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With Hope and Without Hope  by docmon 7 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/3/2008
A very scary encounter with the Nazgul! I worry most about Aragorn.If only Gandalf would turn up,he could snap him out of the spell.I liked the way you wrote Pippin's encounter with the palantir.

Author Reply: Thanks, Linda! Glad you liked the Nazgul. I couldn't leave out Pippin and the palantir. That just had to stay, even in an AU.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/18/2008
All becomes increasingly ominous! How did the Nazgul find them? Through the fell beast it rides? Hmmm.

Author Reply: Yes, ominous....

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/15/2008
Well, why not have a Nazgul show up and add to the fun? Every other blasted awful thing has happened to our heroes in this thing, so sure, torment poor Gimli and Merry with a shrieking wraith. Seriously, that is an interesting twist--wonder what distracted him? And what will Gimli and Merry do now that they're out? Escape is one thing, but now they have bigger problems facing them, namely that big long distance to Edoras. And then how to get back into Orthanc for poor Legolas. And then there's Strider ... you've only been giving these awful little glimpses of him but it's enough to set a chill in my gut and a sudden image of him as bent of mind and helpless as Theoden King. Eek. Not how I like to see my beloved Ranger! Hmm, can we take up a collection so you can take a leave of absence from your career and work nonstop to finish this thing? I think it'd be cheaper in the long run than the therapy I'll need from all these cliffhangers....

Author Reply: LOL Cairistiona! You are too funny! And I thought Thundera Tiger was the queen of the cliffhanger. I'll take an honorable mention. ;-)
You've certainly perceived Aragorn just how I intended. So glad I got my message across.
I'm afraid there's more torment to come. The next one's a doozy, I'm afraid. You've been warned.

NalediReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/15/2008
It was interesting that Pippin couldn't resist the lure of the palantir. But who was that he saw? Denethor? I'm looking forward to seeing what the knock-on effects of that will be, because in the book, Sauron seeing Pippin in the Palantir forced him to move before he was ready.

And poor Merry and Gimli have a long walk ahead of them. Isn't it about time Gandalf showed up?

Author Reply: Thanks for writing, Naledi! Some events can't be avoided, even in an AU. So Pippin ended up looking - perhaps he was meant to.
Yes, Merry and Gimli have a long walk ahead of them - but they're stubborn! They'll keep at it.
I keep getting Gandalf's voice mail, so I don't think he's back from vacation. If he doesn't return soon, he's going to miss the whole show!

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/14/2008
I suppose I should warn you... in order to combat the rather drastic effects of angsty, hopeless cliffhangers, I bring along some of the Muses in order to, err, lighten my anxiety. They have been with me for many years, though they were on vacation for the last couple...

Staff Elf: The Caribbean is a rather nice place.

I'm sure it is. I haven't brought the muses along for many years- since the earlier years of high school, actually- but I really feel that I need them here. Otherwise I may go insane- or, more insane than I am now.

Well, it is nice that Gimli and Merry are out- actually out, too! I do feel sorry for Legolas, though, being the last one left.

Staff Elf: I don't. He's a prick.

This is book-Legolas, dahling, not Orlando Bloom Legolas.

Staff Elf: I see. Then I wish him the best.

Eh... yea, it doesn't look like things are going so well for him now. Now Pip. Poor Pippin... it seems that fate took hold of him here, too. I was wondering if he was going to look into the Palantir.

Staff Elf: It is a rather bad addiction for the perian. He may want to join Gollum in counseling. Obsession over inanimate objects is not healthy.

We may want to put Aragorn in there, too. Speaking of him, I am rather distressed about his mental state. The man who was named 'hope' is losing hope rather fast. He wasn't too bad when he was just with the orcs, but just give him a few days with Saruman and his whole sense of self was flushed down the drain. I wish he would fight it more.

Staff Elf: Watching the destruction of all good and all that you love does damper one's spirits.

But he's *hope*. Estel. You know.

Staff Elf: Yes, and said 'hope' is on death row. And you expect him to be cheerful?

Not cheerful, just- oh, nevermind! Bloody elf. In the end, I wonder what the importance of Denethor seeing Pippin in the palantir is. And I wonder why Saruman was happy about it. If he's happy, I'm not.

