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Letters  by Jay of Lasgalen 12 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/5/2008

This is just beautiful.

Author Reply: Thank you! Like Elrohir, I was agonising over how to approach this - when his choice suddenly seemed so clear and simple to me.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/30/2008
Yes, I think Elros and Elrond's example might well push Elrohir into deciding that sharing their future was more important than where that future was ... BUT THEY SAIL!!! Right? In time.

Author Reply:
They sail, both of them - eventually. But while I was thinking about how they finally reached that decision, this solution came to me and it just seemed so right!

Now I'm thinking about Elladan's response when he receives the letter ...

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/28/2008
Oh, this was utterly PERFECT!

What other choice could he possibly make? I can't imagine being separated from my own twin for all eternity. I can stand being physically separated by distance, jobs and family necessity but the idea of living on forever without her somewhere out there... well, the idea it devastating.

I honestly think that Elladan feels the same way and they'll probably end up doing something like flipping a coin to determine which path they will take.

A lovely, lovely piece of wrodcraft, mellon-nin.


Author Reply: Thank you, Edlyn!

I didn't know that you were a twin, but the way I see Elladan and Elrohir, I can't imagine them being parted for all time. They have to stay together!

Since writing this, I've started thinking about Elladan's response on reading the letter. I think I'll have to write that, as well ...


Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/27/2008

Excellent letter - and what a hideous choice for any Elf - but particularly for twins. Perhaps it is best that Elros made the choice he did; that way, the twins can see how awful it would be to know that your brother was dead... alive... without you...

Very, very well written.

Author Reply: Thank you, Agape. The more I think about it, the more I think the Valar were rather cruel in setting this choice before the Peredhel. They face great loss no matter which fate they choose :(


RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/27/2008
Oh, this is my favorite of the letters by far! I'm sitting here beaming and also with a lump in my throat from the emotional impact of this particular contribution to the whole series.

I adore Elrohir's choice... it just feels so right.

It's not where you live but whom you love that makes a home. Wonderfully phrased, and beautifully presented. Well done, Jay!

Author Reply: Thank you, Rhyselle!

I was thinking through several ways for Elrohir to make Elladan listen to him - and it suddenly seemed so simple. It's not a choice between mortality and immortality, it's a choice to be together or be parted. And that's easy. As you say, it felt so right for Elrohir to make that decision!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/26/2008
Well that puts the ball firmly in Elladans court, let's hope he chooose as his father did, I am not sure Elrond can stand to loose any more of his family, he has lost so much. The Valar must really love him!

Author Reply: The way I see it, Elrohir has trusted his life to Elladan many times - so he trusts him with this choice. He's already made his own preference clear.

I'm quite sure the twins sailed in the end, and were reunited with their parents :>)

KittyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/26/2008
Very touching, Jay! And I am sure the simple decision to stay with Elladan would give Elrohir peace - these two love each other too much to make different choices. Now Elladan should have the grace to agree to sail!

I'm still clinging to the little bit of hope that JRRT's remark in the letters somewhere gave me, that they delayed their choice, what means they still could sail, though they didn't leave with Elrond. You know, there are times when I imagine him sitting somewhere beyond the circles of the world or wherever he is, surrounded by fans, answering their questions and telling more tales about Middle-earth. And of course, reassuring all the fangirls who want to know what happened to Elladan and Elrohir ;-)

Author Reply: I just love that image of JRRT answering questions from fans! I have a few questions of my own for him ...

The comment that they 'delayed their choice' means to me that it wasn't yet made. And thank you for noticing that although Elrohir leaves the final decision up to Elladan, he still states his own preference to sail!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/26/2008
No matter which choice the two of them make in the end, whether it is for mortality or the life of the Eldar, I agree--these two brothers should remain together. Very thoughtfully presented.

Author Reply: I think they became immortal, but it's more important that they stayed together.

I once wrote a drabblet where they chose different fates, but even *I* find it heartbreaking to read!

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/25/2008
That was very apt.

I like to think that they sailed, though, sometime after Aragorn and Arwen were gone.

It would be so hard for Elrond and Celebrian to be separated from all three of their children, and as far as we know, Elladan and Elrohir didn't have a compelling reason to stay in the way that Arwen did.

Author Reply: Yes - I'm sure they both sailed in the end. I don't want them to become mortal and die!!

docmonReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/25/2008
What a beautiful expression of brotherly love.

Author Reply: Thank you. It's that deep love that I so like to see between the twins.

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