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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 6 Review(s)
MirachReviewed Chapter: 40 on 9/16/2009
When I read the scene of Aragorn’s death in the appendices for the first time, I wished I wouldn’t read it. I wanted Aragorn to remain the same as at the end of the book in my thoughts. It was long ago, and I think I’m wiser now. Death is the fate of Men, and Aragorn has to die, as every one of us will have to. But it is his death that makes his life truly fulfilled – the free choice to not cling on this life, but embrace that what is behind it. As much as I didn’t want to read that scene again in that time, now I have even written the thoughts of Aragorn’s leavetaking as you have seen, and I know that it takes courage to write about the death of your beloved character. Did you cry when writing it? Oh, I shed so many tears, but it were good tears, cleansing. A story of life is not complete without death. And without that scene, your story wouldn’t be complete, either.

Author Reply: Yes, I did cry while writing this! Thank you for your kind words about this scene, even though my version is not as good as yours. I still can't read about his death in the Appendices without filling up. But yes, it is meant to be a joyous moment, not a sad one, and one that was very close to Tolkien's own heart. By the manner of his death, Aragorn finally reveals his true nature; a man as near perfect as it is possible for mortal man to be and we should all be grateful for having had the opportunity of meeting a man such as he.

LJReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/18/2009
I really liked how this focused on Aragorn's relationship with Arwen, but from a new angle. It was subtler and more bitter-sweet than a face-to-face goodbye. Very beautiful.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you thought so, LJ. Arwen was the last person to see him alive so I don't think there was any doubt she was still the most important person in his life.

Thank you so much for leaving a review. I hope you've been enjoying the story.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/16/2009
One of my favorite images of Aragorn, lying down in that trust. It inspired both my longer tale "Light on the Way" and my shorter one "The King's Time." I love this treatment of it, and am certain these thoughts did indeed go through his mind at this time.

Thank you for this and all within the series!

Author Reply: I'm so thrilled to recieve your review, Larner. Thank you.

Tolkien himself, of course, said 'The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen' was the most important part of the Appendices because of how Aragorn's death was portrayed. I'm so glad you approved of my treatment of it and I'll be sure to check out your versions.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/16/2009
This is an extremely touching and poignant piece. The mood is perfect and the way your Aragorn felt, especially about Arwen, felt so right it almost moved me to tears.

It is a beautiful and very moving chapter, and a most fitting end to your wonderful story.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you felt this was the right treatment of this moment since, as you know, balancing Aragorn's natural and very human fear of what he was about to do with his trust and faith in what was to come was something I pondered over quite a bit.

Thank you, as always for your lovely review.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/16/2009
Simply lyrical.

I approve wholeheartedly of the use of the first person--since you've used it so sparingly in the past it really shines out in this piece.

I will miss this series when it's over.


Author Reply: Thank you so much, Celeritas. It's been a bit of a marathon but I'm so glad you've stuck with it to the end.

I had planned to keep Aragorn 1st person exclusively for this last chapter but Aragorn's ride through the Paths of the Dead simply demanded I use it there too!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/16/2009
Ohhh, when I saw the chapter title I braced myself, and now there are tears in my eyes. Here is a man noble and true to the end, full of love and gratitude, a king who bridged two Ages and fulfilled all hopes. A triumphant and worthy life, beautifully chronicled by you.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your review. That's quite a tribute you've written there yourself, Shirebound. I'm so glad I brought tears to your eyes [in a good way of course].

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