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Only a Second or Two  by Larner 10 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/26/2009
Again I feel my lack of Middle Earth history. But if that means what I think it

Author Reply: Amandil was father to Elendil and grandfather to Isildur and Anarion. He chose to sail with three servants west in defiance of the Ban, hoping against hope to be allowed to beg the Valar to come to the aid of those on Numenor who fought the influence of Sauron. The current King, Ar-Pharazon, had sent a huge fleet and force of arms to Middle Earth to bring Sauron to Numenor; once there Sauron went from political captive to advisor to the King, and did his best to play on an already overproud monarch's vanities, even setting up a temple at the top of the capital where he sacrificed those who wished to stay in harmony with the Valar and the great Elves of Aman and Tol Eressea supposedly to help bring Melkor/Morgoth back from the Void. He'd been teaching that Melkor was the true God and could give the Men of Numenor the secrets to living forever as do the Elves, and Ar-Pharazon swallowed that line hook, line, and sinker.

Amandil set sail with three servants and did not return; Elendil and his sons gathered as many of the Faithful as they could and brought them to ships on the east side of the island; when the Valar sank Numenor the nine ships were blown by the storm eastward to Middle Earth.

I left it deliberately ambiguous as to what happens to Amandil--he knows that Men may not approach the Undying Lands. I do not think that the Valar would feel comfortable accepting a human sacrifice, so this places Ulmo himself in a bit of a quandry.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/24/2009
It seems fitting that Ulmo, the proactive Vala of the First Age, would be the one to hear Amandil's prayer. Nice insight on an unknown scene.

Author Reply: Yes, he would be the Vala most likely to interact with Amandil here, as well as the one best able to help preserve the Faithful.

Thank you so!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/24/2009
Somehow it's not right that Amandil had to offer himself to save the Faithful :( Very brave and noble of him.

Author Reply: I doubt that Amandil's offer of himself was needed for the Faithful to survive; but in this case Ulmo will do even more for his sake to see them safely back to Middle Earth. Thank you so, Kitty.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/23/2009
Oh my! *a wee sob here*

This was such a sad and wasted time - if not for Sauron - but who knows? Pharazon was definitely mad to even think he could battle the Valar - no matter what Sauron whispered......

I tell you though - if that storm that took the island was Ulmo's gentle ones - I would hate to see one of his 'bad' ones!!!!

Great job!

Author Reply: Thank you so, Agape. If all the Valar together raised the Star Island for the purposes of Elros's folk, then I suspect they all worked again together to see it returned to its original place. At least the Faithful were able to bring away the best of what those who'd come to it had made of their time away from Middle Earth.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/23/2009
Well done. A heartfelt plea heard and answered.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Thank you so, Antane.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/23/2009
This is lovely - sad, and a bit awe-inspiring for Amandil's courage.

Author Reply: Thank you so, Raksha. He felt it was worth the chance taken, at least.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/23/2009
Ah, so that is how the 'Tall ships, three times three' made it safely to Middle Earth!
More please,

Author Reply: A distinctive possibility! Thanks, Lynda.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/23/2009
That's a wonderful imagining of 'what might have been'.

Author Reply: I'm honored. Thanks, Shirebound.

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/23/2009
Oh, lovely! You've managed to catch the compassion of the Valar and the regret that they could not honor Amandil's plea so well with so few words. And you've also summed up the heart of the Faithful's understanding of the Valar and death--that neither are to be feared. Really well done. I wish more writers would tackle Numenorean history, because there are so many wonderfully heroic and selfless heroes, not least of which is Amandil, sacrificing himself for his people.

Author Reply: I'd wanted to work in the three faithful servants as well, but there just wasn't "room" in a drabble!

Why specifically Amandil came into my mind for this prompt I'm not completely certain. But I doubt he would fear either death or the Valar, any more than by the time he reached the Sammath Naur do I believe Frodo would have feared death. Indeed, I suspect that by the time he made it that far Frodo would have welcomed it as a relief from what he was suffering from hunger, dehydration, the effects of the Ring, physical pain, the fear of Sauron and his minions....

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 23 on 3/23/2009
A moving account of a sad moment in history.

Author Reply: Indeed it is so, Linda. Thanks for the feedback.

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