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Wherever the Prompt Might Lead  by Larner 8 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/30/2008
I'm glad the wander returned.A shame about his brother.

Author Reply: Yes, Isengar returned, but not Hildifons. I'm tempted to explore where he went, but have TOO MANY stories going now! Heh!

Thanks, Linda.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/25/2008
Lovely story for the occasion, to have Isengar returning home. What a relief to Gerontius! It's only so sad Hildifons wasn't with him. But at least he has one of his sons back.

You did a great job with this series of ficlets, including more and more of these prompts!

Author Reply: Thank you, Kitty. I hope you enjoy today's absurdity--and this time it's NOT 150 words! Heh!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/24/2008
What a wonderful idea to let it end with Isengar coming home!
It might be even Christmas because of the snow atop Great Smials.

You did a great job with this Advent Calendar!

Merry Christmas (once again)!

Author Reply: Somehow after yesterday's, this insisted on being written for today.

Now, tomorrow's will be something QUITE different! Heh!

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/24/2008
You managed to shoehorn every required word into each of the advent ficlets! Impressive! *Skips back to revisit a couple of favorites, even though it is Christmas eve*

A Merry Christmas to you, and a happy and creative new year!!

Author Reply: Thanks, Sunny. Yes, I managed to get them all in there, although I had to redo one when I left out "hole."

And a joyful Christmas to you as well!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/24/2008
Nearly there, only one more to go, yes?
And you are still telling a story, which makes sense, yay!
Merry Christmas/Happy Hoildays

Author Reply: This is the last official one in the series; tomorrow's offering will also incorporate all the words, but in a far different way. Heh!

Author Reply: And am glad you see them as still managing to tell a story! Thank you!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/24/2008
Aw, beautifully done. of snow, melting... Yes, and hope stirring like a seed. Bittersweet, indeed.

Lovely job!

Author Reply: Thank you. For all he had twelve children, the absence of two, he knew not where, must still have been difficult and a matter of some grief, particularly as clannish as Hobbits are.

And I thank you so, Lindelea!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/24/2008
Oh, you have made such a marvelous use of Isengar in this set of stories! This one is very poignant--I like the touch that the servant does not even recognize Isengar, and Gerontius' hope that he found his brother, however fleeting.

Now, since this is Christmas Eve, does that finish them for Advent, or will you have one more for us tomorrow?

Author Reply: Lindelea managed to make me care about Isengar, and the nature of many of the words made certain there would be sailing imagery common within several of them. That some would involve Isengar appears to be inevitable, especially considering how deeply my writing is entrenched so often within the Shire.

We don't know how long Isengar was gone from the Shire, or for certain whether he ever even returned. In some marvelous stories I've read Isengar did go seeking news of Hildifons, and perhaps even to bring him home, should it be possible, so obviously that affected the way these stories went. That Pippin in the last one should have realized that the Old Took had never truly gotten over the loss of that one son, and realize how close his father came to knowing the same grief, and also realizing how he, Merry, and Sam know that grief having lost Frodo to the Sea's Mercy, no matter whether or not he is better for having gone--it seemed necessary to me. And that Gerontius should rejoice for the return of the one while still grieving for the one who did not come back....

That finishes the story for the series, but I DO have one more addition for tomorrow, although it WILL be a bit different.... Now to finish it!

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/24/2008
oh...oh!! At first I thought it *was* Hildifons, but then I remembered Hildifons was described as the lost son of the Old Took, who *never* returned. So this must have been Isengar, who went to sea (presumably in search of his elder brother, though Encyclopedia of Arda didn't exactly tell me so).

How my heart breaks for old Gerontius, knowing that his son's quest has failed and his lost son never returned...but I suppose it's some *very* small comfort that he didn't lose them *both*. I sincerely hope Isengar told his father he was leaving personally, or even asked his permission!


Author Reply: I, too, grieve for Gerontius. Yes, here we see Isengar come home again, and alone. Too bad, but a relief he at least came back.

Thank you so, Kaylee.

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