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At Hope's Edge by Cairistiona | 10 Review(s) |
Dreamdeer | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/10/2009 |
Grueling, touching, and above all real. Anyone who has pushed on through pain for another will recognize the authenticity of this writing, will feel it and hear it and taste it. Either she taps directly into experience or exercises an uncanny degree of intuition. From the grim beginning to heartwarming end, this chapter rings true. Author Reply: Thank you, Dreamdeer... obviously, I've never had to tie a friend to my back and haul him to Rivendell before he died, but I think all of us have been through similar situations on smaller scales with helping friends through trying times and hopefully everyone has known the relief of getting through the ordeal intact. I merely took those emotions and amplified them a bit to fit the severity of Aragorn and Halbarad's situation. I'm glad it rang true and real. Thanks again! | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/4/2009 |
What a errible nightmare ride and what courage Aragorn has!Asfaloth is a hero too. I hope both our heros now get some much needed TLC. Author Reply: Thank you, Linda! It was a hard ride, but thank goodness for such a powerful, well-trained horse. Asfaloth definitely is a heroic animal, isn't he? I really enjoyed writing about him. Thanks for the review! | |
Minerva Organa | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/1/2009 |
"Home. He was home. Whatever awaited upon his meeting with the father, nothing ever took away the warmth that bloomed in his heart whenever he rounded the last bend and the great house of Elrond spread before him" I loved this!! It's such a wonderful description of what it feels like to come home after a long time, no matter what else is going on =). And great chapter overall!! Thank the Valar they had Asfaloth...the journey sounded painful and difficult enough as it was. And I loved the exchange between Elrond and Aragorn. It was great to see how strong of a bond they clearly have, despite all of Aragorn's worries. =) Author Reply: Thank you, Minerva! I'm so glad you liked this, and especially that particular sentence, which was very literally a last minute addition the day before I posted (I don't think I ever quit "fiddling" with my stories... but finally have to just post them anyway! LOL). I think when you have that strong bond of family love, even when things get tense, there's always at least a remnant of that feeling of safety and love when you return home, no matter what else may be clouding the relationship. And indeed, even though Elrond and Aragorn had that betrothal issue between them, Elrond never stopped loving Aragorn. But Aragorn being the type of man he is, no doubt occasionally fell prey to doubt and probably always looked to himself as the source of blame, leaving him with the worry that one of these days, Elrond might just throw his hands up and be done with him. It's an interesting dynamic to explore, those two! Thanks for the review! | |
Silivren Tinu | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/31/2009 |
What a terrible ride through the night! I doubt either of them could have made it on any other horse (and it would be really hard for me to return Asfaloth to Glorfindel, too! ;-). I was just as relieved as Aragorn was when they finally reached the first sentry. I loved your description of the Last Homely House and Aragorn's feelings apon seeing it. It is so like Halbarad to reassure Aragorn even if he himself is probably more than half-dead by now! *huggles wounded ranger* Aragorn's reunion with Elrond was so sweet. :) I wasn't surprised at all about Elrond's warm welcome, but it was still a relief to see that all of Aragorn's fears had been for nothing. I'm really glad Elrond wasn't deceived by Aragorn's words and will hopefully take a close look at his son once he has saved Halbarad. I wish someone would drag Aragorn in a room with a bed, though - once lying down, he might find it easier to rest than he believes right now. ;-) I guess the only good thing that could be said about his condition is that he's still in a better state than Halbarad... for the moment. Loved it! :) Almut Author Reply: Thank you, Almut! Yes, that is about all you can say about Aragorn's condition... that he's a tad better than Halbarad at the moment. I do believe there had to have been times in Aragorn's life that he mistook the reasons for Elrond's grumpy moments or any little cross words as being related to the situation with Arwen. Seems like if there's ever some unsaid "issue" lurking between two people, even the most innocent things can get misinterpreted, and this story definitely plays on that. So Aragorn needs not only to be healed of the Black Breath, but also get the air cleared between them. And get that arm wound taken care of. And.... who knows what else may be wrong with that boy! Elrond has his work cut out for him, methinks. Thanks for the review! | |
