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Mask of Virtue  by Linda Hoyland 8 Review(s)
VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/2/2008
Oh, very clever, Aragorn’s lie detector method! Ostopher is becoming very likable in this chapter, especially when he speaks about his craft. I like the way you put so many nuances into the developing conversation.

Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/18/2008
keep on writing!

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/11/2008
Arrgghh! Now I have to wait for the next chapter? Oh well, I am being just as coy with my story. This tale is most enjoyable...not in a fluffy a real-life-circumstances way. I am sure the King will get to the bottom of this mess...right? The boy will not have to die, right? I like RL stories, but I am also very fond of happy endings. Hugs, Neilia

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.I like to be as realistic as possible while trying to remain true to Tolkien's vision.I'm sure Aragorn will not rest until he knows the truth.I like happy endings too!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/11/2008
Should he speak with the young lady ere he signs the warrant? He does need to know! I'm glad he has made it obvious he will ease the young Man, body and soul, ere he lets him die.

And the silliness of young nobility! No matter what Maglor did, it would be better if it is known by those who can ease her own distress!

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.
Poor Ostopher is indeed young and foolish. Fear not, Aragorn will leave no stone unturned!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/10/2008
Very nice chapter. Aragorn is a fine example of a wise king.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.I love Aragorn's wisdom and kindness!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/10/2008
Aragorn's compassion for the lad is touching. Gondor is lucky to have a king who values mercy as well as justice.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review. I'm delighted you found Aragorn's compassion touching.Gondor is indeed lucky to have him.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/10/2008
Things are not what they seem - hopefully the truth will soon be revealed and justice will prevail!

I liked the bit about Ostoher's descent from Elendil's ship's carpenter - the Numenoreans were famous for their crafts and engineering skills as well as their love of the sea.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review. I'm sure Aragorn will ensure that justice prevails.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/9/2008
Linda, just today I was asking you when you meant to post the next installment of this revision. I'm so glad you did.

I love how it reads now. What an improvement on the original story, which was already good. Trust Aragorn to see that justice is done.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review my first for this chapter.I'm delighted you are enjoying the revised story.I've just not been in the mood for writing recently but hope my Muses will return soon.

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