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Letters  by Jay of Lasgalen 12 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/24/2008
What a delightful little letter. It seems plausible, with the comings and goings of the Dwarves, that one or two would be befriended by our beloved Elrohir. Nice job.

Author Reply: Ori learned the Elvish script somewhere, most probably in Imladris. So why not from Elrohir?

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/18/2008

Very nice... I like that Elrohir learned a different way to write, he would do it to irritate Elladan.And I liked the referance of them being spy's in the meeting in moria which is a reference of your other story.

Nice job...

Author Reply: Thanks, pipinheart!

Although Elrohir learned the dwarvish writing in exchange for teaching Ori elvish runes, the fact that it annoyed Elladan was an added bonus! I'm glad you remember the spies. I promise I'll get back to that story, but the muse has departed for the moment :(

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/4/2008
Good letters! I like the way Elrohir misses his brother - and the way his parents decided that they might benefit from being free to develop as individuals.

But I think this is my favourite letter. Prefaces some sad stories - and partings. But I'm sure Elrohir will be able to impress Gimli with his knowledge of the Dwarven script. One day.

Author Reply: Thanks, Bodkin! Their parents probably think they know best as far as teaching the twins to be individuals is concerned - but I think E2 disagree. They'll do it, but only in their own time and way.

I had fun with the idea of Elrohir learning Dwarvish runes from Ori, and especially annoying Elladan with them! Ori's brave new venture to Moria must have seemed so exciting and promising, and is so poignant with what we know.

Hmm - Elrohir impressing Gimli with his knowledge. I like that idea!!

LilandrielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/25/2008
These are brilliant. i wish i had realised sooner that you had written more letters; i would have R&R'd sooner!

wonderful letters, i especially loved and was touched by the last one; imagine Moria reopened in all it's glory. awesome. i find it highly amusing that Elladan couldn't read the letter, and was cursing over his brother's shoulder!

thanks for the updates; i hope to see more! xx

Author Reply: Thanks for the review. I'm working on more letters, and other stories as well. Moria restored ... if only that had happened. It's sad to think what awaited the Dwarves.

I love to write the twins, especially when they are teasing and annoying each other!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2008
To speak of his grandmother so! Witch of the Wood my eye! Really, Elrondion, you should be spanked soundly for that one. But the idea of this letter to Ori is so beautiful, particularly in light of the story we read so recently.

Author Reply: Oh, Elrohir isn't being rude about Galadriel! He's recalling a comment made by a Dwarf they met in Moria (in my story Beyond The Dimrill Gate (which is sadly short of updates, though I haven't forgotten it). I think Galadriel would hoot with laughter at the twins' predicament there.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2008
Oh, love this continuation! *smiles* Very nice for Elrohir to have also learned a different style of writing. Poor Elladan. *snickers*

Couple of picks though

swearing abut it - I think you mean swearing ABOUT it

Also, you use the Beware to Ori twice very close and it feels very repetitive. JMO. Still love this though. Nicely done!

Author Reply: 'swearing abut it - I think you mean swearing ABOUT it' Whoops! You're right - spellcheck didn't pick that up. The repetition of 'beware' was deliberate, to reinforce the menace in Moria. Perhaps it didn't work ;/

Still, I'm glad you liked this. I loved teasing Elladan over the runes!

SeekHimReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2008
I really liked this story! It had never once occured to me that one of Elrond'sons might have been friends with a dwarf.

But then why not? It was Thranduil's Sindar/Silvan that had had trouble
with the elves. The Noldor and the Dwarves had had friendly relations
from the time of the 1st Age.

I really enjoyed the friendly connection. And I can just picture Elladen fuming over not being able to read his brother's letter!

I just wish the friendship between Ori and Elrohir could have ended more happily. It makes me sad just reading about Elrohir describing how Moria
once was. As he describes it I can sense the hopes that the dwarven settlers

Author Reply: Well, Imladris was the last Homely House, and Elrond was clearly used to many strange visitors. I thought it would make sense for them to exchange knowledge and skills at times. As soon as I had the idea of Elrohir learning runes from Ori, I could see him tormenting Elladan about it!

I wish the tale had a happier ending, though. Poor Ori.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2008
This one leaves mixed feelings. On the one hand, I am pleased to know that not only Ori learned to write the elvis script, but in turn taught Elrohir dwarven runes, and that they still keep in contact. But on the other hand, we all know how this re-colonisation turned out in the end, and it is sad that this unusual friendship came to such an end. Elrohir was probably sad to learn from Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn about Ori's fate.

Anyway, I can see Elladan fuming because he's not able to read Elrohir's letter *grin*. Serves him right, other people's letters are not his business!

Author Reply: When I thought more about it, I realised that it made sense for Ori to teach Elrohir the Dwarvish runes as well, and for them to exchange letters to practice their skills. And then, of course, Elrohir would use it to annoy Elladan! (But Elrohir's not 'other people', he's Elladan's twin. Of course it's his business.)

It's sad though, to remember how the quest for Moria ended.

TithenaruReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2008
I have just become a member after months of 'lurking' (I don't want to admit how many). I can't think of a better way to celebrate coming out of the dark than to leave a review for one of my favorite authors. I love the way you write the twins and this one made me smile: poor Elladan!

Author Reply: Hello! Welcome to SoA - I'm glad you've been lured from lurkerdom.

It's always great to hear from a new reviewer, especially one who likes the twins. Poor Elladan - even as mature, sensible adults, they just can't resist teasing each other. I'm sure Elladan will get his revenge one day!

ellieReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2008
this is delightful! the sentiments expressed by elrohir are sweet and full of respect and the glee at being able to hide things from elladan is funny.

Author Reply: Thank you! When I had the idea of Elrohir learning the Angerthas in return, of course I could see him annoying Elladan with it! I can see him encouraging Ori's journey to Moria too - I just wish there had been a better outcome.

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