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West of the Moon, East of the Sun  by Armariel 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/8/2007
Oh, such a wonderful table. And as much a surprise for Anemone as for Sam and Frodo? That must have taken some doing!

I was a bit surprised you deviated so from canon for Pippin and Merry's endings, taking place in the Shire and not in Gondor after Sam's leaving. But I don't think Pippin would linger very long after Merry if at all possible. They were all they had left of their own generation's love at that point, with probably their wives gone already and Frodo and Sam having left. But it is right.

Author Reply: Oh yes...someone sent me some amazing photos that put ideas into my head;) They can be viewed here: .... And yes, of course they wanted to surprise everyone, not just the guest of honor, and really go all out to make him welcome!

Actually I didn't say where they died, just how...but I did think most likely Merry would have wanted to visit his children and grandchildren at least once in a while, and what with the rugged terrain overall, might well have met with an accident. I'd rather he went all at once than die of some lingering illness or old age. (I think I read a fanfic or two wherein Merry and Pippin both died before Sam sailed, it must have been sticking somewhere in the back of my head although I don't remember the title or author.) And yes, I figure Pippin would follow Merry pretty soon--little tagalong that he is!;) It would be the right way for him to go, surely.


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/8/2007
Welcome dear Samwise indeed! He's finding he's well loved already and not just by his Frodo. It's so lovely they sang that song to each other on their respective anniversaries. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Somehow I thought that song would go over well:D Yes, Frodo's family and friends are going all out to make Sam welcome and try to compensate him for all he's given up. Maybe he'll want to stay all the longer now *g* I'm finding the idea of letting them go pretty hard myself, as though I'm one of the family!

Thanks once more for commenting!


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