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...Does Not Glitter  by perelleth 8 Review(s)
GalimerilReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/28/2009
This is shaping up to be quite promising! I can't wait to findo out what's in the bag, and who your mysterious southron smooshed with his rock slide! Poor elf! You really characterize the dwarfs well too, many authors only develop their elvish characters. A very pleasant read if I do say so myself!

Author Reply: Thank you, Galimeril! I am glad that it succeeded in entertaining you! I find dwarves amusing but difficult to write, so I'm doubly pleased by your kind review. More is coming soon.

DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2009
Yaaay! Mirkwood! I was just thrilled to see this. You’re the greatest, Perelleth :-)

No-one writes bedlam like you do. Mirkwood seems almost as chaotic as one of Gil-galad’s council meetings.

What a fabulous opening. Poor Sámid! He’s terrified. I seriously gasped out loud about the Blue Wizard. You’re so clever. And that’s a mighty story about the demons with two faces. Although, you know, I suspect legends and folklore from different places have a way of getting quite mixed up. I really want to know what brought Sámid and his pal into the forest if they’d heard such horrific stories about it. Who’s under the boulder? Are men and elves all merging into one demon? And then there’s an odd creature that sounds distinctly Gollum-like. Run, Sámid. But first, tell me what’s in the bag...

As bad as the situation is, I found myself reading most of this with a grin on my face. I just love the touches of humour and how everyone has such distinct personalities. And look, it’s Penalag! He’s wonderful. It’s always a little sad when you know their fate, though... I also really like the explanation about Thranduil’s spies. It sounds like Penalag might be a good person to have around if they were to unexpectedly encounter a wandering Southron. For some reason it tickled me too to see the casual discussion of vampires, etc. You always sprinkle your tales with cultural details that no-one else would think of and they’re always the better for it.

“Apparently only Lord Mallereg enjoys unrestricted access to the king’s cellars…” “Is that true?” Legolas asked; his curiosity piqued as every time he heard that piece of gossip. ROTFL!!! Well, is it??

Some would say it is a rider cloaked in black, others an old man in grey rags, others a bald frog with hairy feet, others a giant bloodsucker in different forms…” Uhh... that odd-sounding mix might not be quite as farfetched as they might think...

“You are telling me that three rangers, two Southrons and a band of woodcutters…not to mention these murderous creature or creatures, spirits or not, with sharp teeth and claws, are loose in the Greenwood?” And Dwarves! Oh, Thranduil will love this. I’ll bring the popcorn.

“When he is not distracted by a wounded wolf or a passing butterfly!” Heeheehee. I picked that out for no reason other than that it amused me.

I absolutely love Mallereg here! It’s so good to see him more carefree than in WLB. I’m laughing at himself and Gelirben explaining themselves to Thalaûr.

“The scouts have…scouted…” *snort* Oh, sorry. Just amused again.

A white stag. A white stag? And Mallereg and Thalaûr are going after it. Towards Legolas’ territory. Ok, then...

Who knows what portents this one may bring to the Greenwood? *gulp*

And there’s Bilbo! With a bunch of Dwarves. And our friend Sámid. Well, Bilbo can’t go anywhere without having an adventure.

Your Dwarves are wonderful, btw. “Well, he doesn’t look like the kind who would pay the fare,” Borin, the youngest of the two, objected, studying the newcomer’s bloodstained clothes. LOL!! That’s the first thing that would come to my mind too. Really.

“What would a Southron be doing in Mirkwood?” That’s a very good question! And what the heck is in that pack? And how is it still alive?

This deserves much more than I’ve said but I’d be here forever if I picked out everything I loved about it. And I feel like I’m missing something, mainly because you’re so tricksy that I don’t trust you for a second. But I’m prepared to go along for the ride ;-) Thank you so, so much for such a fantastic birthday story. That was very sweet of you, and while I’m always delighted to see an update from you I was particularly excited to see you back in Mirkwood. Ok, I need to go read it again and see if I can figure out what I’m missing...

Author Reply: Wow, Dot, thank you! It was your birthday present, not mine! :-)
Anyway, I hope you don't mind sharing. I had other idea in mind for your birthday story, but I began this in Septembre hoping to ahve it finished by Karen´s birthday and see where we are! :-)

But I´m so glad that you liked it.

(Mirkwood seems almost as chaotic as one of Gil-galad’s council meetings) This made me smile. I think I am fond of large casts and chaos partly because that is how I see life, and partly because I find it easier to feel the story is entertaining enough!

I was explaining to redheredh about my take on folklore here. Two-faced man-eating ogres appear in fiction all over the world. So I had been dying to put that into a story of so long! :-) And for the rest, the misunderstandings and lack of communication between peoples and cultures is something that interests me, and Middle earth is a nice playground for all that, as well as for the richness of multicultural approaches, which is my daily work, so this offers a nice escape way for all that. BUt I am glad that it adds to the general entertainment as well!

Regarding Thranuil´s cellars...Well, you are the one who has just read WLB... you know whether it is true or not! :-) I must confess that I am quite fond of Mallereg myself.

Thank you very much again Dot, Your thorough wonderful reviews are a prseent in themselves, and also allow me to see the tales under a different light! I'll be posting weekly, and i hope that you enjoy the rest!

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2009
What an exciting start!! I really like your launching the story from Samid's desperate pov. This Mirkwood novice's fears make circumstances even more interesting to us human readers than would seeing things from the other already savvy characters.

