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Tales of the Eldandili  by Alassiel 6 Review(s)
Galadriel GardnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/20/2023
I was captivated by this from beginning to end and, in fact, didn’t want it to end at all, although I don’t think I could have put it down even for a break if I’d had to and was on the edge of my seat the entire time I read.

Where to start?

Kevin is such a relatable person, to such a degree that it almost hurts. Ruth is lovely! That poor, poor scribe, bless his good heart, a slate and stylus! (Intended with humor!) In fact, every character is lovely, warm, and alive, such real, complete beings, from the Valar to Kevin himself.

The settings are beautifully described, and the concept of this story is absolutely captivating. This was such an engrossing experience that I’m almost disappointed to have finished and to find my immediate surroundings unchanged. That, above all else, truly captures the essence of Tolkien’s work.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/3/2008
What do you mean, the end?! It's just beginning for Kevin! It is true that poets can see more of the invisible world than the logical, it's-only-real-if-I-can-see-it people. How good that Kevin is beginning to see that world and will embrace his identity as Iluvatar's child. What a lovely chapter.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

CesReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/4/2008
I just found your stories by way of Fiondil and am so glad I did.

This is a wonderful story so far and I do feel for Kevin. To be faced with all this and keep his sanity just goes to show he's special.

Love the stylus and slate - how original!

Your buildup to what's coming definitely has me on the edge of my seat!


Author Reply: Hello Ces,

Thank you so much for your review. I'm glad you enjoyed this tale. It was written several years ago for my friend Eruanneth _Luin, with whom I wrote a tale called Makalaurë, which is also on this site under her name.

Though Kevin's story is told (for now at least), he will appear in others in this series. Each tale is to recount how the Elf-friends found the Eldar and each other. I am working on Michael's Tale now, as inspiration comes.

Thanks again for your encouragement.



LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/30/2008
Ah, trust comes at last. Very good. And love the slate and stylus! I carry a set in my purse, and another in my computer bag, and another in my teaching bag....

Author Reply: Greetings Larner,

Since Kevin's Tale is one story, I am replying to all your reviews.

Yes, I also carry a slate and stylus, which is, for those who don't know, a way of writing in braille. I am very slow, however. I imagine that Pengolodh is very fast, with hands which, as Tolkien says of Legolas, move quicker than sight.

I'm sure Kevin will have moments of doubt, as we all do, but at least he has supportive friends.

As for Faëry, I love Smith of Wooton Major (I want to read the new edition if it ever becomes available in an accessible form) and wanted to bring both of Tolkien's visions together—that is, the one in his earlier writings and that in Smith. Also, I love the Celtic idea that Faëry exists alongside of or parallel to our daily world, and that one can enter it.

Thank you for the encouraging reviews.



EdlynReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/28/2008
Lovely, absolutely lovely! I'm sitting here just reveling in how good this story is. Kevin is most definitely an Everyman. He has the same worries, doubts and questions I do. This is definitely going onto my favourites list and I look forward to the next installment.

Author Reply: Greetings Edlyn,

I'm so glad you enjoyed this tale. I wrote it several years ago, but finally got up enough courage to try posting it.

Kevin is the kind of modern person who finds it hard to accept what he cannot sense. It requires estel to do it, and I think that estel is one of the most most difficult things in the world to cultivate. I ask every day for the grace and courage to continue to do it, despite "the ways of the world".

Thank you for the review.



NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/26/2008
So Kevin, the unbeliever, is going to get acquainted with the One. Wish more would. The One does exist...and we can know Him, if we want to. I am looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Greetings Neilia,

Yes, He does. I hope I can be as subtle as Tolkien was in expressing this, for his writings are interwoven with his faith and hope. Like him, I don't like allegory, but I do like applicability. Also, in this tale, I wanted to express the positive value of myth in our lives. By myth, I do not mean falsehood, but an understanding that our daily experience is only one aspect of reality. See Tolkien's essay on fairy tales and his poem Mythopoeia for a much better explanation than I can give. Thanks for the review.



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