Let's move on... ah! Sauron has his wits about him. He did not tell the dear old wizard about a Nazgul paying an early visit to see that he gets what he wants. One small comment, however- would the Nazgul be so flippant about speaking his master's name? Would it not be better as, say, Lord Sauron, or the Lord of Mordor, or something else with a title?

Staff Elf: You are too picky.

Am not. Just saying... anyways! I suppose the Nazgul thought him an emissary to Saruman once he saw it was no man. I guess the dark being wouldn't know the minds of dwarves. As for his sudden departure, I would guess it was the Palantir. Even though he wasn't seen, I wouldn't be surprised if Sauron was lurking in the background.

Staff Elf: Great deduction, Watson.

I'd rather be Holmes, if you don't mind. You can be Watson.

*blinks* This is rather long, isn't it? All for sanity's sake, I assure you... the end of this chapter just left me rather chilled and, well, as hopeless as Aragorn. Well, maybe not *that* hopeless, but still rather hopeless.

Staff Elf: You're rambling. End the review, we still need to complete this game of Jin.

Oh, right. Well then. Until next time. Update *soon*, please, before I enroll myself into the asylum. :D

Author Reply: LOL! oh, Ainu Laire, you are too funny! Though I think your Staff Elf is a little too hard on you. ;-) And obsession over inanimate objects - that's a good one. Never considered that all Gollum needed was a good sit down with a therapist. Would have saved a lot of people a whole lot of trouble. Now, Aragorn, yup, totally agree. He'd make a therapist a bundle of money right now. Though I'm afraid I have to agree with SE on Aragorn's dampened spirits. Even that cheeky elf didn't expect him to be cheerful then.
You are entirely right about the Nazgul referring to Sauron, imo. He absolutely should have said, at the least, _Lord_ Sauron. Good catch! (So shush that elf!)
I would say I'm sorry to leave you so bereft - but NOT! Don't worry, another chapter will post soon, and you'll be wishing you didn't find out what's up with the elf...
Thanks for writing!

Thundera TigerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/14/2008
The thing I really like about this chapter is that it showcases how escape isn't necessarily the big challenge. Sometimes it's about what comes after the escape, and you show that really well here. Not that the escape itself isn't exciting. You can feel the tension and the eyes of the sentries as Merry and Gimli thread their way through Isengard. But once they're out, the next step isn't as easy as might be expected. Edoras is a long trek through Rohan, something that both of them appreciate. But it's a tribute to their courage that it's also something they're both willing to attempt.

Then of course there's Pippin. Poor Pippin. Even in an AU, he can't quite escape the palantir. :) I find it really interesting that it isn't Gandalf this time around who comes to Pippin's aid but rather the unlikely combination of Aragorn and Saruman. Now there's a picture. It makes for a truly unique scene that I very much enjoyed. Awesome chapter, Docmon!

Author Reply: Oh, good point, Thundera! Escaping doesn't necessarily solve all the problems. And Rohan is so far away, but they have to try, don't they? Between a dwarf and a hobbit, you have enough stubbornness to accomplish just about anything.
Yes, it was quite ironic to have Saruman and Aragorn in place of Gandalf there. Lots of twisting of canon! But that's what makes an AU so much fun! :-D
Thanks for writing!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/14/2008
Well, you certainly told us that the escape was never easy, but I never have thought that they will encounter a Nazgul. I told myself, this is, they are finish, luckily, the Nazgul are quite single mind and don't care for the rest of the world when they are pursuing someone. I wonder what Saruman will say to him about Aragorn, maybe change of plans, he wasn't expecting Pippin looking into the stone either...

Glad that Merry and Gimli are still alive, in his way...don't know where...they can't beat Saruman's army in his way to Edoras, so I hope that they next encounter is with Gandalf, and finally he will recover his memory and do something, I’m sure that right now, Eru is very disappointed with him, saving his live, sending him back and what do you get? A wizard wondering lost in Middle Earth…

So, Legolas is alone in Orthanc, alone with orcs, one there to control them...well I'm worry for him. Very nice when Gimli thought about the stars and link them to Legolas.

Thanks and post soon. I enjoy this story a lot.

Author Reply: Happy to surprise you, Fantasia! Yes, the Nazgul are rather single-minded, aren't they?
I think you're right, Eru should have a talk with that wizard! Slacking off just when the people of Middle-earth need him! After all he did for him!
Yeah, maybe you should worry for Legolas... but you'll soon find out just what happens when no one's around to control orcs.
Thanks for writing!

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