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Letters  by Jay of Lasgalen 7 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/24/2008
but they’re just Nana and Ada. I told her it’s not the same.

ROTFL - the wisdom of a child.

As for the rest, I found it quite bitter-sweet. I am surprised Elrond was not more supportive... I know why he sent Elrohir off, but a little more 'support' from his dad might have helped.

Author Reply: Elrond probably was more sympathetic and supporting - Elrohir's just feeling hard done by, and imagines he's the only one in the world who has someone he misses!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/10/2008
Nana sends her love, and says she misses Ada as well – but they’re just Nana and Ada. I told her it’s not the same. *lol* Dear Elrohir, he's very convinced no one can miss someone other as much as he is missing Elladan!

Of course the twins have to learn to be separated at times, but I can understand why they're not happy with it, as they are so close. Two is better, as you know already ;-)

Author Reply: No - Nana and Ada, and mere brothers can't miss each other as much as twins!

As adults I'm sure there are times when their duties take them away from Imladris, and from each other, and they had to learn to cope. This is the first time they've been apart for more than a day, though. Two is better!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/10/2008
Ah, those who try to help twins "become their own persons" by separating them! And I'd love to see his wind screen.

Author Reply: I'm surprised at Elrond - as Elrohir says, he should know better. Of course, Elrohir is actually enjoying himself - he just doesn't want to admit it!

I think Haldir is being diplomatic about that screen ... :>)

Selene AduialReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/9/2008
*snicker* I'll bet that his wind screen is truly a one of a kind ;)
Kids and treehouses: an ideal combination.
Eventhough he misses his brother a lot, and I can imagine it's worse for twins to be apart for the first time, he really seems to be having a good time.

Author Reply: *Grin* Haldir is being diplomatic :)

Although Elrohir does miss Elladan a lot, he's having a great time - but he doesn't want to admit it. I'm not sure he even realises how much he's enjoying the visit without Elladan!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/9/2008
Treehouses are irresistable to all kids, aren't they? Elrohir's excitement and enthusiasm are so sweet - and he obviously misses his twin very much. Happy Birthday, Jay!

Author Reply: Thank you! Elrohir is actually enjoying himself in Lórien, with all the new experiences - he just doesn't want to admit he can have fun without Elladan :>)

ellieReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/9/2008
I'll bet the wind screen is one of a kind. too funny! what a sweet story of twin missing twin.

Author Reply: 'One of a kind' - Haldir is very kind and diplomatic, isn't he? Elrohir is ten here, and missing Elladan a lot.

EstelielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/9/2008
Oh, I totally love this series of letters from Elrohir! Little Elrohir away from his brother for the firs time, eh?

I love how he keeps saying that any set of loved ones can miss each other, but that it's not the same as with twins. Not even Nana and Ada.

This is very enjoyable, Jay! We're lucky with all your updates! I love them!


Author Reply: Thank you! Elrohir is ten here, and missing Elladan a lot. And of course it's not the same for anyone who's not a twin :>)

Elrohir is actually enjoying himself, he just doesn't quite realise it ...

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