I am dying to know what is in the bag! But at this point, I am not even going to guess. You would trick me, I am sure. ;) Still, how can it breath in that sack?!

The varied tales and myths held in mind lend both an entertaining confusion and colour to events. Which have and will propel actions that are not necessarily going to be what the participants expect or find pleasant to deal with.
Can't wait for things to precipitate!

As always, your descriptions paint an expressive picture of people and places.

As always, your humour gets me laughing out loud! :D Especially, because it is so wry.

Others have included vampires or bats in a story, but only in a rather 'goth' way. You are looking at this a little more culturally/ethnically, me thinks. Personally, I like that approach better. But, I hope you explain, in the author's notes, a little more about your take on the nature of these creatures in Tolkien's Arda.

"Being an old oak familiar with all kind of bug tricks..." Liked that in particular!

And gosh, I like grandson Mallereg. Nice revelation of his legacy from Oropher.

The dwarves are delightfully dwarvish. "...Black whatnots...And they say this is safer! Ha!" :D Ha!

Wonderful beginning! More!

Author Reply: Still, how can it breath in that sack?! LOLOL! Thank you very much! You are so good at picking up the details that I, detail-neglecting author always overlook! Well, let's say that the pack is not absolutely tightly air-proof so whatever is inside has enough air filtering through the cloth and the tied up folds to breathe... :-)

But, I hope you explain, in the author's notes, a little more about your take on the nature of these creatures in Tolkien's Arda. Well, I had not thought of putting an A/N, but let me try. Two-faced ogres are common in many cultures, from amazon, to north american indians to european fairy tales, to desert middle east spirits.

Regarding vampires, well, I am not exactly thinking of vampires or bats, but any kind of unknown creature that might live in a forest and attack people. LAter on, the people of Esgaroth and Dale will report of a craddle robbing creature. Wild cats, mad wolves, and nay other kind of strange predators have always inflamed rural imaginations, so I'm drawing from that. ALso, in north european medieval floklore there are references to many different types of wild and dangerous creatures that were hostile to men. So in a world where there are orcs and strange creatures spreading fear from Dol Guldur, and trolls, and dragons, and a Blarog hiding in Moria, I thought it was not too far fetched to draw form popular folklore and guess what people's imagiantion might create as an externalization of their fears. I hope it works. NO supernatural vampires, though, but people's imgaintino creating dark and unknown creatures out of unfamiliar or unexpected events. And cultural differences, of course, from far HArad to the northern lands! :-)

And gosh, I like grandson Mallereg. So do I :-) IN What's left behind several charcters remark on his likeness to the great grandfather.. so it helps identifying the character, I suppose.

Thank you very much, Redheredh. Your intelligent reviews are always welcome, and also make me think and rethink my tale! :-)

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2009
I am reminded of a Midsummer Night's Dream -

Very interesting, intense, and complicated tale you are weaving. At first, I had thought the Haradrim had Bilbo in the bag. Very glad to know it was not, but wondering what/who it is....

Also - loved the cast of characters - all very good, so far. Getting to know them in such extreme moments makes it easy to 'see' them - much better than 'court' faces and such.

Putting you on my list for updates! Many thanks for sharing!

Author Reply: Wow, I'm honoured by the comparison.. :-)

I'm glad you find it easy to follow the characters. I'm trying to keep the cast of OCs.

Thank-you very much for your review. THey are always welcome.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/20/2009
Eww! Gollum! And who knows what else?

Does he have a young spider or an elfling of what in there? And obviously this blue wizard has gone bad, convincing the Haradri Elves are vampires of some sort! Fascinating.

Author Reply: Thank-you, Larner, I'm glad that you are intrigued.
Legends and folklore are such a fertile matter for intercultural misunderstandings! So who knows what the Blue Wizrd said and what the Haradrim may have udnesrtood from their own previous knowledge or popular culture!

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/20/2009
Arg!!!!How could you leave it there? LOL! A cliffhanger? I wanna know whats in the pack (I hope it's not an elfling) Very interesting story you can bet I'll be back for more! Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: LOL! Thank you very much, Imp. All in due time. :-)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/19/2009
Oh, this is extremely intriguing! I love the Southron's skewed view of things, the hints about the Blue Wizards, and the delightfully creepy descriptions of Gollum!

I'm looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Thank you, Dreamflower! The poor southron is having a hard time away from his land and deep into Mirkwood...

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/19/2009
What an interesting time period! I don't think I've ever seen a story about it before. And you have so much going on in different parts of the forest. I'm assuming they'll all collide. Well, I guess the Southron and the dwarves already did.

I laughed at the detail about Mallereg being the only one with access to the wine, something Legolas has heard rumored but isn't sure about. I also laughed when he listed the various intruders. Things do sound a little out of hand.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this, Perelleth.

Author Reply: I am so fond of Bilbo! His enthusiasm when he leaves Bag end -and the ring- behind always move me, and I wondered often about his last trip beyond the mountains. So then I did as you do, and went to check the Tale of YEars and found out many interesting things going on at that time... and since I seem to be unabale to keep a short cast, there you are, so many people roaming the forest and about to collide.

I'm ashamed that it took me six months to have this out! I was checking, and I asked you about the white deers in the beginning of October!

Thank you very much as always for your unfailing patience! :-)

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