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Elvenhome  by Soledad 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/20/2012
A terrible time, and quite the encounter between Feanor and Eonwe. At least all knew that if they went without the blessing of the Valar, they did not go in enmity.

Author Reply: Not yet, in any case. Welcome back!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/2/2012
And with such a surprising acknowledgment, how could I not return the favor of a review for this story? LOL! I've read this all in one sitting and have enjoyed it very much and look forward to seeing how it ends.

I really liked the way you blended the earlier versions of events and characters into the received canon. I'm sure you noticed while reading "In Darkness Bound" how I incorporated some of the same material into that story. It's interesting to see how we chose to use and interpret these materials to tell our stories. I did so primarly to flesh out the meager details in the "Silmarillion" without necessarily taking them as given, since I stuck as close to canon as I could, at least with respect to the events surrounding the Darkening and the Flight of the Noldor.

I especially love your rendition of Legolas Greenleaf. His sardonic wit and probing questions make a lovely counterpoint to the tales being told, forcing the storytellers to actually justify what happened. I hope he continues to be the voice of all of us who have asked the same questions about the Darkening and its aftermath.

Keep up the good work and may your Muse never fail you.

Author Reply: Credit shall be given where credit is due! I was close to despairing with this tale - perhaps not my best, but one of my favourites - and I'm not sure I'd have been able to unblock it without the inspiration I found in your special corner of Tolkien's universe.

I'm very fond of the fairytale-like world of "The Lost Tales" - they captivated me when I first read them, in German, twenty-some years ago and always wanted to write a story in those settings... well, more or less. When I first posted the story to FF.Net, someone even asked if I'd bring back Gimli the blind Elf, too. *g*

In any case, I'm pleased that you like it. Coming from someone like you it means a lot. Writing in a third language is not easy; I'm always afraid that things won't get through to the reader quite the same way I mean them.

galathilReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/2/2012
I have just reacquainted myself with your story and I am loving it.I agree with
Shemaza, do't leave it for another 6 years.I really hope that the next chapter is really soon.LOL Happy New Year

Author Reply: Happy New Year to you, too. It seems the story has indeed unlocked itself for the time being, so I hope to post Chapter 18 in a day or two. Thanks for reading and reviewing, the muse appreciates the attention, capricious creature as she is. :)

ShemyazaReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/1/2012
I am so delighted that you have decided to continue this delightful story. Please don't let it be another six years before you update. You have at least one avid reader here!

Author Reply: I won't, I promise! In fact, the next chapter is almost finished - Christmas break is such a useful thing, and I hope to have it done and posted today. Or, at the very least, in a couple of days. One has to roll with the waves when they finally come, right? ;)

Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/1/2012
Oh, I was so happy to see this update!

I don't know if you remember me, or not - I'm the anon who once commented at your Tolkien community at Livejournal about how much I loved your Tolkien stories, this one espeically, and it's made my day to see this update! :)

I'm really enjoying seeing the story of the Rebellion anew, with the elements from the Book of Lost Tales included, and Legolas of Gondolin. I really like the way you write his character. And, of course, the mentions of Glorfindel and Eonwe were stunning, as always. :)

I hope that you will be inspired to continue writing this (and more Tolkien fic, I hope!), I would love to see more of it, and see Celebrian meet Olwe and her other kin in Valinor. :)

Author Reply: Thank you! :)

I really hope that this story now has successfully unstuck itself - I've already written a page or so of the next chapter, and even some of a future one. This promises to be a long tale, with loosely connected parts, and yes, Celebrían will eventually meet both Olwë and Finarfin and their families.

Thanks for commenting. Reviews, especially positive ones have become so rare lately, I was beginning to lose hope that anyone would still actually like my stuff.

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