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Wherever the Prompt Might Lead  by Larner 9 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/17/2008
LOL! Poor Frodo with the violin, oh dear! I tried that once...and I was a wimp and put it away, saying primly when Mom tried to force me, that I couldn't lose my ability to read well just yet. :P

Author Reply: Oh, but I can understand that! My stepdad used to play the violin, and my attempts to play it only brought forth unearthly shrieks from the thing. I understand Little Bro became quite good at it, but then he was bringing out recognizable tunes the first time he tried a bugle, and could play both trumpet and drums well, too. But to callous your reading fingers perhaps to find you had no talent at it--I can certainly appreciate just why you demurred!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/6/2008
*lol* Somehow I find it difficult to imagine Frodo could produce such terrible noises instead of wonderful music ;-)

Author Reply: Well, he's a beginner, and violins are NOT kind to beginners--believe me! I gave up with my dad's violin in short order, actually, although I did better on his piano. But pianos are much more forgiving, I've found! Heh!

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/5/2008
I imagine elven violins would sound a lot sweeter than Shire ones (provided that relative size isn't too big an issue), but unfortunately you have to be able to play it for that to have any real effect! *grin*

Author Reply: You are undoubtedly correct about the sweetness of Elven instruments; but a bad player is a blad player wherever one meets him! Heh!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/5/2008
Just delightful.It is good to see Frodo happy.

Author Reply: Thanks, and you know I agree, Linda! Heh!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/4/2008
I like a musician that knows his limits.

Author Reply: I do, too. So often we inflict our worst on others--it's nice to see someone who tries, but who finds ways to practice far away from those who would be irritated by his possible caterwauling! Heh!

Thanks, GW!

Szepilona10Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/3/2008
Great chapter! One of the reasons I really like your stories is because all of them(exept the AUs) go together and once you introduce a charactor(sp) they keep on being mentioned and appering in different stories so you really get to know them. Also because you stick so much to the books and making it belivable(like it could happen in ME) I tend to imagian that that is what really happened, because it fits in with Tolkiens writing and it seams like his(exept that thankfully you put in more(one wild gess!) Dunadine!).
I think that Aeiluin is Gilfilegs sister and that she and Halbarad were married and had a son who was about 8 during RotK. I can't think of a name for him though. But he is very smart, if a bit mischivious at times.
God Bless!


Ps. If I don't reviw for a while, it isn't because I'm not reading your stories, it's because I'm studying for the geographic bee(I want to make it to the National Geographic Bee, 'cause it's my last year).

Author Reply: Even my "Go Out in Joy" tends to work in with the others in spite of being AU. I have one AU story that I started a few years ago and have left rather simmering, and it sort of fits in with the others as well, if at a rather odd angle.

I hope to have the the next chapter of "Stirring Rings" finished soon, after which I'll get up the next chapter of "The Tenant," as part of what happens in the former will dovetail into the latter, I hope fairly nicely. And there are Dunedain, of course, in both those chapter.

Well, it's going to be a most interesting month, and good luck with your Geography Bee. Remember where Wake Island is! Heh!

And I'll think on Aeiluin and Halbarad and their son!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/3/2008
I like the fact that Frodo has laughter and friends in the West. :)

Author Reply: I agree, Shirebound. If anyone deserves such things, it is Frodo Baggins!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/3/2008
I'd still listen, at least until it got too painful, then I'd laugh with him and hug him. :) At least he had fun and that's the important part! Elanor Silmarien I think wrote a story about him playing the piano and he did a beautiful job at that.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/3/2008
*grin* Very clever! I like the idea of Frodo sailing about blithely in his own little swan-boat!

Author Reply: I do, too. I had this given Frodo after he came to Tol Eressea, and Livwen taught him how to sail it. I think that he would love sailing, once he had the chance to do so. Am so glad you share the delight in Frodo just enjoying his new life!

(By the way, he named it the Narcissa.)

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