Raksha The Demon | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/31/2009 |
Home to Papa, praise the Valar! And no close encounters of the Nazgul kind on the last leg of the trip either. Good job detailing Aragorn's fear and utter weariness. Now hopefully he and Halbarad can both get some healing and chicken-or-lembas soup... Author Reply: Thanks, Raksha! Yes, they made it to Imladris unscathed, more or less, if not exhausted and feverish. Glorfindel did a good job scaring off the wraith after all. :) Now to get Halbarad sorted, and Aragorn sorted! And yes, get some chicken soup... or at least some willowbark tea... down Aragorn's stiff-necked throat! Thanks again for the review! | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/30/2009 |
At last--in Rivendell and about to be sat upon, I'm guessing! Elrond and the other children will see to that, I am certain! Author Reply: LOL... thank you, Larner. Yes, he's finally in Rivendell. Whether he'll stay still long enough to be sat upon is another matter. Elrond's a bit busy with Halbarad, and the twins of course are still chasing the wraith away. But I imagine somehow they'll finally pin him down. Thanks for the review! | |
Elflingimp | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/30/2009 |
Just wanted to say I loved this chapter, the only complaint I have is that it ends and I must wait until next Monday to read another one! LOL! Hugs The Imp Author Reply: LOL, thank you, Imp! That's a complaint I can live with. And you may not have to wait *quite* until Monday. As I replied to another review, I'd like to try to get back to Thursday updates. So if I can get the next chapter whipped into shape, it may go up sooner than next Monday. Thanks again! | |
Estelcontar | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/30/2009 |
What a ride this chapter was. Poor Aragorn and poor Halbarad. It must really have been a nightmare, and you made it very vivid. You made Aragorn's despair very real, and I was really relieved when he recognized the trail markers. I found the necklace scene very moving, and the meeting between Elrond and Aragorn almost brought tears to my eyes. Well done indeed. I think Aragorn should have mentioned his encounter with the Nazgūl and his infected arm to Elrond, though. Stubborn Ranger! Author Reply: Thanks, Estelcontar! Yes, Aragorn probably should have said something, but his overriding concern was for Halbarad... and to Aragorn's somewhat befuddled thinking, that should be Elrond's priority. We'll see where *that* lands our Aragorn... (I do have an expanded one-shot of the necklace-purchasing trip into Bree that I'll be posting as a sort of "deleted scene" story, once At Hope's Edge is completely finished). Thanks for continuing to read along and for the review! | |
Fantasia | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/30/2009 |
"I told you so," ...I have to say the same that Halbarad...Glad that both are now uncer Elrond's care, he will help, the physical and the emotional wounds. The best description of his feelings is when he tells Aragorn that he can be Estel there, at least for a while, that is what parents are for. Love the chapter, waiting for more...next week? Author Reply: Thank you, Fantasia! I'm glad you liked this chapter and the bits of humor and yes, finally, they're both in Elrond's grasp. Or at least almost. Aragorn's still on the loose, since Halbarad's injury puts him first in the triage. And yes, Elrond sensed that Aragorn needed to drop all his burdens and just "be". Elrond's so wise and compassionate... I really enjoy writing him. Next chapter will probably be either late this week (I'd like to get back on track with updating on Thursdays) or, if I don't have time to do the final tweaks, no later than next Monday. Real life permitting, as always. Thanks for the review! | |
Calenlass | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/30/2009 |
Yahoo's acting up on me. But I did get the alert for this. :) "Unless you always ride... with a back stiff as a...a board." *shakes head* Aragorn, when will realize there's...nothing to fear. You know me--I love any Elrond-and-Aragorn/Estel interaction I can get. :) Great chapter, even with all that suspense... ;) ~Cal Author Reply: Thank you, Cal! I'm so glad you liked this... and yes, Aragorn's fears were groundless, silly man. But he's not been thinking too straight lately. I'm glad you like the Elrond-Aragorn interaction in this one. Thanks for the review! (And yay, the alert made it!) | |