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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 11 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 19 on 12/1/2009
Oh, I would have loved to sit in the Prancing Pony on a dark, rainy day and listen to Strider's stories! I've always wanted to learn more about Aragorn's adventures in Moria - it is such a fascinating place, and Aragorn's words made me wonder what he might have encountered there. I'm very happy to hear you're working on a story about Aragorn's time in Moria. Getting to read such a story from you would be a wonderful treat!

//Who knows, they might even come in handy if those stone-giants ever took to wandering down out of the mountains.//
Now that made me chuckle! It's nice to see that even Barliman realizes that rangers come in handy sometimes. ;-)

Author Reply: Ah thank you so much, Almut! Can't you just imagine pulling up a chair by the fire and staring dreaming as Strider tells everyone a story. What bliss!

I'm slowly working on that story and I will definitely finish it one day. Aragorn's earlier adventure in Moria has fascinated me too.

MirachReviewed Chapter: 19 on 9/8/2009
There is Mrs. Barliman? I admit, I’ve never thought about that, but it makes sense… I think mentioning the dice would help Barliman to remember Halbarad. But, like Barliman, I would love to hear more of the tale. And I wonder what was Halbarad doing in Moria, and who has led the Dúnedain in that time. Isn’t Dírhael already too old for that? When Aragorn mentioned a friend that was with him, I assumed it was Gandalf in their hunt for Gollum. But apparently Gandalf was not with Aragorn in Moria from the little that was mentioned in FotR. Hm… I got a bit tangled in my reasoning. Good that you didn't! =)

Author Reply: Lol! I imagined a Mre Barliman working away behind the scenes and keeping Barliman in order! The full tale is progressing very slowly but it will be finished [one day] and then hopefully all will be made clear!

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/21/2009
That reason for his evasiveness is fully justifiable!!!

I love how you gauged Butterbur's interest in the tale by his state of concern for the roast. The Dwarves themselves immediately reminded me of The Hobbit, as Dwarves should. And as for the tale itself--I had never taken thought that when Aragorn entered the Mines he may have done so with Balin & company present! I hope you get the WIP done and post it here (Balin has always been my favorite of the old Dwarves).

Author Reply: Oh Celeritas, I'm so glad you liked this. Yes these were definitely 'Hobbity' Dwarves! I love Butterbur; he's such a character and I'm sure getting the supper cooked on time is the most important thing in his life.
I will do my best to try and do justice to Balin then!

Thank you so much for your review.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/20/2009
An interesting if abbreviated tale of how Aragorn came to be in Moria. Poor Butterbur didn't get to hear all he wanted, of course.

Author Reply: Thank you, Larner, for your review. Yes Aragorn was being very economical with his tale!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/20/2009
Aragorn is a wonderful storyteller!I'm delighted you are going to write about his adventures in Moria in more detail.

Author Reply: Thank you very much, Linda. I'm afraid is really is a question of finding the time to finish it.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/20/2009
Excellent characterisation of Butterbur and Aragorn - I liked Aragorn's admission that he wasn't as comfortable in the deep places as dwarves are.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Raksha, Aragorn was so reluctant to go back to Moria he must have had good reason.

georgeReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/20/2009
Wah! I can't wait to read your WIP--I've always been so intrigued by the stories Strider just hints at in the books (two esp.: Moria, and his encounter with the Nazgul) so I love to read people's different versions of them. It's a special treat when the stories are coming from talented writers like yourself. :D

Author Reply: Oh thank you, George, you've made my day! The Nazgul story will be here in about three weeks time but I'm afraid I won't get back to the Moria one until 'Aspects of Aragorn' is completely posted as, although it's finished, I keep adding to it the whole time.
But I'm so glad to know you're enjoying the stories.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/20/2009
I was really surprised how you managed to give us a vignette of Aragorn relaxing at The Prancing Pony, and at the same time introduce the explanation of why he was so reluctant to return to Moria, while just hinting at why his memory of the place was 'very evil'.

I liked your Barliman, he sounded very much like the kind of English innkeeper Tolkien portrayed in LOTR, and I loved that scene in which he tells Strider where to put his chair, and Aragorn complies. I found it very, very delightful.

I loved reading this chapter because, in it, you get a glimpse of a relaxed Aragorn enjoying a rare moment of leisure. And that makes me happy for him. LOL

I would love to read that ongoing long WIP of yours.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you liked this, Estelcontar. I very much enjoyed giving the poor man a night off and an evening by the fire. I'm sure he deserved it! And I can certainly think of a few RL characters to base Barliman upon!

Thank you very much for your review and I hope the long story won't be too long in coming!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/20/2009
I really liked the interaction of the various characters here. Barliman, Dori and his nephew, and Strider make an unusual assortment who all act consistently with what know of them. I liked the tale within the tale too.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Daw, it was very intersting not writing from Aragorn's POV for a change. I'm really pleased you felt it all worked

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/20/2009
As someone who was urging you to let Aragorn tell the entire tale, I have to say that I can't wait for you to finish In the Dark Places! But even with Strider's confounded evasiveness, he still told a rare tale. Or I should say, you told a rare tale of him telling a rare tale. I liked this chapter very much.

Author Reply: LOL! Well I couldn't let him give the whole tale away before it's even written, could I?
Glad you liked it and thank you so always for the beta.

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