! Great!...Well, I'm in more despair that I was before reading, I can feel how Aragorn feels, no hope, no good options...and Legolas and Gimli, that is literally to be in a black hole, not even with the respite to see the other ones and have the comfort of their company...Very depressing scenario...being the play toys for the orcs, what a terrible fate for warriors...very depressing...when you describe how the orc dragged Gimli after the “water brake” and he didn’t have the energy to even bother to walk, I mean, you really can feel all the helplessness and hopelessness of their situation. You are a great writer. Just, when are they going to improve a little bit their situation?
But I do like how you portrait the hobbits, thinking not only in themselves or their companions, but in the whole big picture, Rohan and Gordon, in fact Middle Earth. I can see them escaping, even sacrificing the Hunters, in order to save Rohan...I just hope that Gandalf is already there and help a little bit, because I don't think they can help Theoden get rid of Saruman and Grima...You see, there is always hope and I have faith that they going to make it.
Good, thanks for the chapter and keep posting. I really enjoy reading this story.

Author Reply: Thanks for the compliments, Fantasia! So glad to keep you in suspense! Oh, I suppose it is a *bit* depressing... ;-) I'm enjoying using the hobbits to their full potential. You've got to keep an eye on them, you know.
Improving the situation? Hm... I'll think about that.

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/25/2008
My, my, my, how the plot thickens. Poor Strider, caught between two horrendous choices, and with no hope for any alternative to suddenly come about to offer a viable third choice. It's painful to watch him sliding deeper into despair--hurry up, Pippin and come straighten him out! And it was good to see Merry and his thoughts. I'm definitely hanging by a thread here, hoping and despairing from one breath to the other. Carry on!!

Author Reply: Well, it sounds like my plan has worked perfectly! bwahahah... Really, yours are just the reactions I'm hoping to draw out: a roller coaster of hope and despair. Oh, some might call it torture... others have already used the word insane... I plead innocent! It's the characters' faults, I tells ya!

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