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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 12 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/6/2009
I loved the idea that Elrond might have asked Gandalf to have an eye on Aragorn and help him - it's always so nice to see how much Aragorn truly means to Elrond. :) I greatly enjoyed reading about the first meeting between Aragorn and Gandalf! I've always loved Aragorn-Gandalf friendship, but it's hard to find any stories featuring the two of them, so this chapter was a special treat for me (and I'm already looking forward to the next one :D). I really like your Gandalf, btw. :)

Author Reply: I so agree with you about Gandalf stories. He was a hugely important figure in Aragorn's life and yet he is featured so rarely. I can quite imagine Elrond and Gandalf sitting down and had a discussion about Aragorn, can't you!

I'm so delighted you enjoyed this chapter as it was a favourite of mine to write.

[BTW I'm really immpressed with how you're cracking through this story!]

MirachReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/4/2009
Ah, why did you end the chapter here? I would love to see that encounter… =) I suspected that the sentry that greeted Gandalf was Aragorn. And I really like your Gandalf, he is the wizard with every ounce.

Author Reply: I'm so thrilled that you liked Gandalf. He's such a vital character, I was very nervous of writing him.

Lol! The hobbit encounter I can pass to you to take on if you like!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2008
"Concering hobbits" LOL. It's good Gandalf started Aragorn's education in that regard very young; it's a topic that will take him a lifetime to master!

I really enjoyed the companionable reunion of Elrond and Gandalf, for some reason I always enjoy seeing them together. And Gandalf's exasperated meeting with Aragorn! Truly he must be accustomed to a little better treatment :0

Author Reply: Yes, Aragorn's first encounter with hobbits is one of those tales I would very much like to go back and take up another time. Perhaps he could meet a young Paladin Took LOL!

I too greatly enjoy Elrond and Gandalf together and I can't help but wonder what other discussions they had about the Dunadan!

Thank you so much for your review.

VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/15/2008
I enjoyed the dialogue between Gandalf and Elrond, it rang very true. The double perspective of the first encounter between Gandalf and Aragorn could have been awkward, but you made it work. You have also managed to make me look forward very much to what's to come.

Author Reply: Thank you very much; it's always good to know that something rings true. There was so much to include in this chapter that the double perspective seemed the best way to do it.

RSReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/11/2008
I love your Aragorn! And it wouldn't be Gandalf if he wasn't irritated with someone in one way or another!

Author Reply: Oh thank you so much! Its such fun to try and write Gandalf; especially when he's huffing and puffing! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/10/2008
I always imagine Gandalf's influence had a major impact on the great man Aragorn became.Another great chapter.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your review, Linda. I think Gandalf's influence was huge and yet we see very little of that important relationship.

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/7/2008
Oh, what a delight! I love Gandalf, and I think you portrayed him very well. I definitely want to see more of him.

You simply must show Aragorn's first meeting with a hobbit. I wonder if he will take him to Bilbo? That would be a lovely meeting, though Bilbo isn't exactly the most normal hobbit.

Oh, and your story is listed as "complete". Thought you ought to know :)

Author Reply: Oh thank you, Laire, I'm so glad you liked Gandalf in this. I have written Aragorn's meeting with Bilbo which is actually my favourite chapter of the story, but I'll have to leave this first meeting with hobbits to your imagination. You do influence me though, as, although the tale is complete, I hastily wrote the previous chapter only after you said you were looking forward to more Dirhael!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/7/2008
Ah! A wonderful introduction between two of my favorite people! To see Gandalf accept the news of Aragorn's existence and begin seeing the type of knowledge and experience he would need and begin seeing to it he learned what needed to be learned--that is so wonderful! Yes, this is a marvelous thing, to see the young man become the man we love!

Author Reply: They are two of my favourite people as well, and I'm thrilled that you enjoyed this encounter between them. Aragorn's journey to become the man we know so well, is certainly an interesting one.
Thank you so much for your review.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/7/2008
What I liked best about this chapter is that the two different point of views complement each other and give us a very comprehensible idea of how Aragorn must have felt on his early years as Chieftain of the Dúnedain of Arnor.

The daily life details as for example Gandalf wanting to smoke in Rivendel, Aragorn mending Gandalf's weapons as a token of peace made the stories much more enjoyable and perceptible.

And as I said previously your young Aragorn is a very engaging lad, indeed.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you liked my 25 year old Aragorn! I'm sure those first few years involved some very fast growing up and many set backs, but I imagine that by the time Aragorn left the North for his long journeys, he felt secure enough in his position to do so with confidence.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/7/2008
of one thing I am certain; this Age will end in his lifetime.

What a chilling thing to know in advance! This is a marvelous chapter, and the meeting of Aragorn and Gandalf was just perfect. I'm very thrilled that Gandalf is the one who will introduce our young Heir to the Shire and the hobbits about which he feels such a fondness.

Author Reply: Yes, foresight must be a mixed blessing!
I'm sure Aragorn was instrumental in encouraging Aragorn to do a lot of things and I like to think that included meeting hobbits too.
Thank you so much for your kind words.

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